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eGtk Leopard


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 62%
eGtk Leopard

eGtk Leopard

eGtk Leopard

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  9961
Submitted:  Oct 24 2010
Updated:  Nov 4 2010


eGtk Mac Theme v1.02

First of all, it's not a complete mac emulation. And it won't be. I've used many of mac-style elements like buttons, scrollbars, progressbar, but all in all i want it to go well with linux aplications and to look good with nautilus-elementary, so there won't be mac-style tabs for example .

Color scheme, and part of code comes from eGtk by DanRabbit, and i've tried to keep "elementary look".

-It needs Equinox, Aurora and Murrine engine!
-Theme was made on Maverick Meerkat, so it uses Murrine from GIT, i don't know if it will work on Lucid without that version of Murrine

-Panel backgrounds are in the "eGtk Leopard mod" archive/folder. By default theme has no panel background.

-There are two versions in the .zip package. Theme "eGtk Leopard Small" has a bit smaller buttons, check/radiobuttons and scale. This variant of theme will be further miniaturized ;-)

- Credits goes to DanRabbit - theme uses some of eGtk code and ideas. To Seahorsepip - he made great view-mode-button which i've modded here. And to Lauri Taimila - i've used some of his OSX-Tiger theme graphic.

-Just unzip "eGtk Leopard mod" archive, and install tar.gz file with your theme manager. Or you can unpack tar.gz file, and copy "eGtk Leopard" folder to your .Themes folder


v1.02 - 4.XI.2010
-Small update:
-Changed selected background color to a bit darker blue - more similar to color used by Mac Os X
-Thinner scrollbars in "Small" version.

v1.01 - 26.X.2010
-Smaller widgets in "Small" version.
-Added shadows on marked checkbuttons.
-Added insensitive marked check button and radiobutton.
-Added insensitive slider in scale.

(Download - on DeviantArt)
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 by Kyralik on: Oct 24 2010
Score 50%
Ezlo/ Ezlo OS II

This is possibly one of the MOST convincing reasons to convert my Ubuntu desktop to a Leopard theme. I love the e theme.

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 Re: Beautiful

 by Dolsilwa on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Elementary theme is truly a marvelous piece of work. I'm happy that you like my little mod :-)

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 Great Dude!

 by Asturbal on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

But how did you put the text beside the icon in desktop?

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 Re: Great Dude!

 by Dolsilwa on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Thank you :-) About icons - you can change the text position in gconf-editor. Go to apps -> nautilus. There will be "desktop" and "preferences" - in both you have to mark show_text_beside_icons.

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 Re: Re: Great Dude!

 by BassUltra on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Neither desktop or preferences have that option for me. :(

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 Re: Re: Re: Great Dude!

 by Dolsilwa on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

My mistake:
go to gconf-editor apps -> nautilus and:
1. in preferences mark "desktop_labels_beside_icons".
2. in icon view mark "labels_beside_icons"

Sorry for my mistake.

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 Great Job

 by loneowais on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

Mac style is awesome but unfortunately no one has been able to port it to linux properly. This is the best effort so far. A bit of advice.

1: Widgets need more polish. Some button behave really weird with text no properly adjusted.

2: Widgets need to be a little smaller. They are not too big but still not small enough.

3: Scrollbals need to be smaller. Like new elementary theme. Those scrollbars are just awesome. Just shrink your scrollbars to elementary size. They would look amazing.

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 Re: Great Job

 by Dolsilwa on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

First of all thanks :-) If you could do some screenshots of those bugs in buttons it would really help me. And which widget would you like to be smaller? Tomorrow will be an update with a bit smaller buttons. Smaller scrollbar... hmm maybe few px smaller... i'll see how will it look.

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 Re: Re: Great Job

 by loneowais on: Oct 27 2010
Score 50%

Thanks a zillion times for smaller stuff. It looks much much better but scrollbars are still the same size. they are Huge. 50% of the size would be awesome.

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 Looks good on the shots, but..

 by MadMax2000 on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

... not so good on my netbook (resolution 1024x600) Can you do anything about it? The scrollbars are ok, but everything else except the tabs are very small. Maybe because the pixmap engine, that's used for them.

Whatever you think, it may be wrong...
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 Re: Looks good on the shots, but..

 by Dolsilwa on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

There will be an update tomorrow (radio/check buttons and scale size were not scalable, and now it is). Does normal buttons are also too small?

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 Re: Re: Looks good on the shots, but..

 by MadMax2000 on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

I can send you a shot, if you give me some e-mail.

Whatever you think, it may be wrong...
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 Re: Re: Re: Looks good on the shots, but..

 by Dolsilwa on: Oct 25 2010
Score 50%

dolsilwa@gmail.com that's my mail ;-)

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Looks good on the shots, but..

 by MadMax2000 on: Oct 26 2010
Score 50%

Hm, when I've restarted my netbook, the widgets became just like on the shots. Now everything is just fine. Maybe it's side effect from the previous style I've used. :) Keep the good work up!

Whatever you think, it may be wrong...
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Looks good on the shots, but..

 by MadMax2000 on: Oct 26 2010
Score 50%

Only the arrow of the comboboxes can be more "mac-ish", if you know what I mean.

Whatever you think, it may be wrong...
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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looks good on the shots, but..

 by timorei on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%

Like the theme a lot. One nasty little bug tho: the "search dialog" of gedit has a combobox that is not done properly. But maybe the comboboxed get another update, eh?

I might actually try to fix this, if I get some time for it. I'll let you know if I get proper cbs.

thanks for the work

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 Which verion of mindid you use

 by TroyR on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%
Showcase Computers

Wow,nice job...which version of Mint did you use? KDE? XFCE?
I want to try this...Please reply.

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 Re: Which verion of mindid you use

 by Dolsilwa on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%

Thanks :-) Well it's not Mint, it's Ubuntu. And if you ask about graphic interface - it's GNOME, as far as i know it's default in linux mint :-)

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 Re: Which verion of mindid you use

 by Dolsilwa on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%

But i ithink it will also work well with xfce.

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 by TroyR on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%
Showcase Computers

I hope so, I just loaded XFCE. But I'll reload another distro just for this theme!
I now have it in my download folder how do I install it? yes,I am a noob :(

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 Re: Thankyou

 by timorei on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%

You don't need to change your distribution to switch the desktop environment (gnome, xfce, kde). You can just install the another gui and choose it when loggin in to your computer. (I have never used mint)

In the zip you find two tar.gz files.
i.e. "eGtk Leopard.tar.gz"
These could be called "theme archives" and can usually be installed using the ui's theme manager.

Or you can just put the unpacked directory "eGtk Leopard" or any other theme in the directory "/home/youusername/.themes/" for personal use, or "/usr/share/themes/" for system wide use. The later will require you to sudo to copy to that directory.

I hope you can figure it out from here.

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 Re: Re: Thankyou

 by TroyR on: Nov 4 2010
Score 50%
Showcase Computers

Yes,Thankyou for reading.

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