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OSX-Tiger theme


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%
OSX-Tiger theme

Downloads:  202042
Submitted:  Apr 18 2007


This is my very first GTK-theme. It tries to imitate OSX Tiger operating system's Aqua theme. There are some differences, because GTK sets some limits what you can do and what not.

Theme uses some graphics from Glossy P theme.

This theme uses pixbuf engine so in Ubuntu you'll need to install gtk2-engines-pixbuf package.

I have written more about OSX imitating on my website www.taimila.com.

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 by fgbcv on: Dec 1 2008
Score 50%

I will never make my Linux to look like PROPRIETARY MacOS and Windows!
But, as far as I can see... linux' users like such kind of stuff BEST of all... it grieves me to understand... Frankly saying, it SUCKS!!!!!!

Born in USSR
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 Re: again...

 by TendencyDriven on: Dec 3 2008
Score 50%

Its made for people who WANT there Linux to look like MacOS. Not for people who don't, so take your comments elsewhere.

10/5 Nice theme

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 Re: Re: again...

 by Fri13 on: Jan 8 2009
Score 50%

If they want Mac OS X or Windows XP/Vista/7 look, why they do not buy those systems to get such?

Linux is not a Windows
Linux is not a Mac OS X

Yes, you have rights to configure the system how you like, but just wanting it to replace those two, no... it is never done for that reason.

Linux is alternative, not replacement

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 Re: Re: Re: again...

 by jrock612 on: Jan 8 2009
Score 50%

How many people are going to paste a link to the LNW article? It's not rote, people. It's not scripture. It's not even a very well written article.

Do what you want to your Linux, and don't let anyone tell you you can't, just because they don't want you to.

Viva la resistance! LOL.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: again...

 by Fri13 on: Jan 11 2009
Score 50%

Even it is not well written, it's idea is to develop a understanding of reasons to be OWN KIND and not a cheap (free) copy of something else.

Those who like to customize the desktop environments to such it imitates the UI of other OS's by only reason it is fun and needs somekind tweaking, can do it anyway.

But it is very stupid to customize the UI reasoning only that originals are "better", they should not use then "cheap" copy but the original.

If people is really so lazy that they do not like to customize the UI in better ways (easily) than those what they try to imitate (Windows and Mac OS X), they should not do it in first place.

Fact still remains, too many people thinks that using Linux + GNOME or KDE you get a cheap (free) Super Windows or Super Mac OS X.

It is good that people has talent to tweak settings so you get all kind configuration possibilities (not so mucn on GNOME) but the talent is near ZERO if you end up just to COPY something what others already has, instead they would create new things what would make other UI's look old and worse.

Be a creative.. not a cloner... (there is nothing bad to copy good ideas, but always should be enough courage to try new things just to achieve better results than just stickin on the old and safe ideas).

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 Oh please.

 by UncleRage on: Jan 11 2009
Score 50%

The beauty of an open system is that you can do what you like with it.

By your standards, Windowmaker should be be trashed because it dares to look like Open/Nextstep. Preposterous.

One of the issues the continues to plague the OS community is that there is in amazing amount of technical talent in the coding department and a whole lot of lacking in the UI department. The reason that OS X is a pleasant UI for so many is based on the amount of time, research and development dedicated to crafting it to be so (of course, large corporate pockets can afford that... as well as the focus groups to test them on). The flip side is that there are talented cats out there attempting to rectify that situation and honing their skills with themes is an excellent way of doing so.

And, while I'm nitpicking, I use both Macs and Linux systems at work. @ home, I run Linux on my laptops and OS X (hacked) as well as Server 2k8 on my workstation. The fact that I might like a, relatively, constant interface is not a desire for a knock off... it is to maximize workflow. Again, by your stance, I suppose that uniform key shortcuts (such as control-w) should never be used across platforms... after all, if I can control/command-w to close a window, I obviously should be using a Mac or a Wintel box and not Linux. Silliness.

I have a dock like app on all of my desktops for uniformity (and because I appreciate the function of the utility)... not because I want my box to "look" like OS X.

Get a hobby besides evangelism, man. It's tiresome and a real reason why people get annoyed with die hard "Linux users". Freedom is about choice, not about being a jerk.

The difficulty of a system is comparable only to the ignorance of the end user.
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 Re: Oh please.

 by Fri13 on: Jan 12 2009
Score 50%

"By your standards, Windowmaker should be be trashed because it dares to look like
Open/Nextstep. Preposterous."

No, different is that Windowmakers idea was to imitate Open/Nextstep (and there is others too).

Read again my post.

" Again,by your stance, I suppose that uniform key
shortcuts (such as control-w) should never be used across platforms... "

Looks that you understanded everything wrong by somereason. I did not say that you could not use same keykombinations like other systems has...(you did) their idea is to make things easier when you have good same shortcuts on everyplace. Read again my post.


Silly is the way how did you read my post...

"I have a dock like app on all of my desktops for uniformity (and because I appreciate the function of the utility)... not because I want my box to "look" like OS X."

