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Ambiance Crunchy


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 74%
Ambiance Crunchy

Ambiance Crunchy

Ambiance Crunchy

Downloads:  108772
Submitted:  May 28 2012
Updated:  Apr 23 2016


It's an Ambiance like Theme for Fluxbox, Icewm, Openbox, Lxde, Xfce, Gnome2/Mate & Gnome3 (Unity, Gnome-Shell, Gnome-Classic & Cinnamon). Gtk-3.16 and Cinnamon 2.8 compatible.

The objective is to have it working very well in all that environnements with a choice of 4 flavours.

NEW: Gnome-Classic session in Gnome-shell fully set (see below for instruction for the window-list extension customization)

* open a Terminal in the folder where the file 136162-Crunchy-themes.tar.gz is
* and copy/paste this command line (Ubuntu like distros):
sudo tar -zxvf 136162-Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share

(or if you are in Debian)
tar -zxvf 136162-Crunchy-themes.tar.gz -C /usr/share

Customization of the window-list extension in Gnome-shell
As we can't theme it, we have to change the original files. So we have to make copies of them before making the customization. In a terminal:

cd /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/window-list@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com
cp classic.css classic_Origin.css
cp stylesheet.css stylesheet_Origin.css

cp classic_Crunchy.css classic.css
cp stylesheet_Crunchy.css stylesheet.css

Setting the theme in Gnome
* Unity: you have to install and use Unity-tweak
* Gnome-Shell: Gnome-tweak (Advanced settings) must be used and the user theme plugin activated
* Cinnamon: in the control center / themes

Openbox rounded Buttons
If the display of the buttons is weird, just set the "active window title" font to the right size. Example : Ubuntu (regular) 11.

Gtk engines dependancy
Murrine & Unico are needed by the theme. To be sure they are installed:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk3-engines-unico


2010: Openbox theme + gtk2 theme later on

* theme rewritten with gtk3 and Xfce/Lxde support
* gnome2/mate compatibility checked
* new Gnome-shell Theme
* new Cinnamon Theme
* flavour orange added

* Openbox theme rewritten
* GTK-3.8 & Cinnamon 2.0 compatibility
* new Fluxbox theme
* new set of buttons for Metacity/Unity and Xfwm4

* Gnome-shell theme & Fluxbox theme rewritten
* Gtk-3.10, MintMenu in Mate, Nautilus in Unity, Metacity config files,.. fixes
* New Icewm Theme

Gtk3, Gnome-shell and Openbox themes fixes

Feb: Cinnamon theme fully rewritten for 2.8 version
April: Gnome-Classic session/window-list extension and other fixes for Gnome-shell

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 Coins supérieurs arrondis/blancs

 by Seebyo on: Apr 23 2014
Score 75%

Bravo pour votre thème, je l'aprécie grandement ! Cependant, j'observe un défaut lorsque j'ouvre une fenêtre de l'explorateur des dossiers. En effet, les deux coins supérieurs de la barre d'adresse sont arrondis/blancs.
Je suis sous Ubuntu 14.04 x64 avec Unity.
Dans l'espoir que ce léger désagrément soit corrigé.
Image: http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/794582Capturedu20140423030758.png

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 Re: Coins supérieurs arrondis/blancs

 by Seebyo on: Apr 23 2014
Score 75%

Et j'ai oublié de préciser que le bouton (X) pour fermer la fenêtre est positionné légèrement plus haut que les boutons réduire/agrandir. Je ne sais pas si cela est voulu mais je tenais à le signaler.
Merci et bravo ;)

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 Nautilus bar issue

 by viii on: May 6 2014
Score 75%


Just want to start off by saying I really like this theme. The only thing that bugs me about it is in the picture; the bar in Nautilus (I don't know what it's actually called) has rounded top corners and a gradient which doesn't fit. Hopefully you could get this fixed because I love everything else. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04

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 Re: Nautilus bar issue

 by frombenny on: May 6 2014
Score 70%

I know it but didn't find a way to fix it yet. I'm on hollidays for now. The only work around is to install Nemo. I need the rounded corners in GNOME-SHELL. GNOME made some changes in Nautilus. I haven't understand how to code the theme for it.

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 Re: Re: Nautilus bar issue

 by Ravefinity on: May 6 2014
Score 75%
Open Source Design Project

This is a weird issue I am having it too with my themes Ambiance Colors, The funny thing is if you copy the original Ambiance theme and rename it making no modifications it will happen too. Meaning we didn't break anything it's not our fault. It appears to be a bug in Ubuntu or Nautilus (They ship a custom forked build of it now) Any theme that is not stock Ambiance appears to have this issue, except for 1 or 2 some other custom themes. I am trying to articulate a bug report but I fear they won't care. I am looking for a workaround I will share if I find one. So far the solid answer is to use Nemo.

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 Great work as always!

 by Ravefinity on: Oct 3 2014
Score 75%
Open Source Design Project

Awesome work as always, Always glad to see you back with a new version :)

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 Re: Great work as always!

 by frombenny on: Oct 4 2014
Score 70%


Glad to have seen you back with a huge work on your themes since april!

And thanks for your answer (that saved me a lot of time) for the nautilus behaviour since Gnome choosed to incorporate the window manager buttons in it. In Unity, it's impossible to make a choice between the gnome-toolbar code and the one when a window decorator is present..

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 Re: Re: Great work as always!

 by Ravefinity on: Oct 11 2014
Score 75%
Open Source Design Project

Thanks Benoit, I actually just came across a fix for the nautilus gap issue yesterday after many hours and days and weeks of torment (I worked like crazy to push it out to users right after discovering it)

Basically Open the GTK3 gtk-widgets.css and goto line 1938 under primary-toolbar and add "border-radius: 0;" right under "border-width"

Have a good one.

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 by Ravefinity on: Jul 30 2015
Score 75%
Open Source Design Project

Benoit! I am glad to see you back in action!

It's been awhile since we have last talked.

I hope all is well. I have been working away on 3 new themes since November 2014. It's really crazy time just flys never enough it seems.

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 Re: Bonjour!

 by frombenny on: Aug 6 2015
Score 70%

Hello Jared,
Such a huge work you've done for a year! The update of the historical themes and 3 new ones that came these 9 last months!!!

I always test your themes when I have issues on mine to see if you have fixed them before me.

Everything is fine. I had just to spend more time to take care of my father (the regular eldery issues).

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 Sys-tray issue

 by greenkanopus on: Sep 13 2015
Score 75%


First of I wish to thank you for developing such an impressive theme - I really appreciate your work.

And because I really liked your theme and wish to continue using it I would be very grateful if you could advise me regarding fixing following issue.
I am using Fedora (Korora) 22 with Cinnamon Window manager and when there are many running applications and in such a way many buttons on the panel a system tray (area on the panel with system icons such as display, network etc.) starts to slide towards clock, so that some of the system icons are clipped by the clock as on the following image where keyboard layout is clipped by the clock:


I checked with some other themes (e.g DeLorean) and I did not observe sliding effect. I browsed through cinnamon.css but so far I did not find anything relevant, so I would be more than grateful if you could suggest a way to prevent effect of the sliding of the system tray.

Thank you very much in advance!

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 Re: Sys-tray issue

 by frombenny on: Feb 9 2016
Score 75%

This issue is now fixed..

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 by Ravefinity on: Feb 10 2016
Score 75%
Open Source Design Project

Great work on the new version. Really happy to see!

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