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GTK-QT Theme Engine


Theme/Style GTK 1.x

Score 70%
GTK-QT Theme Engine

GTK-QT Theme Engine

GTK-QT Theme Engine

Link:  Link
Minimum required   Qt 4.x
Downloads:  67829
Submitted:  Dec 31 2003
Updated:  Mar 11 2008


This engine is for use by GTK applications running in KDE. It applies all Qt settings to the GTK application and uses Qt style plugins directly.

Please see http://gtk-qt.ecs.soton.ac.uk for more information and SVN instructions.


Changes in 1.0:

New features and general improvements:

  • Ported the theme engine to Qt4. Qt3 styles are no longer supported in this version - this is only for users who have upgraded to KDE4 or who want to use Oxygen in their GTK applications.

  • i18n:

  • Updated .pot file

  • Czech translation by David Watzke

  • Italian translation by Davide Madrisan

  • (For older changelogs, see http://gtk-qt.ecs.soton.ac.uk/downloads.php)

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     by luca on: Jan 15 2004
    Score 50%

    here the same: unfortunately I get segfaults too ...


    Reply to this


     Re: segfaults

     by luizd on: Jan 16 2004
    Score 50%

    There is a compiled rpm for mk that works with 9.2


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     Debian Package

     by Qerub on: Jan 27 2004
    Score 50%

    I've got packages for Debian Sid over at http://qerub.ondska.net/debian/kde-debian/
    They will probably be moved to kde-debian.org's package pool soon.
    Packaging bugs to qerub@home.se.

    Reply to this


     Re: Debian Package

     by pattyh on: Jan 30 2004
    Score 50%

    This is absolutely fantastic, i apt-got the deb package (Thanks for providing it!) and my Mozilla looks "plastik" and gimp and gaim too!!! Great work!

    Reply to this


     Re: Debian Package

     by Qerub on: Feb 6 2004
    Score 50%

    deb http://kde-debian.org/archive/ workstation-unstable main

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     Re: Re: Debian Package

     by Qerub on: Feb 18 2004
    Score 50%

    Just uploaded 0.3.
    It works better overall but seems to segfault with some QT styles.

    Reply to this



     by protoman on: Feb 17 2004
    Score 50%

    for both 0.2 and 0.3 gqview crashes on my mandrake 9.2 machine. besides this problem, everthing looks fine (it's nice to have gtk apps with plastik's look)

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     by felix1976 on: Feb 17 2004
    Score 50%

    I have been waiting a long time for sth. like that!

    Fantastic idea!

    Great work! :)

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     Qt/KDE 3.2

     by somekool on: Feb 23 2004
    Score 50%
    somekool networks

    any one got it to run with QT/KDE 3.2 ?

    its install, the .so path is good. everything seems good, but the GTK apps does not take the looks.

    I've try gimp and bittorrent. I think it is the only GTK apps I have... i dont know actually.

    any 3.2 success story or help would be appreciate.

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     Re: Qt/KDE 3.2

     by rncbc on: Feb 26 2004
    Score 50%

    I'm using it with KDE 3.2 right now on SUSE 9.0.

    Works fine although I had to hack a symlink on /opt/gnome/share/themes for making Plastik -> Qt (ln -s Qt Plastik).

    However I have a complaint. There's one GTK widget type that don't get it correctly, making it quite unusable: the slider widgets, GtkVScale and GtkHScale, don't get their thumb slider drawed at all.

    Any hint's?

    rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
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     The other way around

     by crom on: Feb 27 2004
    Score 50%

    How about the other way around? My guess is that when doing this you have to have a fair bit of knowledge of both qt and gtk themes and theme engines. Do you think it is possible to implement it the other way around?

    I think this is a really great thing. The only problem is if you are using GNOME as your main DE, it is not optimal to use this kind of engine for themes, but when using KDE and only a few GTK apps, it is a great idea.

    I see this is being hosted on freedesktop.org, which makes me wonder if the same project could incorporate both ways. I mean, having this option in both DE's would be great for unification and to me seems right in place on fdo.

    I think you have done some very nice work here. I always wondered if this would be possible, although I must admit I wasn't thinking about exactly the same situation... ;)

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