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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 65%



Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  6716
Submitted:  Aug 12 2010
Updated:  Sep 6 2010


Good day!
This GTK theme is not my work at all! Credit goes to:

Uknown author Sabco - who created the Woodbuntech theme (gtk, emerald, woodbuntu icons), I only changed the color of the text to make it readable!
As I said, the theme contains emerald theme, I highly reccomend to use it, it looks pretty good (check the screens).

Gnome-look.org user migedith - I´ve used his window border \"Slickness brown\" (only changed a window title color a little)

(I don´t have english version of ubuntu, so pardon me if something is not exactly right)
Go to random nautilus window and click Edit-> Backgrounds and Emblems
Click the first button \"Patterns\"
Click \"Add new pattern\"
Browse to folder you downloaded and find Stripes.png
Click Open
Now you have the pattern loaded, all you must do is to grab it and drag it to nautilus window.


To be honest, I don´t really know how do the licences work. If I am doing somethink wrong or illegal, please tell me and I will remove it immediately.


For wallpaper, clock theme, and dock info check my other \"artwork\"

All questions are welcome! Have a nice day

(Antique (DeviantART))
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 could someone please reupload

 by azawi on: Sep 6 2010
Score 50%

this really nice theme ?

better on deviantart

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 by Andrewtheshort on: Sep 6 2010
Score 50%

Damn both rapidshare and megaupload to hell!!!

Try this one. I will upload it on Deviant Art soon.

Sorry for problems folks

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 by psycholinuxuser on: Sep 6 2010
Score 50%

you can upload them on gnome-look and or deviantart.com ;)


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 Re: uploads

 by inameiname on: Sep 7 2010
Score 50%

Personally, http://www.2shared.com/ is always the easiest and seems to be quite reliable.

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 Dock Icons

 by michael603 on: Sep 9 2010
Score 50%

What is the theme of the icons in your dock (cairo dock)? Because my icons haven't changed in my dock just the Controls and Window Border. And my font hasn't changed eather...

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 Re: Dock Icons

 by Andrewtheshort on: Sep 9 2010
Score 50%

Of course, this is just GTK/metacity theme, these icons are from one user on DA, and theyre not avaiable for linux yet (just in png files version)

For info check my other artwork

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 by michael603 on: Sep 9 2010
Score 50%

I see. Thanks for the answer.

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 Nice try, but...

 by fredbird67 on: Sep 19 2011
Score 50%

...on Xfce, this theme has issues, big-time. The alternating-color list rows go from white to the dark wood background while the text remains black in both cases. There were also several other instances in which I had black text on a dark wood background, making it hard to read. There were also some irregularities with the panel background as well.

Before y'all gripe at me for not using GNOME, the reason I don't use GNOME anymore is because of what the GNOME developers, in their (cough, cough) infinite wisdom (cough), did with GNOME 3 -- in other words, it's an even bigger pain than KDE 4 was, which is why I now use Xfce. As far as I'm concerned, if a theme works in GNOME, it should also work in all other GTK-based desktop environments and window managers, too. This one, sadly, fails that test, which is quite a shame, because I like the way the theme looks in your screenshots. I just wish it could work out in real life for me. :-(

However, I will say thanx for bundling the Woodbuntu icons with the theme, though. I've been looking for those for quite some time. :-)

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