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X11 Mouse Theme

Score 62%


Version Control:  Link
Downloads:  14265
Submitted:  May 18 2014
Updated:  Nov 28 2015


Ardoise is a simple, dark and flat theme. All cursors have the same shape, only the symbol changes.

Available resolutions are 24, 32, 48 and 72 px.

Update: fixed the 100-no-shadow archive which was previously empty.


Reworked shadows for cleaner edges

moved to GitHub
all previous variants are now also available with shadows
the dark border at the bottom of the cursor was removed

added a more translucent variant, similar to previous versions. Thanks to janet.

fixed a visual regression in Wait cursor (the axis of rotation was slightly off-center and the symbol was poorly positioned).

improved uniformity (some symbols had a different opacity)
added Ardoise_opaque theme
added a script to regenerate files from source

slight alignment fix on up_arrow and col_resize

added link to source files and reduced file size

additional fixes, thanks again to dabbill

fixed some legacy symlinks that were mixed up, thanks to dabbill.

added ClosedHand cursor and markitos66 added legacy symlinks. The theme should now work properly on Gnome and other DEs.

all cursors have been completely redrawn, keeping the original appearance but with a slight alteration to make them look better on bright backgrounds. The Wait cursor is now clockwise.

LicenseCreative Commons by-nc-sa
(Ardoise 75 no-shadow)
(Ardoise 87 no-shadow)
(Ardoise 100 no-shadow)
(Ardoise 75 +shadow)
(Ardoise 87 +shadow)
(Ardoise 100 +shadow)
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 pirate and x

 by janet on: Jan 11 2015
Score 50%

I love this theme but the x-cursor does not look very Ardoise-like, maybe you could replace it?

And can you please add a pirate cursor? Something like this maybe (that's the Breeze pirate on Ardoise cursor): http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/pirate72ews8yncfkx.png

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 Re: pirate and x

 by obnosim on: Jan 17 2015
Score 50%

I didn't customize those two because I honestly don't know what they are there for and I have never encountered them (I kept the default x_cursor one but the pirate one is missing, I'll fix that).
I could create Ardoise versions if it's a problem (see my answer to your previous comment).

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 Re: Re: pirate and x

 by janet on: Jan 18 2015
Score 50%

The pirate is for xkill!

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 Re: pirate and x

 by obnosim on: Jan 18 2015
Score 63%

Okay, the two new icons are ready. I'm waiting for you to tell me what opacity you'd like and I'll publish the update.

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