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Human Compact


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
Human Compact

Human Compact

Human Compact

Link:  Link
Downloads:  3440
Submitted:  May 13 2008


Compact version of Ubuntu's Human theme, especially great on small screens like the Eee PC, or for intense applications like Eclipse (see third screenshot). This theme is a port of the original Clearlooks Compact. It has the same compactness, but the natural warm look of Human. See http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Clearlooks+Compact?content=69357

For a direct comparison with nice mouseover effect, visit


1. Download the theme
2. Click System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme > Install
3. Select the downloaded file and apply it.


2008-05-13 Initial release, as a port of Clearlooks Compact (see http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Clearlooks+Compact?content=69357)

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 Thumbs Up!

 by DaveGardiner on: May 14 2008
Score 50%

Great theme; very fast and responsive. I've paired it with Clearlooks-Rounded, changed the colors of the Background and Input boxes to EDDFC0 and FBF8F1. Vet easy on these soon to be 54 yr old eyes...

Dave Gardiner
Oreland PA USA

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 Thumbs Up!

 by DaveGardiner on: May 14 2008
Score 50%

Great theme; very fast and responsive. I've paired it with Clearlooks-Rounded, changed the colors of the Background and Input boxes to EDDFC0 and FBF8F1. Very easy on these soon to be 54 yr old eyes...

Dave Gardiner
Oreland PA USA

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 by janlukemam1 on: Sep 23 2008
Score 50%

Great work!! It is the one I'm looking for!! 1280x800 pixels on a 15.4'' display don't satisfy me: the buttons are too big!
How did you do this? I'd like to modify human-murrine theme and make it: human-murrine-compact... this could be perfect for me!

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 Uncompatible w/std install

 by JELaBarre on: Jan 29 2009
Score 50%

WARNING: This theme requires the Ubuntulooks engine, but if you try to install that package, it will want to REMOVE human-theme, ubuntu-artwork *and* ubuntu-desktop.

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 Excellent job!

 by jward3010 on: Nov 8 2009
Score 50%

This is what I've been looking for for a long time, realistically I've been hoping Gnome would actually look at their own desktop design on a 1280 X 800 laptop screen and realise that they love FAT, but that didn't happen.

Thanks again and keep doing good work like this.

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 ads on the site hijacking

 by canid on: Mar 16 2010
Score 50%

Clicked the download link, and it downloaded a microsoft pdf and there was an obnoxious ad that appeared for a hover over. Had to disable javascript. This behavior happened for Chrome and Firefox on linux.

Careful with the ads!

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