Now you start seeing... there is difference taking functions what are good and implenting them, still not trying to clone other UI and it's own problems... You can use lots of ideas from other UI's, but still making a unique UI what does not try to imitate the original.

"Freedom is about choice, not about being a jerk."

You should get a hobby, because calling others as jerk is not polite, even you have freedom to do so. But you should understand that you do not have rights to call others by names how much you want. If you read others comment wrong and you start calling them as jerks only because you see everything as black and white, you should be very carefull.

Read again my post and you could understand it other way, when you readed it first time and rushed to call writer as jerk.

I repeat, there is nothing wrong to copy good ideas from others and implent them, but you should try to include something new to it by own way and not be blind copier.

Still, too many people thinks Linux is the "super windows" or "cheap Mac OS X". Even that you can make the *nix desktop environments looks lots of like it, it is not meant to be so.

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?

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 by younata on: Feb 5 2009
Score 50%

You said that linux is about freedom.
Freedom is about choice.

I choose to emulate the mac or windows. I don't have to give a reason because it's my choice and I have the freedom to not give a reason.

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 Re: Kids.

 by Fri13 on: Feb 6 2009
Score 50%

With the freedom, comes always great responsibility. You need to explain your actions what you do. You have rights to not do so, but in the end... you can not get trought from all things just sayin "I am Free and thats why I do this".
But if you have reasons, what is the reason not to give it? Usually those who does not give any reasons for things what they do, do not know itself either why they do it. Mostly it is just following masses without askin why...

What is Linux and GNU/Linux?


 Re: Re: Oh please.

 by Lauri on: Feb 15 2009
Score 50%

I'm not sure what is your point. Are you saying that this theme is bad for Linux and it's publicity?

Why don't you make unique beautiful theme instead of spending time on pointless conversation?

By the way, I'm from Turku and you seem to be from Helsinki. I think that this explains our different views. ;)

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 Re: Re: again...

 by brainac0cult on: Oct 4 2009
Score 50%

the exact point of this theme is so you can make linux look like mac, which begs the question; why are you even here?

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 Re: again...

 by Lauri on: Dec 6 2008
Score 50%


No one has asked you to make your Linux look like anything. The beauty is that you are free to choose. Even from Mac and windows look-a-like themes. The choice is yours, I'm just offering one option that you can choose from. And if you look download statistics, this option has been very popular. So my work was not in vain.

Theme sucks because it looks like something else? Well, it is supposed to look like OSX! It's the whole idea of this theme, so closer I get the better it is. If you think it's poorly implemented, then I get it that you think it sucks. But as far as I'm concerned, this is yet one of the best imitations available. Which makes it a good theme even if you don't like OSX look.

Have a nice christmas and use what ever theme you like the best! So will I and it's not this. :)

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 Re: again...

 by UbuntuLee on: Jun 14 2009
Score 50%

You say proprietary like its a bad thing. I like opensource, but those developers have the fucking right to close their source. Its thiers, they made it.
Besides I'm sure you use ADOBE FLASH.

Now copying another OS with themes? Yea that is the most idiotic thing ever. I'm tired of OS X / Vista rip offs. Honestly I think all the rip offs look like shit.

In fact I rate this theme down. Get your own ideas bitch.

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 nice theme

 by userlander on: Jan 22 2009
Score 50%

hi - nice theme, but where is the window manager borders? I extracted to /usr/share/themes, but I only get the user interface changes, and no window title bars. i'm using xfce4 and I have ubuntulooks engine installed. what do I need to do to get the window manager title bars?

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 by q12we34r on: Feb 4 2009
Score 50%

Who honestly gives a crap what you make your OS look like.

If I'm used to the Windows or Mac OSX interface and I'm moving to the Linux OS, it's very helpful for the interface to look similar to what I'm used to, since it decreases the learning curve.

and Fri13, you're a douche. Your broken English and know-it-all attitude makes me RAGE so hard. It's people like you that have kept me from migrating to Linux. I'm sick of you linux elitist a-holes.

If the point of the linux os is to create something new and not to copy other stuff...tell me how having the ability to make your OS look like another one that costs hundreds of dollars isn't innovative or original. I can't make Vista look like Gnome, even if I wanted to, without having to circumvent some sort of limitations or restrictions and jump through all kinds of loops to get it to work properly. Step off of your soap box and shut up because nobody cares.

Also, to the author, this theme is mint. Excellent job!

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 why criticize

 by linkingeek on: Sep 29 2009
Score 50%

i too was seeking for os x tiger theme and found this best as its colors are almost similar to tiger,question arises why a mod needed, its because for a desktop environment i dont want to learn whole operating system(Mac) and hence, dont want to buy it either. As far as desktop environment is concerned that's good and i want this theme.
Thanks for the theme.

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 by zoeid on: Mar 8 2010
Score 50%

and you can post it icon please ?

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 by arsenicCatnip on: May 24 2011
Score 50%

You did a wonderful job with this theme! Don't listen to those morons who say that it's our "responsibility" to not theme Linux to look like another OS. XDD That's just ridiculous.

Thank you for sharing this great theme! :))

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