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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 73%



Downloads:  382094
Submitted:  Aug 7 2008
Updated:  Aug 3 2009


Shiki-Colors mixes the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme, resulting in a hybrid theme. Shiki is designed to be fast and stable.

There is a Clearlooks version for out-of-the-box compatibility with most distros and a Murrine version for eyecandy and speed.

There are 7 color variations (Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Chocolate, Pink). A matching set of Icons, Wallpapers and GDM themes can also be downloaded separately from gnome-look or at the gnome-colors project page.

You can edit the theme's source (the gtkrc files) for further customization, which is all too easy due to the included instructions.

Must read or clowns will eat you:
* The Murrine version will only work with Murrine 0.90.3 or newer. Yes, you will need to upgrade unless you're using Ubuntu Jaunty.

* The borders are very thin, and titlebars/menubars are unified because of "LOL, ELEGANCE". If you have any difficulty resizing windows, try the included alternate metacity with thicker borders.

* In Ubuntu, for themes (installed through appearance preferences) to be able to theme applications in admin mode, you must type in a terminal:
sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root && sudo ln -s ~/.icons /root

Fedora users can get an installable package of Murrine 0.90.3 (x86) here until is not available in release section:

* In Ubuntu, you can use the official PPA repository for easy installation and upgrades. For Ubuntu Karmic Koala, you can simply run apt-get install shiki-colors to install from Ubuntu's universe repositories. The packages are also available in Debian Sid.

* To fix minor Firefox 3 bugs in Shiki-Colors, install the Stylish add-on and go here (or install the included userChrome.css file following the instructions in README):

* Visit the GNOME-Colors project page for bug reports, feature requests, SVN and more downloads:

* Consider donating a small amount to the GNOME-Colors project if you wish to support it, or to show your appreciation. You can do so by clicking on the "donate" button next to the download section.


4.6 (2009-09-25)
* Add support for Chromium's GTK theming.

4.5 (2009-08-03)
* Update Green, Pink, Orange and Red palettes for better contrast.
* Fix a minor Firefox urlbar color issue in green/orange variations.

4.4 (2009-07-14)
* Add new Pink (Illustrious) color variation.
* Add support for gdm-user-switch applet in Karmic.
* Fix panel matching in Dust-Murrine variant.
* Remove spaces in metacity names for easier RPM packaging. You might have to
remove the old metacity folders or run make uninstall from a previous version.

(Shiki-Colors (Clearlooks)
(Shiki-Colors (MurrineSVN)
(GNOME-Colors Icons (Highly Recommended)
(Arc-Colors GDM-Wallpapers (Recommended)
Ubuntu(Official PPA Repository)
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 Striped Theme

 by damijit on: Apr 28 2009
Score 50%

Hey, I just wanted to thank you for keeping the striped theme as an option. I just installed Jaunty; one of my first steps was to install shiki/gnome/arc colors, and I was really disappointed when the stripe was gone! I think it adds a very subtle touch to the theme, keeping it easy on the eyes instead of being another dull dark theme.
Anyway, I was happy to find that the stripe is still an option, and I hope that you continue to include it as one! Thanks for all your work on this theme (and especially on the icon set). It makes using linux much more fun when it looks GOOD.

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 Re: Striped Theme

 by perfectska04 on: Apr 28 2009
Score 50%

I thought setting a more traditional, compact and functional design (since it's easier to resize thanks to its bottom shadow) as default would be the sensible thing to do for general users.

However, don't worry, as the striped version will always be an option. The stripe has been part of the theme since day one, and its code is based on the new version, so it will always feature any improvements made in the other window borders.

Besides, there may be people who miss the stripe or dislike the bottom shadow in the default window borders, so including the striped theme as an alternative is a good way of keeping the angry mobs away!

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 Re: Striped Theme

 by wers on: Apr 30 2009
Score 50%

It looks less awkward on apps without menu bars now. Good job. I'm using it now.


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 Re: Re: Striped Theme

 by perfectska04 on: Apr 30 2009
Score 50%

Yeah, I backported all of the code from the new ones, so it should be an improvement over the original.

