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DMZ with Red Color Halo [Package]


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 61%
DMZ with Red Color Halo [Package]

DMZ with Red Color Halo [Package]

Downloads:  1047
Submitted:  Feb 7 2014
Updated:  Feb 7 2014


Important: If you like multisized mouse themes and you do not have trouble installing, I suggest you install it, but as multisized. Only you will install a multisized mouse theme and will choose one of six. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=163335.
Thank you.


DMZhaloRedPackage is a X11 Mouse Themes Package, with 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 and 64 pixels.
This theme has a lot modifications of DMZ theme.The modification idea is to put a halo on all cursors. I was built it with Inkscape and it has new pointers and a lot of animations. It's for people who like this marvelous cursor theme, called DMZ. It's almost flat, because only has shadow's blur and hasn't any degradated image. Cursors are looking well in both dark and clear backgrounds.

I've added some symlinks to Steam, and everything needed for KDE, Xfce, GNOME and Unity. I have tested it under Cinnamon with Muffin, KDE with Kwin, Xfce, Gnome, and Unity and it works great.
I would change some things so you can expect updates. If you find any errors, please let me know in the comments section.

  • 1- Locate the file "163336-DMZhaloRP.tar.gz" downloaded. It's probably in your Downloads folder.

  • 2- Right click on it and left click on "extract here". You will see the folder "DMZhaloRP". This include six themes: DMZhaloR24, DMZhaloR32, DMZhaloR40, DMZhaloR48, DMZhaloR56 and DMZhaloR64, which are the themes to install: 24=24 pixels, 32=32 pixels, 40=40 pixels, 48=48 pixels, 56=56 pixels and 64=64 pixels.

  • 3- Move as root each theme folder to /usr/share/icons. Open a terminal as root and you can use the following command line, changing 24 in DMZhaloR24 by 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64
    mv Downloads/DMZhaloRP/DMZhaloR24 /usr/share/icons/

  • ON KDE
  • 4- Change cursor theme, by example DMZhaloR24, with desktop setting tools.

  • 5- If you want to make it the default cursor and see this cursor theme on login screen KDM, you must edit as root the index.theme system file located in /usr/share/icons/default. Use next command:
    nano /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme

    and then change the name present after of "=", sign to DMZhaloR24

  • 6- Reboot.

  • 4- Now we choose a theme, by example DMZhaloR24, writing the next command line in terminal:
    sudo ln -fs /usr/share/icons/DMZhaloR24/cursor.theme /etc/alternatives/x-cursor-theme

  • 5- Select the cursor theme with MyUnity, gnome-tweak-tool, ubuntu-tweak or another Desktop Settings Tool.

  • 6- Reboot.

  • I hope you like them! Thanks.


  • 2014 Feb v0.10 Initial release

  • LicenseLGPL
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     HaloR pack

     by Laz42 on: Apr 20 2014
    Score 50%

    Installed it today. This is a great package, only
    minor problem is that the cursors work only on the main screen on a dual monitor setup. The secondary monitor reverts to the original cursor. It does improve visibility, and I'm grateful for that.
    Thanks for the great job.

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