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soviet theme


Compiz Theme

Score 58%
soviet theme

soviet theme

Downloads:  4122
Submitted:  Aug 2 2007


A Soviet theme for compiz-fusion and beryl with emerald.

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 original theme

 by pomalin2 on: Mar 17 2008
Score 50%

Ok for the values, but I don't see where you say that it's base on my theme "funky"

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 Re: original theme

 by maharbared on: Mar 23 2009
Score 50%

Hello everybody, I forget to mention that 99% for the theme credit was for the creator of funky, the soviet idea was mine, as you may see he created funky without any soviet intention, as I did, sorry for don't be as original as he expects me to be, next time I'll do it from the beginning may be delaying more but I learned that here people doesn't likes you to contribute without been mentioned, for me it's ok if you don't know who created the soviet theme, it's for you to use it and do whatever you want with it, it's not my business, even only with my icon, on the other side you may ask to the author of funky to make any change to the colors... and ask him what he did and what can you do with that, or ask him for the copyright as I didn't seen it...

I let you here New Soviet for emerald and wait for the metacity version. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. And I don't need you to mention me.


P.D. This was made from the begining.

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 by shirteesdotnet on: Aug 3 2009
Score 50%

The same bankers that created the Soviet regime at the turn of the century like JP Morgan, Rockefeller, The Bushes, etc have created a new version... Obama. He is no different. I have stood in Ukraine and seen the memorials for 40 million people killed at the hands of communists. They are smart now. They know better. Americans and much of the world dont know what communism means. I guess we will have to live it for the next 50 years to understand.

Get ready for your mandatory swine flu vaccinations. Greece is already promising to stick all 12 million of their people with the tamilfu vaccines that Obama own large amounts of stock in. This is no different than Bush and his oil connections. They are all just greedy people and as human beings we must all rise together against the ruling elite. Whether it is Stalin, Mao, Bush or Obama.

I agree the soviet system sounds ideal, but with humans in control of it, it will never work out. Greed gets in the way and takes over.

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 Re: Sovietbama

 by shirteesdotnet on: Aug 3 2009
Score 50%

BTW, your them looks nice.

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