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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 73%


Link:  Link
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  85973
Submitted:  Jan 8 2005
Updated:  Jun 30 2005


Clearlooks is new modern looking engine, based on Bluecurve. It has the looks of various themes blended together, resulting in a theme that's easy on the eyes and visually pleasing ;)

The difference with pixmap based themes, is that it does not sacrifice a lot of speed.

Since it's an engine, the installation differs from a 'normal' theme. Just run "./configure --prefix=/usr && make install" and you should be set.

Note: make sure that ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is not overriding a theme, as it has priority over the theme managers.

When updating from a previous version of Clearlooks keep in mind that applications still running will continue to use the old version of the engine. Switching themes may cause incompatibilities with the new theme definition. Those applications will then revert to the default GTK look. When this happens you will have to restart those applications. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Now, drool at the screenshots, and enjoy using it :)

!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As of version 0.4, there is an optional animated progressbar. It has to be enabled manually by the brave. To do this, install it with "./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation" followed by "make install" as root.

GTK+ developers consider this new feature a horrible hack. But it's cool! We've tested it quite well, and it doesn't break anything we know of. If an application crashes, make sure that Clearlooks isn't the cause. If it is, please notify me.

!!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER NOTE !!!!!!!!

Clearlooks has a mailinglist. If you have a question, please send it there. The address is:

THE METACITY THEME HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THIS PACKAGE. You should get it seperately from http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=21237


Clearlooks 0.6.2:
Fixed crash in OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 + Ximian.
Applied patch from Cary Coady to fix a segfault when progressbar has no parent.
Removed metacity theme from the engine package (accidently left it in 0.6.1).

Clearlooks 0.6.1:
Fixed wrong rendering of combobox in some themes.
Consistent rendering of buttons in glade and gimp.
Compatability fix for GTK 2.2 from Hongli Lai.
Forgot to mention new listview headers in 0.6.0!

Clearlooks 0.6:
New menuitem style.
Listview item gradients enabled by default.
Tweaked radio- and checkboxes.
New checkmark graphic from Steven Garrity.
New gradient on buttons.
Buttons appear semi-sunken (with new themes).
Fixed GtkNotebook colors in glade and gaim (and others).
Menubar gradient slightly lighter so accommodate border-less WM themes.

Previous releases:
Check the NEWS file in the release tarball.

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 Very nice theme...

 by mschwartz on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

Great theme! I really like the look of this.

One quick note, which is that the engine seems a bit slow. Like you, I am running Xfce 4.2 from CVS.

I had been running bvc's Edge theme, which was very quick. I now have his additional blue theme for this engine loaded as well.

FWIW, this is using FC3 on a Dell 5150 laptop with a 3.2Ghz P4, 2Gb RAM and an nVidia 64mb card using the nvidia driver.

Any thoughts or additional info you need to help?


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 by rokaef on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

Looks really good. I run Xfce4.2_rc3 and have no speed problems.

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 by mschwartz on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

Ok. Not sure what that was about, but I re-booted and it now seems faster. Even the xfdesktop menu is coming up much faster.

Sorry for the confusion.

Nice to see others using Xfce 4.2. It's a great desktop.

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 Some help for a noob

 by tibz on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

I just instaled Ubuntu with Gnome and I love it.

I wold lie to install this theme, but the ./configure command you posted does nothing for me. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Pls help what exacly do I type in the terminal aftr downloading the file?

Thanx much

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 Re: Some help for a

 by bvc on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

tar -xjf 19527-clearlooks-engine-0.1.tar.bz2
cd clearlooks-engine-0.1
./configure --prefix=/usr && make install

you will have to be root to install

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 Re: Re: Some help fo

 by kaha on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

I don't think the standard Ubuntu install includes GCC, does it?

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 Excellent theme

 by YellowBook on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

As an update to Bluecurve, I think this engine is excellent. When I saw the screenshots, I had thought it was a combination of Bluecurve and LighthouseBlue, but it's got subtleties that neither of those have. I'm not sure I like the sunken menubar, but other than that, it's great.

A couple of quibbles:

1) No gtk1 engine. If there's not going to be one, any metathemes using this engine ought to distribute a matching gtk1 theme using Bluecurve and/or Lighthouseblue.

2) With certain metacity themes, it looks like the menubar needs a little vertical padding (outside of the sunken area). This is especially noticible with Bluecurve, for example.

Still, very nice engine.

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 by bvc on: Jan 9 2005
Score 50%

again, excellent work!
Down the road do you plan to release any documentation for clearlooks specific code for gtkrc's?

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