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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%

Link:  Link
Downloads:  37134
Submitted:  Feb 13 2006
Updated:  Mar 26 2006


Black, but not really.

Based upon the themes
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=34132 by cimi86
http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=33513 by lokheed

I wanted something that wasn't so bright, and better highlighted what it was your mouse was moving over.

Thanks to Cwiiis for finding so many bugs that I would never have noticed.

To change the default scrollbar colour open up the gtk.rc file in the Black theme folder and uncomment the correspending line (commenting out the colour you don't want.)


-Fixed text colour on progress bars.
-Added more prelight effects to various buttons.
-Fixed text colour on nautilus location buttons.
-Fixed text colour on combo-boxes/combo-menus.
-Edited various images.
-Added better text-entry notification.

-Fixed bug caused by fixing a different bug.
-Added optional scrollbar colour.
-fixed vertical margins not displaying.
-Altered numerous images.
-Added proper highlight to menus.

Still to do...
-Fix Dropdown issues in Evolution and others...
-Add prelight to checkboxes?

(Nautilus Background)
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 Great Work

 by Stormtorch on: Nov 13 2007
Score 50%
CodeWorkz.ne t


i took your windowframes from your theme to combine it with my custome theme at my ubuntu... they look very nice together . thank you =)

http://www.CodeWorkz.net - Tutorials, Courses and more...

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 panel transparency

 by superjamie on: Sep 28 2008
Score 50%

hey, this is a really nice theme, it's the exact color scheme i like, with small attractive controls for good screen realestate, without being too cluttered

however it stuffs up when using a partially-transparent png as the panel background, don't spose you could fix this?

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 Best ever

 by gservetas on: Sep 30 2010
Score 50%

I had downloaded your theme from http://art.gnome.org/ in Sping 2010 and have been using it since. It is my favourite theme of all time. Thanks

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