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Treepata - High contrast


Xfce Icon Theme

Score 63%
Treepata - High contrast

Treepata - High contrast

Homepage:  http://www.treepata.nl
Downloads:  5060
Submitted:  Jun 27 2012
Updated:  Jul 16 2014


Treepata - High Contrast - is based on the Xfce High Contrast icon theme, and developed for the Xfce environment.


After having used the standard Xfce/Xubuntu icon themes for quite a while, I needed something cleaner and simpler. Something more fitting with the overall dark theme (Ambiance) I had chosen for my configuration. Something like the Xfce High Contrast icon set.

The Xfce High Contrast icon set is nice, but also unfinished. Many icons are missing, leading to broken links and standard Xfce elementary icon replacements. So I developed my own icon set, a highly updated version of the High Contrast icon set.

Besides having added my own designs, I make use of Xfce High Contrast's existing icons, as well as additional icons from the beautiful ALLBLACK icon set by Mandarancid and 042 icon set by Heylove. Due credit should go to them.

The current version (1.2) includes about 2570 icons (trying not to count doubles). It is tested under Xubuntu 14.04 and should run without issues.

I now use the Numix theme (part of the Shimmer Pproject), which looks good with the Treepata Icon set. You can see the theme in action in the screenshots.

The next version (1.3) will include more in-application icons, as well as some improved, corrected and updated icons - and Gajim icons.


DISCLAIMER: Although I managed to add a significant number of new icons, it does not include every icon of every application out there. In particular, if you use another desktop manager besides Xfce (such as Gnome), you might find a few missing icons.

Feel free to suggest or ask for additional icons in the comments below. I will create and include these icons in future editions.


INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: Unpack the whole folder with your favourite file archiver, and place it in ./usr/share/icons. Do not forget that you need root priveleges to paste something in this folder. (Run "sudo thunar" in your Terminal application to start Thunar with root priveleges).


1.2 - updated to 14.04. Added 20 new icons
1.1.1 - Corrected permissions! My apologies
1.1 - updated to 13.04, added 70 new icons
1.0 - added 11 new icons, mostly games
0.9 - added 64x64 and 96x96 versions, added new icons, fixed errors
0.8 - added 30 new icons, improved other icons
0.7 - First public version released

(Treepata icon set 1.2)
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 by frankdu72 on: Jul 14 2012
Score 70%

Thanks for the job, this is splendid

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 Re: Treepata

 by Treepata on: Sep 8 2012
Score 63%

Thanks Frank! Good to hear my work is appreciated.

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 by jboadas on: Sep 12 2012
Score 63%

Very thanks for this.

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 Re: Thanks

 by Treepata on: Oct 23 2012
Score 50%

Thanks for the appreciation, jboadas!

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 power and battery icons

 by cadhart on: Jul 3 2013
Score 63%

Exactly what I was looking for, good work.
I noted some slight issues related with power and battery stuff. Please have a look:
Icons on the first screenshot is ok. On the second Battery Monitor icon is xfce default. On the third power icons in tray and menu seems like appeared for dark background. There are also some glitches with microphone icons. As for the rest, this minimalistic icon collection is awesome.

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 Re: power and battery icons

 by Treepata on: Aug 7 2013
Score 50%

Hey Cadhart,

Thanks for your comments and feedback! I just got back from holidays, my apologies for the late reply.

I crashed my laptop two weeks ago (it ran too hot, broke the fan :-) so cannot check your errors.

But in two weeks I will get my new fan, and I will also install Xubuntu to the latest version. Then I will check your feedback, and also update the Icon theme in general.

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 Re: power and battery icons

 by Treepata on: Sep 9 2013
Score 50%

Hi Cadhart,

I fixed the battery monitor, it should look ok now. Regarding the power manager, I could not reproduce this error. My power manager looks ok now (under Xubuntu 13.04). If the problem still persists after the upgrade to treepata 1.1, let me know. I might know what the issue (and fix) is.

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 Gajim and Service Discovery

 by el-schniefnase on: Sep 29 2013
Score 50%

Please add size 32x32.

New icon:


New shortcuts (Gajim Service Discovery must be 32x32):

ln -s ../../apps/48/accessories-dictionary.svg gajim-agent-dictionary.svg
ln -s ../../apps/48/internet-group-chat.svg gajim-agent-conference.svg
ln -s ../../apps/48/im-aim.svg gajim-agent-aim.png
ln -s ../../apps/48/im-icq.svg gajim-agent-icq.svg
ln -s ../../apps/48/im-nov.svg gajim-agent-novell.svg
ln -s ../../apps/48/im-nov.svg gajim-agent-groupwise.svg
ln -s ../../apps/48/im-yahoo.svg gajim-agent-yahoo.svg
ln -s ../../apps/48/im-yahoo.svg gajim-agent-yim.svg

ln -s ../../mimetypes/48/application-rss+xml.svg gajim-agent-rss.svg
ln -s ../../mimetypes/48/x-office-address-book.svg gajim-agent-jud.svg
ln -s ../../mimetypes/48/x-office-address-book.svg gajim-agent-vjud.svg
ln -s ../../mimetypes/48/x-office-address-book.svg gajim-agent-users.svg
ln -s ../../mimetypes/48/x-office-address-book.svg gajim-agent-vcard.svg
ln -s ../../mimetypes/48/x-office-address-book.svg gajim-agent-search.svg

ln -s ../../apps-extra/48/facebook.svg gajim-agent-facebook.svg
ln -s ../../apps-extra/48/facebook.svg gajim-agent-fb.svg
ln -s ../../apps-extra/48/google.svg gajim-agent-gtalk.svg
ln -s ../../apps-extra/48/skype.svg gajim-agent-skype.svg
ln -s ../../apps-extra/48/twitter.svg gajim-agent-twitter.svg
ln -s ../../apps-extra/48/twitter.svg gajim-agent-twt.svg

ln -s ../../devices/48/audio-input-microphone.svg gajim-agent-echo.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/camera-web.svg gajim-agent-simple.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/camera-web.svg gajim-agent-sip.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/camera-web.svg gajim-agent-sipe.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/drive-harddisk.svg gajim-agent-disk.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/drive-harddisk.svg gajim-agent-jdisk.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/phone.svg gajim-agent-sms.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/phone.svg gajim-agent-aspsms.svg
ln -s ../../devices/48/video-display.svg gajim-agent-tv.svg

ln -s ../../emblems/48/emblem-mail.svg gajim-agent-email.svg
ln -s ../../emblems/48/emblem-mail.svg gajim-agent-mail.svg
ln -s ../../emblems/48/emblem-mail.svg gajim-agent-smtp.svg

ln -s ../../places/48/network-server.svg gajim-agent-http-ws.svg
ln -s ../../places/48/network-server.svg gajim-agent-proxy.svg
ln -s ../../places/48/network-workgroup.svg gajim-agent-pubsub.svg

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 Re: Gajim and Service Discovery

 by el-schniefnase on: Sep 29 2013
Score 50%

Service Discovery icons are located under categories.

More information at https://trac.gajim.org/wiki/DiscoIconTheme

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 Good work

 by andfRa on: May 27 2015
Score 50%

I'm really liking the icons, it goes very well with the black-white look I'm going for. Thank you. Made an account to say that.

Do you have or are you planning icons for:
Arch distro logo
Eclipse IDE
Qt Creator IDE
Firefox (black and white)

Or if you have a general guide (border widh etc) on making new icons, I can make few myself.

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