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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 41%



Downloads:  1347
Submitted:  Jul 27 2008
Updated:  Aug 24 2008


Update: Out of Beta now...

This is my first theme so please do not be too hard on me. This is just a "beta" so let me know of anything that needs improvement. I would greatly appreciate any knowledge that can be shared about pixmaps.

-- About Theme --
The theme is composed of clearlooks(Glossy) and what pixmaps I could get working. Due to upload space there are no pics of the metacity theme(V), which is included.


#Sorry it took me so long to update#

* New Menubar item

* New Panel Effects

* Modified Buttons

* New Toolbuttons

* Duller Menu Items and Buttons

* Wider Scrollbar

* New Panel Effects

* Added a Login Theme

**This Version not pictured.

* New Buttons

* New Scrollbar

* Gummy Style

* New tab backgrounds

* New Menu Background

* Glassy Menu-Item

*New Foregrounds

*Taskbar Effects

*Improved Progressbar

*New Toolbar and Menubar

*New Tabs

*New Menubar-Item

See Pic #3 for 2.0

--1.1b - Theme's pixmaps are working properly now. :D

Ubuntu(OS V)
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 does not work

 by chunchengch on: Jul 27 2008
Score 50%

Does this theme require particular GTK engine?

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 Re: does not work

 by Smlymn707 on: Jul 27 2008
Score 50%

It is not the engine it is the theme...

I am not sure what has gone wrong but now the only way the theme will run properly is if the pixmaps are taken out. I am trying to fix this problem but if not done soon I will release the theme without pixmaps.

--- Note: The Metacity theme is still running properly ---

-- My Apologies Everyone --
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 Re: Re: does not work

 by chunchengch on: Jul 27 2008
Score 50%

The new version works and it looks great, thanks a lot!

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 by gomezhyuuga on: Jul 27 2008
Score 50%

Good work my friend I like

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 Nice, but

 by lester2 on: Jul 28 2008
Score 50%

You made two mistakes I think - a black font on the gray background, and white font on the light gray background. The rest of the theme is nice.

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 Re: Nice, but

 by Smlymn707 on: Jul 28 2008
Score 50%

Thanks for the advice I will see what I can do. Right now I am working on new pixmaps for the buttons, scrollbars, and tabs and I really want to upload it tonight, so I am limited on time.

--Thank you all for downloading OS V--

Hope you liked it!!!

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 Getting better

 by mondzhu on: Jul 30 2008
Score 50%

Good work. Thanks. This theme is getting better and better. However, there are a few things I do not like.First, I prefer a transparent panel.But the notification area is still using the theme panel background instead of being transparent. Another issue is that some fonts in drop down menu or tool bar are not focused.Maybe, you want them to look this way. But I just do not like them.
Anyway, great work. Keep it up.

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 Re: Getting better

 by mondzhu on: Jul 30 2008
Score 50%

By the way, I don't like the blue ball with white triangle inside in the dropdown menu.

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 I like it

 by ubuntico on: Jul 30 2008
Score 50%

But I recommend to you a more curved corners over the buttons. I like very much your theme, very good work

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 Very Nice !!!

 by kai100 on: Dec 23 2008
Score 50%

thx :)

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