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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  68764
Submitted:  Jul 27 2008
Updated:  Aug 13 2008


The idea for this theme appeared after I started modifying the Aurora Aqua theme for personal use. Then I realised I wanted to change many other things in the code of the theme, added some details, used other engines... And when I noticed what I was doing, I had a new theme in my hands. So here it is. The Glow GTK theme is mainly based in Aurora, but it also requires the Clearlooks engine to work. Please let me know of any suggestion, critic, bug or whatever you wish to say. I hope you enjoy this new Glow.

Glow is actually a set of several themes, with 8 variations: Cinder (grey); Fire (red); Flower (pink); Grass (green); Ice (silver blue); Lava (darker orange); Sand (orange); and Water (blue). Each of these variations has two designs, light and dark. I'm still trying to test if especially the dark versions work well in all apps. The usual individual tricks you know from other dark themes may still apply. Let me know how it can be improved.

If you're using the GNOME panel, please pick the pixmap I'm providing for the panels as their background, on the panel properties, if you want your inactive buttons on the tasklist to become invisible. The Xfce users have an easy to enable similar function at the Xfce4-panel's tasklist properties.

If you want to replace the panel's background with another pixmap or with a transparency, please comment the correspondent line in the Panel.rc file, using a hash sign, like this:

#bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel.png"

This theme is not a finished, definitive work. As always, there might be some aspects to change and improve. Therefore, and in the spirit of what was said above in this description, if you feel you have to vote this theme down, please let me know why, in order that we can work on this theme in a constructive way. Thanks in advance.

Also many thanks to ochosi and islington for the window decoration themes they created. The links to their work are now being provided below. Thanks to Ayoli for once more helping me out with the theme's code.

On the screenshots, I'm using the Eikon icon theme, which is a personal icon collection with several works found across the Web that I've been maintaining for myself, and that after several requires I decided to share in non-official releases.

To get the most recent updates to Eikon, now on its second generation, please check this website: http://drop.io/fmrbpensador


0.1.0 - 6 colour variants and 2 designs;
0.1.1 - Fixed the tab colour issue on the dark themes;
0.1.2 - Two more colour variants;
0.1.3 - Brightened up the colours of the scrollbars on the darker versions, and as for the inactive selected areas, they're now dark grey, without any coloured influence;
0.1.4 - Fixed Gedit's left pane bug (corrected the panel.rc file to the effect - solution found at the GNOME colors project code); changed the size of the large toolbar icons to 24 pixels; added a pixmap as a background to the panels;
0.1.5 - Removed the dark limits of the panel's pixmap;

1.0.0 - Metacity versions available, both for the light and the dark variants of Glow;
1.0.1 - Solved the right-click context menus bug; reduced the size of arrows; changed the engine of the menus to Clearlooks; increased the saturation of the scrollbars;
1.0.2 - Changed the panels' engine back to Aurora, with a smoother pixmap as the background;
1.0.3 - Changed the treeview's engine and also the menus to Murrine (with the Clearlooks substyle); brighter and slightly larger scrollbars;
1.0.4 - Reverted all the Murrine widgets to Clearlooks because of issues with older versions of the Murrine engine; also learnt not to be too creative either.

(GTK2 & Metacity themes)
(Xfwm4 theme by ochosi)
(Emerald theme by islington)
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 Best gtk ever seen

 by gionni on: Aug 6 2008
Score 50%

Thank you for sharing your work. I'm using Glow Lava: simply wonderful

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 by cakeandtea on: Aug 6 2008
Score 50%

Which font is that in those screenshots?

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 Re: Font

 by fmrbpensador on: Aug 6 2008
Score 50%

Hi! I'm using Calibri, bold, size 8.

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 Re: Re: Font

 by cakeandtea on: Aug 7 2008
Score 50%


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 I Can't view the theme

 by gomezhyuuga1 on: Aug 6 2008
Score 50%
Fedora Blogger Network Member

Hello download the theme but when I put it it does not appear, appears as if it was not theme,
Sorry for the traduction (google traductor)

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 Re: I Can't view the theme

 by fmrbpensador on: Aug 7 2008
Score 50%

Inside the Glow-0.1.5 folder, there are 16 themes which should be put inside your .themes directory. Please take them out of the main folder from archive you downloaded before you install the themes.

If you are trying to install it through the GNOME Appearance dialog, it will not work for the same reason above: all the themes are inside one single archive, so you need to do it manually. If there is a great need for individual archives, I might take care of it in future releases.

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 Re: Re: I Can't view the theme

 by gomezhyuuga1 on: Aug 7 2008
Score 50%
Fedora Blogger Network Member

Yes but, when apply the theme not appears, let me restart my computer

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 Re: Re: Re: I Can't view the theme

 by elvisd on: Aug 8 2008
Score 50%

Have you installed every needed engine?
(i.ex.: Aurora)?

Kindly elvisd
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 context menus in thunar

 by IstrikeAgain on: Aug 7 2008
Score 50%

everything works under Nautilus but in Thunar, when you right-click a folder/file the menu quickly appears and disappears - if you hold the right mouse button, the menu stays still. Don't know what might be causing this. Can you see if you get the same bug over there?

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. --aka el mariachi--
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 Nice but small bug

 by elvisd on: Aug 8 2008
Score 50%


first thank you for you artwork.
It's very nice.

But in firefox, i.e., the addressbar has a gray ugly border...

Kindly elvisd
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 Re: Nice but small bug

 by DavidTheGnome on: Aug 13 2008
Score 50%

This is a general problem with Aurora and other themes with rounded edges (including Glow which bases itself on Aurora alongside other engines). GTK apps render this by finding the system colour and putting it where Firefox simply renders it grey. This might be able to be fixed if instead of finding the system colour, it simply rendered transparently, but I don't know enough about the problem. It's all over Firefox buttons at the moment, unfortunately (try mousing over the Firefox buttons, you'll see more grey outlines).

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 by DavidTheGnome on: Aug 13 2008
Score 50%

Although I know you're providing a pixmap to make inactive buttons on the panel invisible (which I haven't noticed), I preferred the 1.0.1 release implementation of the panel since it was more customizable (making it transparent and such). Implementing a non-dark panel, matching the light themes, would be another option.

Besides that, this is one of the best themes I've ever seen for GNOME and what I currently use on my desktop (in the Glow Ice version).

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 Re: Panel

 by fmrbpensador on: Aug 13 2008
Score 50%

Hi there! Thanks for your message. I am aware that some people would prefer to have no predefined pixmap background for their panels. This idea appeared because I personally am not too drawn to the default appearance of panels in pretty much any of the available theme engines. I could just provide the pixmap without connecting it to the theme in the panel.rc file, but then I'd leave the Xfce users (like myself, most of the time), who are often forgotten by most themers, without an easy way to have that pixmap behind their panels if they wanted to, since there isn't a GUI method to pick a pixmap background for the Xfce4-panel. I could also make the panel completely flat, using the Murrine engine, but then I'm currently exploring this kind of smoother design.

That said, while I think of a better, more creative solution than the one that I'm currently providing, you could edit the panel.rc file and simply comment out the following line with a hash sign, like this:

#bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel.png"

Save the file and then you'll be able to change the background of your panels the way you wish to. I'll add this information to the theme's description, too. Sorry for this issue, and I hope Glow can keep satisfying you as a user.

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 Re: Re: Panel

 by DavidTheGnome on: Aug 13 2008
Score 50%

Thanks! I can certainly appreciate trying to get a better default panel look, since it generally hasn't been very good. I can also sympathize with the XFCE reason, since I used that for quite a while myself.

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