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 Thank You

 by Alexander-GG on: May 1 2009
Score 50%

One of the best themes I ever have used. Thank you!!!

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 Minor globalmenu issue

 by redivan on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

When using the theme with Globalmenu, both the title and menu items are shown in bold. (E.g. quodlibet is the title, Music, Filters, Control... are the items). This makes them harder to differentiate from each other. Could you make it so the title is bold while the items are normal? I've seen it done by other themes like elementary-gtk and it just looks that bit nicer and more usable.

Also I have always liked the stripe across the top of the window border - this increases the usability of maximised windows when there's a panel at the top of the screen, so thanks for leaving it in the theme! However, it looks a bit abrupt - a bit clunky given how polished the rest of the theme is. The effect isn't so bad in maximised mode but in the unmaximised mode it notices. You've got your metacity grey/black, then all of a sudden, it bursts into the stripe colour with no forewarning. I feel this could be improved by adding a gradient to the title bar - fading between the grey/black and stripe colour. Only over a short distance to maintain the distinct "stripe", but just enough to avoid the block colours effect that exists at the moment.

Otherwise thanks for a great and consistent theme! (Though at a total of just under 200MB from the PPA, it's obviously in need of significant trimming. I think the icons are the main offenders. Amazingly the enormous size of the files doesn't impact on the speed - overall Shiki is still faster than the default Human theme.)

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 Re: Minor globalmenu issue

 by perfectska04 on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

I think the bold text issue you're experiencing in globalmenu would be intended behavior. Shiki is designed to make menubar applications bold for easier readability and consistency with the titlebar. You can remove this by editing the gtkrc file and deleting the section at the beginning of the file associated with bold panel menus.

As for the window border stripe, it's always been meant to be a separate element, to imitate the look of tab stripes in the clearlooks version. I've already tried it as a blended item, but the dark background and theme colors don't really make for a smooth gradient. There is, however, always room for improvement... Someday I'll come across the perfect way to theme the stripe.

As for the PPA, it is pretty large as it supports three ubuntu versions... and just the icon packages are about 30MB for each. I wouldn't worry about size, though. GNOME-Colors should be just as fast as gnome-icon-theme, and no matter how large it ever gets, it will never lose any speed since pre-rendered pixmaps are provided for every single icon in 32px, 24px, 22px, 16px, and scalable icons for 48px and up.

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 Re: Re: Minor globalmenu issue

 by redivan on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

Cool, I'll have a look at the gtkrc and see if I can tweak it up a bit to my liking. Keep up the good work!

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 what font do you use

 by cypherpunk on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

Im asking because it doesn't look like Sans.

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 Re: what font do you use

 by perfectska04 on: May 9 2009
Score 50%

It is Sans, I love Sans. :)
I just put it at 8px size and enable the "Subpixel Smoothing (LCD's)" checkmark in appearance preferences.

I also use an autohint tweak that looks great with Sans (in my opinion), but do not try it if you don't know how to revert the changes in case you do not like it:

sudo ln -sf /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-autohint.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/

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 Re: Re: what font do you use

 by cypherpunk on: May 10 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for telling me. It looks nice, but in my opinon I like the droid font
(ttf-droid) if you want to see it.

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 by tylerisfat on: May 14 2009
Score 50%

hooray for sufjan!

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 Re: music

 by perfectska04 on: May 15 2009
Score 50%

yes, sufjan is the best!

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 Best of the Best

 by cb2k on: May 15 2009
Score 50%

After closer inspection I gained a greater appreciation of this theme.

It deserves it's place among the very best not only for it's obvious beauty but also for the simple fact that it's packed with useful information for the budding theme maker and as if that were not enough - the Author included not only a murrine version but a clearlooks variation also so everybody's happy.


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 Re: Best of the Best

 by perfectska04 on: May 15 2009
Score 50%

When it comes to aesthetics, it's never possible to please everyone - so the best you can do is make a modular theme with a consistent default setup, and give as many options and instructions as possible!

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