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Murrine GTK+ Cairo Engine


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 73%
Murrine GTK+ Cairo Engine

Murrine GTK+ Cairo Engine

Murrine GTK+ Cairo Engine

Link:  http://www.cimitan.com
Facebook:  Link
Wiki:  Link
Twitter:  http://twitter.com/cimi
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  390551
Submitted:  Jul 18 2006
Updated:  Sep 22 2010



Official Ubuntu Murrine Thread:
New Website:

New Website:
New website has opened: http://www.cimitan.com/murrine with the goal to summarize all the good things happened this year before the 1.0 stable release.

The Future:
A transparent version (like Vista but faster and nicer ;) ) is under development!

Donate to Murrine RGBA:
Please sponsor the development if you can! :) (It's a good way to say *thanks* for all the work I've done for free to everyone of you!)

Donate by clicking on the "donate" button!


Added Facebook Fan Page and Wiki :-)


Overview of Changes in 0.98.0 (since 0.90.3)
Changes in this release:
- New supported widget: GtkExpander is now themed by the engine.
- New supported widget: GtkIconView is now themed by the engine.
- New supported widget: GtkInfoBar is now themed by the engine.
- New option: arrowstyle = 1 to draw filled arrows.
arrowstyle = 2 to draw fat filled arrows.
- New option: border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on the border.
- New option: border_colors = { “#ffffff”, “#ffffff” }
to set the colors used on the border of many widgets.
border_colors = FALSE to disable.
- New option: cellstyle = 0 to remove the border around the selected cell.
cellstyle = 1 for the border around the selected cell (as before).
- New option: comboboxstyle = 1 to colorize the GtkComboBox below the arrow.
- New option: default_button_color = “#ffffff” to specify a 2px border for the
default button.
- New option: disable_focus = TRUE
- New option: expanderstyle = 0 to draw arrows.
expanderstyle = 1 to draw circles with plus and minus.
expanderstyle = 2 to draw buttons with plus and minus.
- New option: focusstyle = 0 to disable focus drawing.
focusstyle = 1 to use dots.
focusstyle = 2 to use a small colored rectangle.
focusstyle = 3 to use a colored rectangle that touches the borders.
- New option: gradient_colors = { “#ffffff”, “#ffffff”, “#ffffff”, “#ffffff” }
to set the colors used on the gradient of many widgets.
gradient_colors = FALSE to disable.
- New option: handlestyle = 0 for three simple lines.
handlestyle = 1 for three simple lines with inset.
handlestyle = 2 for three near simple lines with inset.
- New option: prelight_shade = 1.0 to select the shade level used in the
scrollbar’s slider, GtkComboBox with comboboxstyle = 1 and
in the prelight state with gradient_colors.
- New option: separatorstyle = 1 to draw smooth separators.
- New option: shadow_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on
the shadow of some widgets.
- New option: spinbuttonstyle = 1 to add a separator on the GtkSpinButton.
- New option: textstyle = 1 for a shadow at the bottom of the text.
textstyle = 2 for a shadow at the top of the text.
textstyle = 3 for a shadow at the bottom right of the text.
textstyle = 4 for a shadow at the top left of the text.
- New option: text_shade = 1.0 to specify the shade effect of the text’s shadow.
- New option: trough_border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on
the border of the trough of GtkScrollbar and GtkProgressBar.
- New option: trough_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 } to draw a gradient on
the trough of GtkScrollbar and GtkProgressBar.
- Changed option: glowstyle = 5 for a glow around the edges.
- Changed option: listviewstyle = 2 for a solid line.
- Changed option: menustyle = 2 for a bright glow inside the menu.
menustyle = 3 for a dark glow inside the menu.
- Changed option: reliefstyle = 3 for a gradient on shadow.
reliefstyle = 4 for a stronger shadow.
- Changed option: stepperstyle = 2 for squared steppers with a rounded slider.
- Deprecated option: gradients, please unset the other options instead.
- Deprecated option: profile, please manually adjust the other options.
- Deprecated option: scrollbar_color, please use a custom bg[SELECTED].
- Improved rendering: rounded GtkScale trough.
- Improved rendering: disabled GtkScale trough.
- Improved rendering: contrast function in GtkButton.
- Improved rendering: draw lightborder with on menubar (with menubarstyle = 1).
- Improved rendering: draw lightborder with on toolbar (with toolbarstyle = 1).
- Improved rendering: better GtkTooltip theming.
- Improved rendering: use bg[GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT] on the scrollbar’s slider
with colorize_scrollbar = FALSE.

Bugfixes in this release:
- Fix a potential endless loop in draw_progressbar_fill and draw_menuitem.
- Support for automake-1.11.
- Some minor fixes on big-endian systems.
- Fixes transparent WebKitGtk window with RGBA colormaps.
- https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=554871
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk2-engines-murrine/+bug/624901
- Minor fixes and maybe more bugs I forgot to link.

Overview of Changes in 0.90.3 (since 0.90.2)
Changes in this release:
- Better focus theming.
- Don't draw shadows around GtkSpinButton, draw an inset instead.


(Source code)
(Metacity Rounded Theme (by me))
(Metacity Theme (by bvc))
(Xfwm Theme (by tome))
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 AMD64 support?

 by kdkirsch on: Sep 27 2006
Score 50%

Cimi, Murrine looks amazing! I really want to use it too. I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 for AMD64. Is there a way I can use the x86 package? Do you have any plans to release an AMD64 version? If no do you have any suggestions for me and other AMD64 users that want to use Murrine? Cheers!

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 Re: AMD64 support?

 by xopher on: Sep 30 2006
Score 50%

If you havent already, you should try compiling it yourself, there's nothing to it actually. Then instead of the 'make install' do a sudo checkinstall. And it'll make you a deb. Remember to change the package name to something more appropriate, like gtk2-enginges-murrine

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 by cakeypower on: Sep 30 2006
Score 50%

Source download still says 0.12

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 by Fedorateur on: Sep 30 2006
Score 50%

Go here http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine/download.php

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 ubuntu edgy eft

 by soc on: Sep 30 2006
Score 50%

thanks for this theme, i love it!

i made a deb for ubuntu edgy eft 6.10, get it here:


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 Murrine 0.13-1

 by jonnhy on: Oct 1 2006
Score 50%

I made a deb for ubuntu Dapper compile as: ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation


Thanks for the theme!

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 Re: Murrine 0.13-1

 by rob2687 on: Oct 1 2006
Score 50%

Is it just me or is the Murrine engine messed up on Edgy?
I've tried your debs and my own compile and install but the themes are still missing a lot of key elements when running under Edgy.

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 Re: Re: Murrine 0.13

 by jonnhy on: Oct 1 2006
Score 50%

This package this compiled with the bookstores of ubuntu dapper 6.06 LTS apparently the bookstores of edgy is but recent and for that reason this package does not work to you. :(

You can prove this: http://www.pix-nw.de/_intern/soc/gtk2-engines-murrine_0.13-1_i386.deb

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 Re: Re: Murrine 0.13

 by anonymous on: Oct 2 2006
Score 50%

This package this compiled with the bookstores of ubuntu dapper 6.06 LTS apparently the bookstores of edgy is but recent and for that reason this package does not work to you. :(

You can prove this: http://www.pix-nw.de/_intern/soc/gtk2-engines-murrine_0.13-1_i386.deb

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 FC5 package

 by sway on: Oct 1 2006
Score 50%

I made a Fedora Core 5 i386 package of Murrine 0.13 - configured with ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation

Link: http://four.fsphost.com/sway/murrine/

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