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Fresh Dark Gnome Theme


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
Fresh Dark Gnome Theme

Link:  Link
Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  9618
Submitted:  Aug 23 2008
Updated:  Sep 22 2008


Sorry for the screenshot quality, but this site constraints it to 300kb only.

For high quality screenshot, hit download.

If you feel like voting bad, leave a comment explaining why. If you liked it, comment too. I love your feedback.

In the screenshot:
* fonts are Myriad Pro
* icons are Gnome-colors (Brave)

Unpack to ~/.themes and enjoy, as always.


* Small fixes in ComboBox and SpinButton
* Tweak for Firefox 3.0

* Darker and neutral colors
* Increased contrast on buttons
* Decresead contrast on text entries
* No gap between scrollbars and content

* Small bug fixes in window decorations

(Download @ deviantArt)
(Light version)
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 menu colors

 by perillux on: Aug 23 2008
Score 50%

How do you change the color of the menu bar. with File, Edit, View, ect...

I changed the "windows" color to what you have in the screenshot, but then my whole window goes that color.
But in your screenshot your windows are still white but only the menu bar is black. How can I do that?

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 Re: menu colors

 by freakcode on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

Are you serious? Just install this theme.

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 great theme

 by sucius on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

But, how can I place the scrollbar arrows back to the usual position? i mean, at the top and the bottom, not both at the bottom? thank you very much

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 Re: great theme

 by freakcode on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

Edit gtkrc at these lines:

GtkVScrollbar ::has-backward-stepper = 0
GtkVScrollbar ::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 1


GtkVScrollbar ::has-backward-stepper = 1
GtkVScrollbar ::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 0

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 very good

 by sajmon75 on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

I found a little bug: windows need a little border, try to move a window over another with the dark zones (menu bar e window title) near each other.

Thanks and sorry for my english! :)

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 Re: very good

 by freakcode on: Aug 24 2008
Score 50%

It has no borders because was designed to use with drop shadows, see the screenshot.

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 icon theme ?

 by brunnolgp on: Aug 25 2008
Score 50%

where can i find this icon theme ?

already searched for gnome-folders and couldn't find it...


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 Links Please

 by Drizz on: Aug 27 2008
Score 50%
Aperture Science

What is this Clearlooks "Gummy" and Aurora Gtk engines you speak of? Can you post some links or at least tell me where to find? Thank you.

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 Re: Links Please

 by freakcode on: Aug 28 2008
Score 50%


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 Nice Theme

 by Uranio23 on: Aug 28 2008
Score 50%

I really like your theme, i love the no-borders.

i just cant wait for getting a new laptop, mine has not enought RAM (64MB) for ubuntu.

=\\I´m not a Hero//=
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