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iMetal Leopard theme


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 57%
iMetal Leopard theme

iMetal Leopard theme

iMetal Leopard theme

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  13056
Submitted:  Nov 16 2010
Updated:  Nov 17 2011


This is a mix between the great Plastic Blend gtk theme & a leopard metacity theme.
I changed the scrollbars & fixed issues I had with GlobalMenu.
I am using it with both Mac4Lin icon & mouse pointers theme.
firefox theme is VFox3, Thunderbird\'s is the great iLeopard theme.


- Now working nautilus-elementary version with breadcrumbs
- 16.11.11 : modifications to adapt to emerald theme + firefox mod theme

(gtk & metacity archive)
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 by Asturbal on: Nov 16 2010
Score 50%

Very Good! Sims like the iTunes theme for windows.

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 by dshdsh on: Dec 10 2010
Score 50%

Wow, nice theme, thank you! One thing only. It would be good to make active tab more "intensive". Right now it isn't so easy to see that tab is active.

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 NO Please

 by DasFox on: Jan 14 2011
Score 50%

Please learn to respect Linux, if you are a Linux geek then please make themes to like Linux, something Linux cool.

If you want the look of OS X then please buy an Apple!

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 Re: NO Please

 by manuw2009 on: Jan 18 2011
Score 50%

and please learn to respect others...
Maybe you could just keep your obnoxious comments to yourself ?
And you talk about "respect" ?
The beauty of free software, is that you are free to choose !

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 Back & Forward Buttons

 by BobCat80 on: May 14 2011
Score 50%

Hi man very good job!

Can you tell us how do you make back & forward buttons in the file manager without gap between them?

Thank you in advance!!!!

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 Back & Forward Buttons

 by BobCat80 on: May 14 2011
Score 50%

Hi man very good job!

Can you tell us how do you make back & forward buttons in the file manager without gap between them?

Thank you in advance!!!!

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 Re: Back & Forward Buttons

 by manuw2009 on: May 14 2011
Score 50%

Well the hack is actually the same as gtk lion theme : it's a single image used as nautilus toolbar (for details take a look at the nautilus-tweaks.rc file)

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 Version for GTK3

 by kvinayaks on: Nov 18 2011
Score 50%

This is the most beautiful theme I have even seen which matches MacOS look. Are you planning to convert it for GTK3 too?

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 Re: Version for GTK3

 by manuw2009 on: Nov 18 2011
Score 50%

Thank you !
I only adapted/fixed existing great themes to make them consistent all together.
As for gtk3, unfortunately, unless someone builds some conversion tool, I can't manager to rewrite everything from scratch

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