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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%


Link:  Link
Downloads:  3241
Submitted:  May 29 2007


This theme makes gnome look like the Flock webbrowser.


I used Lauri Taimila's OSX-Tiger theme to create it, I used parts of the Flock browser- skin too.

___for Flock users___

When you apply the gtk theme and open the flock browser, some text colors will apear unreadable. To avoid this you need to go to the folder where you installed flock (the folders name is "flock") and navigate to the "chrome" folder.
In this folder is a file called "classic.jar" rename this file to "classic_old.jar" and replace it with this classic.jar:


When you open the Flock browser the next time, the texts will be readable. :)

(Flocko GTK-theme)
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 i like OSX

 by gelonek on: May 29 2007
Score 50%

very nice, thanks

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 Very Nice Idea

 by freakcode on: May 29 2007
Score 50%

I would like to see a version without aqua-ish scrollbars, progress bars, tabs... all the aqua stuff not matching. Maybe you can use the current button style on those.

The menu looks very nice too.

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 Re: Very Nice Idea

 by axis on: Jun 2 2007
Score 50%

I agree, very good idea. I also agree about the Aqua-esque bars. I think the progress bars should be replaced with the Clearlooks ones, would look better IMO.

Also, is there a way to correct the font colors in Firefox? The menus at the top are the same greay color as the theme and in the dropdown address box they are black.

Great work, keep it up! :)

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 by glaeven on: May 30 2007
Score 50%

can you please host it somewhere thats usable?

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 tray icons

 by paco1234 on: Jun 18 2007
Score 50%

Hi, can you tell me how do you put these mac tray icons on your taskbar. Is it an icon theme or a folder you put the icons there? If it is a theme,can you specify where can i download it from. Thanks

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