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KillBang Kazow!


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 59%
Dataveins Webmaster Services
KillBang Kazow!

Link:  Link
Downloads:  2542
Submitted:  Nov 10 2008
Updated:  Apr 17 2009


This is a derivative of my other work, KillBang Wow! This one offers flatter, more transparent buttons and a flatter and more modern look than you see in most themes.

KillBang Wow! was also created by tweaking and pulling some themes together, most notably Mira and Aurora Black Panther. So This one is a further tweaked version of those themes.

Also note, that the metacity theme is just LxG with a brushed metal skin instead of a glossy look. I will try to replace this when i get the time. It was merely what i was working with when i was trying to create this theme. His theme is here:

I removed the overused glossy buttons people are using and i tried something completely different. My buttons and active panel buttons blend in almost seamlessly to the background and a gradient makes it look like its popping up at you... but not glossy.

I hope you like it.


-Changed tabs to make them more like the buttons
-Fixed panel buttons (made them more like the buttons)
-Changed check-boxes and radio buttons to make them like the ones on Killbang Wow

- Added brushed metal background to the buttons instead of transpent gradient for easier readability.
- New scrollbar troughs (matches slider troughs)
- New tabs and notebook styles
- New resize-grip handle thing

(KillBang Kazow! - GTK and Metacity)
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 really nice

 by onealdom on: Nov 10 2008
Score 50%

men..got to congratulate you...for making a wonderfull gtk2.x theme....keep working on it..

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 by adwin on: Nov 10 2008
Score 50%
Nordea Bank Polska S.A.

Nice overall theme.

1: what is that font you're using?
2: I think you'd need to change the buttons. the text on them is barely readable.
3: Same applies to check and radio buttons

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 Re: q

 by darkmusic on: Nov 12 2008
Score 50%
Dataveins Webmaster Services

thanks for the comment. i will be updating the buttons and radio buttons soon.

the font is "vibrocentric"

--steve (darkmusic.coolpage.biz)
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 looks alot like this one

 by MikeDK on: Nov 10 2008
Score 50%


just wanna tell you.

Kind Regards MikeDK

microsoft gives u windows, Linux gives u da whole House :-P
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 by pHreaksYcle on: Nov 11 2008
Score 50%

Because it's black with brushed metal background? Just shut up, this theme is good, better than that shitty mac crap.

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 Re: Why?

 by Azz on: Nov 12 2008
Score 50%


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 Excellent theme

 by ubuntico on: Nov 12 2008
Score 50%

In my opinion, this is one of the very best themes I have ever seen. And I have one question for you, what do you do on the gtkrc to put the glossy images in the boxes near the tab buttons on the screenshot?
I want to learn how this work...

Thanks in advance

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 you can change scroll bar???

 by liquidgik on: Nov 13 2008
Score 50%

Can you change scroll bar, like Mira?

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 Re: you can change scroll bar???

 by darkmusic on: Nov 14 2008
Score 50%
Dataveins Webmaster Services

what do you mean? I like my scrollbars.

--steve (darkmusic.coolpage.biz)
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 Re: Re: you can change scroll bar???

 by liquidgik on: Nov 20 2008
Score 50%

Very cool theme! You worked hard! Thank you for your changed :)

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