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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%


Downloads:  10005
Submitted:  Mar 8 2011
Updated:  Jul 17 2013


This theme has been superseded by cyan, which is quite similar but more clean, please check it out: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/cyan?content=159717

A dark theme, inspired by Tron Legacy (and some really old GUI\'s).

It comes in cyan and red, GTK+ only, since I'm using wmii now.

Display font is Chicago from Apple, but you might use basically any Fixedsys-clone (very similiar) or futuristic font you like.
Since Chicago is from Apple and not really open source or free in any sense (beer AND money) its not included.

Icons are ACYL (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Any+Color+You+Like?content=102435).

Feel free to leave some comments, thanks.

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 by Ahmose on: Apr 18 2011
Score 50%

it is awesome!
Love it.
Great work mate!

Any chance you're thinking about doing an orange version? lol :) <3
many thanks!

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 Don't work

 by odnilrac on: Apr 20 2011
Score 50%

I try install from left button and theme program and not work. I try drop the folder in the directory ~/.themes and too not work. I use openSUSE 11.4 with GNOME 2.32, any ideas? Tks and good job my friend!

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 All and the rest (;

 by decadentgray on: Apr 20 2011
Score 50%

I've updated installation instructions, hope it helps (the last time I was in a rush).
If it doesn't work comment again (with as much detail as you can provide), I'm around here tomorrow and will try to replicate or solve the error 'round the weekend.

Different Colors are planned, but first this needs to get out of beta.

I built the round windowborder in e16 just out of curiosity if the no-button-or-titlebar-concept would work, and (for me) it worked damned well and looked just cool, so I decided to join it by a gtk-theme.
Since it is nearly monochrem (3 shades of cyan and pitch black) there is only one reference, the really old guis of the late 80s.
And since I used most of them (Old Apples, NeXT, SunOS4 and Openlook) and I had some screenies lying around, I tried to refine their concepts (just a underline instead of an entrybox, the arrow-style) to modern stadarts of usability (awareness of visuall-clutter and the like).
This is an ongoing process, there are so many rough edges...

So, enough talk, good night (;

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 by TheRob on: Apr 21 2011
Score 50%

Nice to see somebody else who is a
"free thinker" and actually creates some
own design :) I love the technical look
of it, I'm kind of a "tech-look-freak"
so this fits me right on.

Nowadays everything gnome is just elementary
this and elementary that, kill elemenatary

"life sucks, get a f***ing helmet alright!" -Denis Leary
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 by tangato on: Apr 21 2011
Score 50%

very nice concept man, I was looking for something like this long time.
I was able to make it work in arch, gnome 2.28. I was able to select gnome-E16 trough gdm, no .bashrc or .xinitrc configs, only changed with gconf-editor in /desktop/gnome/session/recquired_componets/windowmanager to e16.
I gladly wait for updates. Is the borders filling difference on purpose? (upper and lower borders ar thiner than side ones).
It can also use some more work in the round corners.
Best regards, tangato

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 by decadentgray on: Apr 21 2011
Score 50%

Yeah, the different thicknes was in tron (;

But for real, it gives more weight to the horizonthal layer and makes it just a bit more elegant.

The inner edges are a problem I on, e16 sets all the border transparent, so I put some rounded transparency on the inside, wich looks not in every situation good. The other problem is 1 bit transparency on shaped windows (this is inherited by x11), so I can't smooth them out as I like.

I used some earlier versions of the icons, but some later changes and metaphors drived me away.
The idea of refining UIs of programms is a dead end, It has to be redone on every new release and just "face-lifts" problems more deep without solving them...
But the plain existence (and, to say, necesserity) of it proves that there is some major usability problem within gnome.
But no gnome-discussion here (;
Elementary tries to be too much of an apple, there, GnuSTEP and Etóile seems the better resolution.

Next update end of the week after eastern (is this right? Sounds just wrong to me), this time with basic icons.

Regards, Daniel

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