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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  12720
Submitted:  Aug 14 2010
Updated:  Sep 23 2010


This theme uses the rendering engine for GTK+ 2.x themes ** gtk2-engines ** you can install it from Synaptic.
In fact, it installs automatically the whole theme with a simple double click:
_2 Wallpapers
_1 Emerald theme
_1 Background for Nautilus
_1 complete GTK Metacity theme
_1 icons Pack

If you look at the terminal during the installation, a message indicates a command to use the theme without using the Appearance Manager.

Run the command:
* dark-linux-install *
to finalize the installation

Run this command in a terminal, and the theme will be set up alone.
* dark-linux-install *

------------Dark Linux 1-0------------
Setting up GTK theme ..............
Setting up icons ..................
Install Emerald theme.........
Install Background ..............

It is recommended to restart now.......

The Nautilus background will be set up manually * Edit> Backgrounds and Emblems *
it is in the section * pattern *
For those using Emerald, the theme will appear on the list of themes, you can simply select it.

**It is recommended that you restart your computer after installation**

_The GTK-Metacity theme is based on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Turquoise_Nights?content=111769
_The icon theme is based on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264
_The wallpapers are from the site http://www.hebus.com/index.php

Thanks to breizh to have done a deb package.
I also thank Dupo for translation of this presentation
The source files are also available for purists


Debian(Dark-linux 1.0)
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 need to work on openoffice pro

 by paulvalley1967 on: Sep 6 2010
Score 50%

there are problems with open office that need to be addressed

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 Re: need to work on openoffice pro

 by jobastr on: Sep 6 2010
Score 50%

Sorry I do not understand your problem can you give me more details?

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 Re: Re: need to work on openoffice pro

 by paulvalley1967 on: Sep 7 2010
Score 50%

varous menu items are white and dont show up this is under the options menu

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 Re: Re: Re: need to work on openoffice pro

 by jobastr on: Sep 7 2010
Score 50%

Open Office theme has a specific script,

You must edit the file in root "oo" and substitute:

text [NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
text [NORMAL] = "#A8ADAC"

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 by nixnine on: Sep 9 2010
Score 50%

Nice work. I love dark themes. Just was taken aback by the icons. When I tried them, I was surprised to see many window-ish type icons.

Still looks nice, though.

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 your Dark-Linux-Pack

 by Karmicbastler on: Sep 15 2010
Score 50%

hi jobastr,

I have your theme installed and I see, that your use the blue Version of the Vista-Icons by Microsoft.
But I also see, that Icons are mixed up with some of the original Vista-Icons as well with some Win7-Icons.

If it doesn't annoy you, I will remake the blue Vista-Icontheme as the complete blue theme.

I am already working on it.

Please give me note, if this is OK for you. Then there would be the possibility, that I will upload the real blue Vista-Icons and you upload the Metacity-theme.

Is this a way, we can go along together???


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 Re: your Dark-Linux-Pack

 by jobastr on: Sep 15 2010
Score 50%

Sure, no problem we can add the icon pack as an update if you wish.

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 Firefox problem

 by maxout on: Sep 24 2010
Score 50%

I really like your theme but I have some issues with firefox 3.6.10:

When I start FF everything looks fine but as soon as I click somewhere (e.g. on the bookmarks toolbar) the background gets lost and black is displayed instead.

Is there any way to fix that?

Furthermore, in Open Office the menu text is black which makes it hard to read.


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