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GTK-QT Theme Engine


Theme/Style GTK 1.x

Score 70%
GTK-QT Theme Engine

GTK-QT Theme Engine

GTK-QT Theme Engine

Link:  Link
Minimum required   Qt 4.x
Downloads:  67829
Submitted:  Dec 31 2003
Updated:  Mar 11 2008


This engine is for use by GTK applications running in KDE. It applies all Qt settings to the GTK application and uses Qt style plugins directly.

Please see http://gtk-qt.ecs.soton.ac.uk for more information and SVN instructions.


Changes in 1.0:

New features and general improvements:

  • Ported the theme engine to Qt4. Qt3 styles are no longer supported in this version - this is only for users who have upgraded to KDE4 or who want to use Oxygen in their GTK applications.

  • i18n:

  • Updated .pot file

  • Czech translation by David Watzke

  • Italian translation by Davide Madrisan

  • (For older changelogs, see http://gtk-qt.ecs.soton.ac.uk/downloads.php)

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     module_path problem

     by vik on: Jan 5 2004
    Score 50%

    Having installed libqtengine.so and .la in /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/engines/, same without 'local/', and finally in /usr/lib and running ldconfig, I still get this message:

    Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate loadable module in module_path: "libqtengine.so",

    I wonder where I could see the contents of 'module_path' and where I could put the library so it gets found by gtk.

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     Re: module_path problem

     by davidsansome on: Jan 6 2004
    Score 50%

    I'm not sure why this is...

    What distribution are you using?

    Try to find out where the rest of your theme engines are installed (look for "libpixmap.so" - the default engine).

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     Still segfaulting

     by PARENA on: Jan 5 2004
    Score 50%

    Here I am again, still with segfaults, even with 0.2. Gaim works, though. And so do Mozilla Firebird and Thunderbird, Evolution (sort of), gftp. But xchat, switch2, gimp-1.3 all segfault.

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     Re: Still segfaultin

     by inkubuzz on: Jan 6 2004
    Score 50%
    Chaos concepts

    yup Switch2 and xchat are making segfault but not my gimp 1.3

    also i dont care about xchat the new version of kvirc rocks

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     by davidsansome on: Jan 6 2004
    Score 50%

    Thanks to all the people who have reported segfaults with various applications. I'm investigating these now, and will fix them for the next release.

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     No more segfaults

     by evan on: Jan 6 2004
    Score 50%

    0.2 fixes the segfaults for me. Thanks!

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     Segmentation Faults

     by Flameeyes on: Jan 10 2004
    Score 50%
    Gentoo Linux

    I have segmentation faults with nearly all the gtk2 software I use (gxmame, xchat2).
    I'm using Gentoo Linux with kde 3.2beta2, qt 3.2.3-r1.

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     *Great*, but...

     by CraigD on: Jan 14 2004
    Score 50%

    First off all, fantastic work! It seems to work very well, with just a few niggles...

    1. Progressbar backgrounds are missing
    2. Redraw errors on styles that have rounded buttons - e.g. Plastik
    3. Button text shift (PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal/Vertical) is not honoured. This can be set in Gtk themes via "GtkButton::child_displacement_x" and using gtk_settings_set_property_value, or somehting like that.
    4. Some styles use "bold" text for the default button - this is not mimiced. Perhaps you should implement "draw_layout" to take this into consideration?
    5. Fonts dont seem to be set. Have a lok at the code in http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=6954 This sets the GTK font, and toolbar settings.

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