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Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Ubuntu Unity?

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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 30%
Do You LIKE :) or DISLIKE Ubuntu Unity?

Downloads:  5237
Submitted:  Mar 19 2011
Updated:  Nov 1 2011


This is just a poll.

Please VOTE UP if You LIKE :) Ubuntu Unity

Please VOTE DOWN if You DISLIKE :( Ubuntu Unity

and/or write a comment

If You like Ambiance and Radiance themes click on Download link below to go to a site where you can download them. The pack is called light-themes and contains Ambiance and Radiance themes.

I'm not the creator of Ambiance and Radiance themes.

(Info about Ubuntu Unity)
(DOWNLOAD Ubuntu light-themes on LaunchPad.net)
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 Terrible Interface

 by technoshaun on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%
GnoMenu - Documentatio n Manager

No flow, hard to find things, and it takes longer to get to my applications than GnoMenu or Mint Menu do.

Worst Interface I have tried ever. Gnome Shell isn't much better and now I will have to look for another DE to use.

Really hate being locked into option less configurations. IE can't make it work and look the way I desire.

It isn't about it being free. Rather, its about the freedom it brings.
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 Credit for something new

 by redcallan on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%

OK its not perfect. Too much like windows I guess - a lot of hidden stuff and less configuration options. Still it looks pretty cool and feels different to windows and osx. I like bits of it and will experiment to see if I can get used to it. I guess it takes some getting used to whereas gnome was easy for me straight away (gnome shell I don't like at all though). One thought is why does ubuntu-gnome have to disappear - we still have Kubuntu. Why not have the main distro Ubuntu with unity and have a new distro GNUBUNTU with gnome!(not gnome shell)

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 Not Yet Ready For Prime Time

 by rojthevorlon on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%

I am so disappointed with Unity. It's got a LOT of potential but another six months of testing would make the difference. I'm visually impaired and 10.10 was completely usable right out of the box. 11.04 isn't usable at all with Unity (the classic interface is but I had to implement Compiz settings from scratch that were there by default in 10.10).This is Canonical's Vista - I hardly expected display corruption when zooming in and out using Enhanced Desktop Zoom and stock drivers. I also didn't expect the default zoom settings present in 10.10 to be absent in 11.04 (those are the ones I had to implement from scratch as mentioned above). Finally, I didn't expect the sidebar and top menu bar and search feature (an EXCELLENT search feature BTW) to NOT be zoom-able - that's a really obvious oversight.

C'mon Canonical, you have done better than that.

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 by kidonaipe on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%


I think this enviroment its based for using at a netbook machine, and not at a desktop one. In my case, i have a 22' LCD monitor, and the space saving (For example at the menu bar) its useless, and its hard to find some applications.

I find Unity a bit slower than traditional gnome , (that we are used to it.)

The ubuntu system has been used with a gnome enviroment for years as the default one. why to change it now? (i know the causes of the changing, but im trying to make my point). Even the gnome 3 enviroment will dissapoint a lot of users ( i think ) .

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 by ardchoille45 on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%

In gnome 2.x I knew exactly where all my apps were and could find them even if I couldn't remember the name of the app. Unity requires me to type some app names, which takes longer than point and click. I also dislike having to leave the window I'm working in and travel all the way up to the panel to hit a menu item then travel all the way back down to the window I was working in - counterproductive. I guess I'll move to XFCE.

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 I like it

 by Desido on: Apr 30 2011
Score 50%

but unity needed some work to use gtk3 libs and intuitive positions of ALL applications. In this release if i search an application that i use one time in year, i have difficult to search it.
I can't insert all applications in a dock. If you simplify the menubar is ok.

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 Re: I like it

 by kraks on: Apr 30 2011
Score 38%

Gnome 3 is maybe good for netbooks, but fort PCs, it sux. Unity is the same. But worst.

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