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T-ish-Brushed Pack


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 73%
FWD - Grupa
T-ish-Brushed Pack

T-ish-Brushed Pack

Link:  Link
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  69240
Submitted:  Nov 4 2005
Updated:  Sep 28 2006


Fast brushed Clearlooks theme made to loosely resemble OSX Tiger

Contains two variations: classic (fast) and aquastyle with blue decorations and aqualike scrolbars (not so fast), and two subvariations of each: normal and bright for different monitors.

Also it contains different metacity themes: T-ish-Brushed-Glass (now default) and T-ish-Brushed (classical flat). If you are using compizinstall T-ish-Metal compiz theme (link below).

Choose your desired combination through theme details dialog.


Based on Clerlooks engine, Ish GTK theme with additional buttons from Expose and GlossyP metacity borders.

Requires clearlooks engine.

IMPORTANT: In order to install all of the themes you'll have to manually extract to ~/.themes dir.

For best results use OSX icons, jaguax mouse theme, and Brushed firefox skin (links below).

To-do list:
- transparent panels


0.1 - First release.
0.2 - Improved brush quality.
0.3 - Added the brighter version of theme thanks to TheEye.
0.4 - bugfixes, slightly improved brushes
0.5 - fixed bug with inactive button, added third version shaded-bright (my personal favourite)
0.6 - enhanced title window border to get more solid appearance.
0.7 - significant speed improvements, metacity border bugfixes, gnome panel still cannot be transparent.
0.7.1 - shaded-bright metacity theme fixes
0.8 - more colorful metacity widget buttons
0.8.1 - catch-up with T-ish theme improvements (shaded-bright borders), default icon theme changed to OSX
0.8.2 - speed improvements, small bugfix
1.1 - code cleanup, removed shaded-bright version since it's easily achievable with combination of T-ish borders and T-ish-Brushed-bright theme, added Aquastyle theme versions.
1.2 - better shade of blue for aquastyle variation
1.3 - finally the right kind of blue choosen for aquastyle variation, name change in order to avoid misunderstandings about requirements
1.3.1.- menuitem bugfix
1.3.2 - more fixes:(
1.3.3 - solved the tooltips display problem, removed brush backgrounds from panel object
1.4 - more usability, added helper symbols to metacity widget buttons
1.5 - secondary backward stepper on aqualike themes turned off in order to achieve correct drawing of scrollbars and spin buttons, if you whish the same for classic themes please leave a comment.
1.6 - entirely reworked metacity theme, now it works without additional bitmaps, have all four corners rounded, is much faster and works properly in maximized state
1.7 - more work on metacity borders, now one metacity theme works with all variations (and looks better:)), you can even combine it with other gtk themes since it inherits gtk default colors. themes are now selectable through main themes window. general cleanup of all directories is done.
1.8 - removed lines between toolbar and menubar for more ellegant appearance (thanks to Alexander V. Butenko). Metacity recalculated in order to match other T-ish themes. Added a suggested mouse pointer download.
1.8.1 - directory cleanup, fixes, added link to suggested firefox skin
2-0 - more usability decisions: metacity menu button replaced with application icon, added active state for scrollbar arrows in aquastyle variations
2.1 - added another metacity theme T-ish-Brushed-Glass that adds little more eyecandy without sacrificing performance
2.2 - T-ish-Brushed-Glass now default metacity borders, you can still select classic metacity through theme details.
3.0 - new toolbar buttons, close button bugfix, name change
3.1 - iconrc fix

(T-ish-Brushed package)
(OSX icons)
(Mouse theme jaguarx)
(Firefox skin)
(Compiz borders for T-ish-Brushed)
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 by waybetter on: Feb 27 2006
Score 50%

I love this theme!
Thanks a lot

BTW, do you happen to have an idea in your mind to include evolution stock icons in the future?

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 Re: Cool!!

 by tmilovan on: Feb 28 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

Well I didn't thought about it because I recommend OSX icons.

However since OSX icons introduced green evolution icons I should probably reconsider this.


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 arrows integration

 by klix on: Mar 4 2006
Score 50%

what's with that nice hover in the scrolbar arrows ? isn't possible to conserve the perfect integration with the scrollbar and the arrow? :(

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 Re: arrows integrati

 by tmilovan on: Mar 4 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

I'm not sure what you mean. Can you explain little bit more?


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 Re: Re: arrows integ

 by klix on: Mar 8 2006
Score 50%

the arrows in the scrollbar didn't fit well with the aquastyle scrollbar

the arrows are square while the scrollbar is rounded

excuse me for my english :(

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 Re: Re: Re: arrows i

 by tmilovan on: Mar 8 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

Ok, I understand now.

Unfortunately I don't see any way to get them matched and too have preflight effect at the same time.

I don't think there is the way to have that yet.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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 Location bar

 by waybetter on: Mar 8 2006
Score 50%

Thanks for the theme you've worked.

Could you let me know how to change the location bar so that it looks just like your screenshot in file browser?

In my nautilus, it's always just a text-input panel.

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 Re: Location bar

 by tmilovan on: Mar 8 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa


Start gconf-editor from console.

Or on ubuntu: go to:
Applications->System tools->Configuration editor

when gconf is started go to:

choose: start_with_location_bar and turn off allways_use_location_entry


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 One thing

 by waybetter on: Mar 11 2006
Score 50%

Thanks for your beautiful theme.
Unlike other previous themes, I have kept using this theme for a long time. :D

One thing I'd like to know is how to exclude some icons that imposed by the main theme to a specific program.
For instance, I was recently trying to change "previous","next" and "print" icons in evolution email program by copying some other icons to stock directory under theme directory, but I couldn't change those.

Is there any way to achieve that?
However, I still keep the above mentioned icons to other programs.

Thanks beforehand,

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 Re: One thing

 by tmilovan on: Mar 14 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa


There is the way but I don't know yet how exactly to do it.

Will let you know when I find out.


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 Left alignment

 by N0rr3c on: Apr 18 2006
Score 50%


I want to ask a question :)
I'm new in GNOME, so how can I place the window buttons to the left side? Is there any option for a left/rigth alignment what I can't find or what? :)


PS: The theme is gorgeous! ;)

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 Re: Left alignment

 by tmilovan on: Apr 18 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa


Metacity buttons:
Start gconf-editor from console.

Or on ubuntu: go to:
Applications->System tools->Configuration editor

when gconf is started go to:

and into button_layout field put the following values:



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 Mozilla apps

 by ngrover on: Jun 10 2006
Score 50%

I love this theme! Good work. I also tried the "Brushed" theme but didn't like it as much as the T-ish/Clearlooks version you've made, however when I use the "Brushed" theme FireFox also adopts the brushed look but under this theme FireFox is just a dark grey color. I'm using the tango icon theme for FireFox and would like to contiue to do so. Is it possible for your theme to also force FireFox to adpot the brushed look?

Keep up the good work!

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 Re: Mozilla apps

 by tmilovan on: Jun 11 2006
Score 50%
FWD - Grupa

I'll see how can I force firefox to do so.


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