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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  12720
Submitted:  Aug 14 2010
Updated:  Sep 23 2010


This theme uses the rendering engine for GTK+ 2.x themes ** gtk2-engines ** you can install it from Synaptic.
In fact, it installs automatically the whole theme with a simple double click:
_2 Wallpapers
_1 Emerald theme
_1 Background for Nautilus
_1 complete GTK Metacity theme
_1 icons Pack

If you look at the terminal during the installation, a message indicates a command to use the theme without using the Appearance Manager.

Run the command:
* dark-linux-install *
to finalize the installation

Run this command in a terminal, and the theme will be set up alone.
* dark-linux-install *

------------Dark Linux 1-0------------
Setting up GTK theme ..............
Setting up icons ..................
Install Emerald theme.........
Install Background ..............

It is recommended to restart now.......

The Nautilus background will be set up manually * Edit> Backgrounds and Emblems *
it is in the section * pattern *
For those using Emerald, the theme will appear on the list of themes, you can simply select it.

**It is recommended that you restart your computer after installation**

_The GTK-Metacity theme is based on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Turquoise_Nights?content=111769
_The icon theme is based on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264
_The wallpapers are from the site http://www.hebus.com/index.php

Thanks to breizh to have done a deb package.
I also thank Dupo for translation of this presentation
The source files are also available for purists


Debian(Dark-linux 1.0)
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 Dark-linux 1.0 ????

 by Zak0 on: Aug 14 2010
Score 50%


Bad vote.

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 Re: Dark-linux 1.0 ????

 by jobastr on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

I did not know that this name was already used, I worked hard on this theme, I think entitled to the benefit of the doubt.
Also I have nothing to gain, I put it freely available, feel free to use it or not.

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 Re: Dark-linux 1.0 ????

 by jobastr on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

I just contact the author of the theme in question, if in fact I would withdraw the application for Gnome Look.

Sorry for the error

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 Re: Re: Dark-linux 1.0 ????

 by jobastr on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

Here is his reply:


i just saw it on gnome-look...
made me laugh... :)

there is no need to remove anything it\\\'s fine with me...

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 Re: Re: Re: Dark-linux 1.0 ????

 by Zak0 on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%


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 Good work.

 by Balian on: Aug 17 2010
Score 50%

I like this theme, it's stylish, and complete, good work.

'Life's to short to make others shorter'
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 Re: Good work.

 by jobastr on: Aug 17 2010
Score 50%

Thank you for taking the time to give your opinion, especially since it is favorable.

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 by sekter7 on: Aug 19 2010
Score 50%

Wow! Wow! Wow! C'est manifique, mon ami!

This is one of the most beautiful themes, if not the MOST BEAUTIFUL, I have ever seen! I love your color scheme. You are a TRUE ARTIST, mon ami! It's obvious you put a lot of work into this and I, for one, appreciate you sharing this with us! I have searched gnome-look and other sites for a long time for a theme as beautiful as this. I now have it installed and I am very happy! This makes it a true pleasure to use my ubuntu linux. Thanks again for sharing!

Merci beaucoup!

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 by jobastr on: Aug 19 2010
Score 50%

C'est moi qui te remerci pour tant de compliments.

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 beau travail

 by coyotus on: Aug 20 2010
Score 50%

un gros boulot effectué, même si l'inspiration aero est grande, c'est joli.
continue a nous pondre de beaux thème comme ça.
cordialement coyotus, mais tu me connais déjà :p

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 by TNP on: Aug 23 2010
Score 50%

Très beau thème !

Par contre, je rencontre un problème dans certaines applications comme playonlinux, control center,.. qui utilise un fond blanc et comme ta police est blanche on ne voit rien...

Y a t-il un moyen de résoudre le problème ?


Very nice theme!

But, I encounter a problem in some applications such
playonlinux, control center,... which uses a white background and as your police are white can not see anything ...

Is there a way to solve the problem?

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 Re: Super

 by jobastr on: Aug 23 2010
Score 50%

I need to do tests, I would like to know as soon as possible.

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 Re: Super

 by vpeet on: Aug 24 2010
Score 50%

Very nice Theme! Thank You! But have I detto Problem. I don't know example in openoffice Text size adjust, because I don't see. Please help!

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 Re: Re: Super

 by jobastr on: Aug 24 2010
Score 50%

Open Office theme has a specific script,
You must edit the file in root "oo" and substitute:
text [NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
text [NORMAL] = "#A8ADAC"

For other applications, the concern is that they manage it even their color fonts, it should create a script for each one.

Make me a list of major applications that have this type of problem, I'll try to create a specific script, but I am not sure to satisfy everyone.

I'd do an update of the theme when the scripts are functional.

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 Re: Re: Re: Super

 by vpeet on: Aug 24 2010
Score 50%

Thank your Help! Openoffice is good, actually is qBittorrent ditto error. Everything else Program is good.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Super

 by jobastr on: Aug 24 2010
Score 50%

For qBittorrent, I just install it, there are only inactive files that are blank, the software uses at least four font colors, should make these changes at the software code itself, it is beyond my skills.

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 Super thème

 by breakolami on: Aug 24 2010
Score 50%

C'est un très chouette thème, bravo

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 Re: Super thème

 by jobastr on: Aug 24 2010
Score 50%


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