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X11 Mouse Theme

Score 79%


Version Control:  Link
Homepage:  Link
Downloads:  300389
Submitted:  Dec 17 2005
Updated:  Jun 9 2016


The original Comix Cursors.

X11 mouse theme with a comics feeling.
The package comes with 12 different mouse themes for X11.
6 colors (black, blue, green, orange, red and white)
2 different weights (slim and normal)

From version 0.8 on the cursors are 'multisize', meaning that you don't need to install one theme for each size, but only one theme, and chose the size in the cursor theme selection dialog.

The full installation also includes left-handed themes, you can choose whatever you prefer from the downloads below.

The cursors are named according to the freedesktop.org cursor naming convention, compatibility and hash cursor names are linked. In addition to the original cursor pack left-handed and opaque versions are still available here.

Please read the README and INSTALL files provided in the source package for installation and packaging instructions, as well as some hints on various issues.

"Vast" versions for visually impaired can be downloaded here: http://www.limitland.de/comixcursors.html . There are links for windows ports by firstfooter, teft and Jus on that page as well.

If you don't like the "hair" line for the text-, vertical-text- and crosshair-cursors, you can download the "NOHAIR"-sources below and replace the source files "text.svg", "vertical-text.svg" and "crosshair.svg" sources in the svg/LeftHanded and svg/RightHanded source-directories and build your cursors. These cursors might look better to you e.g. on dark backgrounds.

Ben has investigated how to configure the cursor size:

* Gnome supports multiple cursor sizes in one cursor theme, but only
distinct sizes: 16, 24, 32, and 48 pixels.

There is no known Gnome 3 application for setting the size of the mouse
cursor. You need to set the desired size in pixels as the value of the
DConf setting ‘org.gnome.desktop.interface.cursor-size’. You can use
‘dconf-editor’ (from the ‘dconf-tools’ package) or ‘gsettings’ to change
DConf settings.

ComixCursors come in sizes 32, 40, 48 and 64.

Please checkout the latest sources from the new official repository on gitlab.com: https://gitlab.com/limitland/comixcursors. Please read http://www.limitland.de/comixcursors

Have fun.


2016-06-10: version 0.9.0

- Move the original repository to gitlab.com
- Increase the shadows transparency.

2013-10-23: version 0.8.2

- Correct build of entire cursor set from source.
- Explain how to set cursor size in Gnome 3.
- Correct transparency level for Opaque cursors.
- Set hairline colour consistently.

2013-10-12: version 0.8.1
- Set orientation RightHanded if not specified.
- Build theme variants.
- Fix the multisize build process from sources.

2013-09-21: version 0.8
- Use multisize cursors.

2012-08-13: version 0.7.4
- Switch from deprecated ‘rsvg(1)’ to ‘rsvg-convert(1)’.

2011-09-13: version 0.7.3
- Ben: Updated documentation for building custom themes.
- Ben: Expand shell wildcards in rule dependencies.

2011-02-26: version 0.7.2
- All Qt4 links (Ben).

2010-10-16: version 0.7.1
- Additional Qt4 cursor links (thx aqeeliz).

2010-06-03: version 0.7
- Licence changed to GPLv3.
- Uninstallation of current/custom/all cursors from sources.
- Render images using ‘rsvg’ (faster than Inkscape).
- Generate animation frames from starting image using SVG transform attributes (not ‘patch’).
- Easier to customise install location.
- Maintainability improvements of build system and programs.
- Include “Opaque” and “Left Handed” alternatives in primary source package.

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 Nice work

 by nosebleed on: Dec 17 2005
Score 50%

One problem... and I see this with alot of cursors, is that the question_arrow doesn't seem to work in firefox. Other than that, it's outstanding!

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 great but firefox?

 by arthur-kalm on: Dec 17 2005
Score 50%

Great work. I love the way you made it transparent (how did you do this without using composite?).

The only problem that I see so far is that the cursor does not work with Firefox. It works with other GTK apps but when the cursor goes over Firefox, it changes back to my previous cursor theme.

Arthur Kalmenson
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 Nice, but...

 by umarmung on: Dec 17 2005
Score 50%


I really like it. However, the text entry cursor is hard to see, when you use a mostly dark theme like me. Can you include an alternative one?

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 by smileaf on: Dec 18 2005
Score 50%

Only issue I see is when you hover over a Verticle splitter the horizontal resize is used.

As for everyone complaining that it doesn't work with firefox.. it works great with firefox.

this comment has been leafed...
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 Re: Nice

 by arthur-kalm on: Dec 18 2005
Score 50%

I'm using Firefox 1.5 installed from the Firefox website. Perhaps that is why?

Arthur Kalmenson
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 Re: Nice

 by jlue on: Dec 19 2005
Score 50%

Is that firefox issue on Gnome or KDE?

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 Re: Re: Nice

 by arthur-kalm on: Dec 19 2005
Score 50%

KDE 3.5 on Ubuntu 5.10.

Arthur Kalmenson
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 by dunkelstern on: Dec 18 2005
Score 50%

Looks cool, but for my purposes (using dualscreen desktop with summed up resolution of 3200x1200) they are a little small.

I check back again when you've included some other sizes.

Good work so far!

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 by zimmi on: Dec 18 2005
Score 50%

these are real nice, cant wait for some with a bit more color :)

I didnt lose my mind, it was mine to give away.
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