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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  12720
Submitted:  Aug 14 2010
Updated:  Sep 23 2010


This theme uses the rendering engine for GTK+ 2.x themes ** gtk2-engines ** you can install it from Synaptic.
In fact, it installs automatically the whole theme with a simple double click:
_2 Wallpapers
_1 Emerald theme
_1 Background for Nautilus
_1 complete GTK Metacity theme
_1 icons Pack

If you look at the terminal during the installation, a message indicates a command to use the theme without using the Appearance Manager.

Run the command:
* dark-linux-install *
to finalize the installation

Run this command in a terminal, and the theme will be set up alone.
* dark-linux-install *

------------Dark Linux 1-0------------
Setting up GTK theme ..............
Setting up icons ..................
Install Emerald theme.........
Install Background ..............

It is recommended to restart now.......

The Nautilus background will be set up manually * Edit> Backgrounds and Emblems *
it is in the section * pattern *
For those using Emerald, the theme will appear on the list of themes, you can simply select it.

**It is recommended that you restart your computer after installation**

_The GTK-Metacity theme is based on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Turquoise_Nights?content=111769
_The icon theme is based on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264
_The wallpapers are from the site http://www.hebus.com/index.php

Thanks to breizh to have done a deb package.
I also thank Dupo for translation of this presentation
The source files are also available for purists


Debian(Dark-linux 1.0)
Source(Source files)
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 Opera Love

 by neomagician on: Aug 26 2010
Score 50%

I use this theme full time and love it.
I currently use Mandriva 2010.1. The only problem I have is the font is ffffff in the address bar and search bar in Opera thus making it invisible and I can't seem to change it. If that could be fixed or if someone could help me with that, I would use this theme full time. Thanks for all the work either way

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 Re: Opera Love

 by jobastr on: Aug 27 2010
Score 50%

I do not have this problem with Opera, I suggest you try the same solution for Open Office:

You must edit the file in root "oo" and substitute:
text [NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
text [NORMAL] = "#A8ADAC"

Then restart your session

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 by crematory3 on: Aug 29 2010
Score 50%

Great work. THX for this. Look fine.

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 by SiongLee on: Aug 30 2010
Score 50%

Little jungle but very nice theme. It is for him to see a lot of work.

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 Fucking Nigger

 by jobastrISANIGGER on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Okay, look jobastr, you are a fucking nigger. First of all you stole the name of a legendary theme here at gnome-look.org which is completely outrageous, now you keep updating your crappy theme just to bump it up to the top of the list. If you're not going to make any real changes to your theme, stop updating it. If it was a half decent theme, maybe updating it without any changes would be okay, but you'd have to have at least a fucking 2/10 and not a 1*10^-200000000000/10. Or if it was funny in some way, then by all means. The only thing your theme is though is fucking retarded.

I created a dummy email and signed up here just to tell you that.

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 Re: Fucking Nigger

 by monthscrapped on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%




I want to get Madonna pregnant with my tongue to Erotica or Ray of Light.

Purple Dye & Condoms
(goes by many forum monikers)

YO, I got your back my tag trolling brothaz.

YO, I got your back my tag trolling brothaz.

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 Forgot to mention...

 by jobastrISANIGGER on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Your theme reminds me of those crappy online RPGs that 10 year olds would make by ripping a bunch of tiles from old games (or more likely they would download crappily ripped tiles), put them all together and call it OMFG-MMORPG.

And before the mods IP-ban me, you might want to check the IPs from everyone who voted "good" on this theme because I guarantee that everyone who did has the same IP-address.

If I had the choice between using this theme and beating my head in with a thumb tack, I would choose the latter.

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 Re: Forgot to mention...

 by jobastr on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Show us what you you can do, insult requires only few neurons, something that you are poorly equipped.
I look forward to seeing your works, in general assholes like you who criticize the most are unable to do anything.
To say much nonsense, I guess you've already started breaking thy head, it's obvious you've lost what little mind you must have.
I also think about who you are, I think your exemplary courage, do not assume your statements reveals that besides being an idiot, you're a coward.

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 Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by jobastr on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Or be jealous?

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 Re: Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by monthscrapped on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Madonna is the connoisseur of love.

Jobastr, you are an ugly son of a bitch.

You'll never look as good as this:

I could jack off to that all day.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Jobastr, there are no Madonna themes. Would you make one for me? I'll vote up all your other themes if you do. :-)

Madonna is the connoisseur of love.

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 Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by jobastrISANIGGER on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

So my artistic abilities in the field of pixel art determine my intelligence? Well, it seems you have a lot to learn. First of all about the English language. I mean, really, where's that thumb tack again? Second of all, regardless of any artistic talent I may or may not possess, it doesn't change the fact that this guy has a REALLY small penis: http://inhumanity.com/thumbs/1549-micro-weener.jpg

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 Re: Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by jobastr on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

I'm not English but I make the effort to translate my thoughts in order not to deplete your limited capacities.

I wish I knew what I owe the outburst of enthusiasm, I've been attacked or is this just due to chance.

I think this is due to a feeling of inferiority or frustration, betrays you, impotence or chronic impairment of your genitals, do not blame me for having revealed this, but see the truth face, you coward, it is well proven totally incapable of creating anything, you should have some understanding for that but you are unprepared, and above all completely devoid of imagination really miss your words of originality.

Clearly, I fuck you.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by jobastrISANIGGER on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Dude, you're French. Your women piss standing up.

Clearly, the French are fucked.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by jobastr on: Sep 2 2010
Score 50%

Really sad that you can find here

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Forgot to mention...

 by monthscrapped on: Sep 3 2010
Score 50%


You bastard! :( :( :(

Oh btw:

Madonna - Erotica:
Erotica, romance [repeat]
My name is Dita
I'll be your mistress tonight
I'd like to put you in a trance

If I take you from behind
Push myself into your mind
When you least expect it
Will you try and reject it
If I'm in charge and I treat you like a child
Will you let yourself go wild
Let my mouth go where it wants to

Give it up, do as I say
Give it up and let me have my way
I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck
I'll give you love, I'll teach you how to ...
*fap* *fap* *fap*

Madonna is so sexy.


 Or are the moderators?

 by jobastr on: Sep 5 2010
Score 50%

It's really sad to leave such stupid comments.

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