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Glasstic X11 Mouse theme


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 46%
Glasstic X11 Mouse theme

Link:  Link
Downloads:  2233
Submitted:  Feb 17 2005
Updated:  Feb 21 2005


This is my first cursor theme so be gentle with me.

I hope you Like it!

Feel free to give suggestions


2/17/05 - Updated xterm/text cursor corrected size issue with this cursor

2/20/05 - Updated hot spot on waiting pointer to be on the arrow not the waiter.

(Glasstic X11 Mouse theme)
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 by SynTruth on: Feb 17 2005
Score 50%

I tried installing this, but KDE Control Center said it does not appear to be a valid mouse theme.

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 Re: Hmmm

 by an10ae on: Feb 17 2005
Score 50%

All you have to do is copy over the glasstic directory into either your home directory
~/.icons folder
or into

The kde them installer doesn't seem to work for some reason but, I haven't even tried using it since I just put the files there myself.

I'll look into it though

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 Re: Re: Hmmm

 by an10ae on: Feb 21 2005
Score 50%

Ok all evidence points to not using the kde theme installer. If you find out something different please let me know sorry, just follow the instructions i gave and or the kde-look how to and all should be well.


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 by an10ae on: Feb 18 2005
Score 50%

So far only 1 person has commented.

out of 68 downloads this seems a little strange, but maybe not.

either way some feedback would definitely be great!


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 Re: Comments?

 by AntonioFasolato on: Feb 18 2005
Score 50%


Do not expect great feedback though. It's a bit sad, but in my experience you do not get a lot of messages from users (maybe they are shy ;)

keep up the good work.

ps: 1 comment out of 68 is a good ratio. I got 14 posts out of 1200 downolads...

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 Re: Re: Comments?

 by an10ae on: Feb 18 2005
Score 50%

Thank you antonio,

That is ashame about the feedback.
especially considering it requires the community to make all of these things better.

but, oh well you can't force i suppose downloading should be considered feedback enough.

people must like it if they are downloading it, Right?


Thanks again for responding

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 It's nice

 by pvz on: Feb 19 2005
Score 50%

I like this theme. I have only one problem with it, when a pointer(waiting) appears, a hotspot is inside the circle and it's quite misleading as a pointer points elsewhere. If it could be moved to upper left corner it would be great.


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 Re: It's nice

 by an10ae on: Feb 21 2005
Score 50%

I've changed this now. Sorry about that and thanks for noticing and letting me know.


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 Very Nice

 by germ on: Feb 21 2005
Score 50%

Looks great and works great with KDE 3.3.1

Thanks you and keep up the great work. :)

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