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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 65%


Downloads:  4724
Submitted:  Dec 15 2010
Updated:  Apr 18 2011


A mod of the original Ambiance theme released for Ubuntu 10.04, but darkened, tinted, and mintified in mean green.

Installation instructions are provided in the HowTo text file, which is contained in the package.



12/15/10 - v 1.0
- Initial Release

4/18/11 - v 1.1
- Fixed minor bug

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Other  Artwork  from dritominous
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 by linuxlex on: Dec 15 2010
Score 70%
Distribution LinuxLex OS

Nicely redesigned!

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 Re: Hi!

 by dritominous on: Dec 15 2010
Score 50%


Yeah, I was always annoyed by the red close button, so I changed it to green. And then things went from there...

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Deleted because of bad score


 Re: violent

 by dritominous on: Dec 16 2010
Score 50%

Unusable? I use it.

Instead of wining, make your own theme anal turd.

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Deleted because of bad score


 "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by babarosa on: Apr 19 2011
Score 63%

Thank you, your theme works very well on Xubuntu 10.04. I additionally use faenza-mint icons and Kuduk's "greenlight" mouse pointer.
Voted you up, the guy below is unpolite and an i****, don't mind him.

Greetings, Michael

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 Re: "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by dritominous on: Apr 22 2011
Score 50%

So, it works in Xubuntu? How did you manage that?

And I'll look into those icons and pointers... They're, um, inspiring...

(Next release might feature a new icon pack, independence from the AuroraMint theme, and a few touch-up changes to the UI)

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 Re: Re: "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by babarosa on: Apr 22 2011
Score 50%

I have installed standard Xubuntu 10.04.2 and as far as I know, no additional updated graphic engines (yet not all "Ambience gtk2+ themes do work") - just copied it as usual to usr/share/themes and gave access to all users.

Here is a lot of superb mouse icons: http://grynays.deviantart.com/gallery/28125483

By the way, it was not you I meant with "... the guy below ..." but referred to user tipiaf :-)

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 Re: Re: Re: "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by dritominous on: Apr 22 2011
Score 50%

Oh, well yeah, we figured you were talking about him.

Thank you for the pointers!!

And.. you're using metacity in xubuntu, aren't you? I'm currently working on an xfce version of the theme now. That way, you and I can benefit from the efficiency of xfwm4, rather than having to use metacity. (since we both run xfce, might as well take advantage of it).

Anywho, back to work!

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by babarosa on: Apr 22 2011
Score 50%

Metacity? No, I have no metacity installed at all and I always delete the metacity folder from the themes, I only use the gtk2 and xfwm4 folders.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by dritominous on: Apr 22 2011
Score 50%

So did you manually create the xwfm4 folder, and paste the contents from the metacity folder?

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: "Ambient Mint" in Xubuntu

 by babarosa on: Apr 25 2011
Score 50%

Sorry, my bad! No, there is only the gtk2+-folder, I copy to .../themes. I use standard "Wallis" window theme.



 by dragon647 on: Apr 19 2011
Score 75%

The theme is in the mint spirit, not bad at all. Don't answer to Tipiaf messages, insults are not for Linux users... I think this user only answer with insults and "down" clicks.

Emacs forever!
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 Re: good

 by dritominous on: Apr 22 2011
Score 63%

Yeah, I suppose I shouldn't gratify the trolls..

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