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Theme/Style GTK 1.x

Score 49%


Link:  Link
Downloads:  17841
Submitted:  Feb 9 2002
Updated:  Feb 12 2002


no, sorry this is not KDE and i doubt that KDE will ever gonna look like this. well i bet a couple of you people gonna move to GNOME now.


added the link to the real theme so you can download it.

the link is shown above. if you want to download the theme.

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 by epm on: Sep 30 2002
Score 50%

KDE is a nice "functional," neat looking
little GUI for me, ;p~

(w/ the occasional crash, but then they
/all/ do that now don't they =))


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 no subject

 by bulliver on: Nov 2 2002
Score 50%

Is it just me that's glad KDE doesn't look like this? Kinda plain-jane, and those icons are horrible. Gives me the impression of being for children, because they are so cartoonish.

Just one persons insignificant opinion. . .

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 by sleepwalkers on: May 28 2003
Score 50%

Whether you use KDE or Gnome, that doesn't matter.
Bottom line is that whoever this guy is, is an idiot, who obviously is one who feels that everything he has to do has to be superior to everyone else.
He's the annoying guy that has to insist that his computer is "better" than yours, that competes against others to try and get a better benchmark, that CARES about such useless things...
Hey, buddy: NOBODY CARES!
**What's the policy on swearing here... discouraged?

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 by SymGeosis on: May 6 2006
Score 50%

Wikipedia is your friend.

His comments are kinda understandable now, aren't they? No need to get yourself all worked up. GNOME's his baby, of course he loves it. ;-)

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 by lordpolvo on: Jul 26 2006
Score 50%

hmm iwant to download it bjhut it seems to be linked to a screenshot unfair i wanted to see the theme im action....

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