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Elegant Gnome Pack


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 76%
Elegant Gnome Pack

Elegant Gnome Pack

Elegant Gnome Pack

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  211385
Submitted:  Jul 22 2010
Updated:  Nov 16 2010


If you wanna appreciate the job that was done, you can send a small donation via PayPal at "slpiv@mail.ru".
Thanks in advance.

UPD: The package for Linux Mint 10 is now available in PPA

IMPORTANT: DO NOT complain me about the OpenOffice, Firefox or Pidgin until you have read the Help

Finally, i'm glad to present the first stable release of this pack. A lot of job were done since the first release and I hope that you people have been enjoying this theme :)

This is a project that provides an automatic configuration of your GNOME desktop just in one click, with the backup and restoring support.
The main goal of this projects is to create the most complete dark theme for the GNOME desktop with easy installation experience.

If you give a bad vote, please spend a few minutes to say what you don't like

You must have this stuff installed on your system before you'll start:
Murrine GTK engine 0.98.0 or higher
Droid Sans Font
Nautilus Elementary (optional)

The pack contains the following stuff :
GUI utility to configure your desktop
Icon theme: Elegant-AwOken based on the AwOken icon set by alecive
GTK+ theme: Elegant GTK theme v 4.0
Cursor Theme: Neutral++ by ducakar
Wallpaper: gDIGE by *Muscarr
Keyboard layout indicator flags
Firefox theme
Google Chrome theme by Jorge Carrillo
Google Chrome scrollbar extension
Google Chrome selection extension
Smplayer theme
Pidgin buddy list theme by Szabo Istvan

Ubuntu Lucid/Maverick and Linux Mint 9/10 installation instructions:
1. Install Elegant GNOME:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elegant-gnome/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
a)sudo apt-get install elegant-gnome
b)sudo apt-get install elegant-gnome-mint

2. Go to "Applications -> Accessories -> Elegant GNOME"
1. Install Nautilus Elementary: (optional)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

2. Run Elegant GNOME app
3. Choose Configure Nautilus -> Nautilus Elementary

To install the pack from sources:
1. Download the archive and extract it
2. Open the terminal and cd to the extracted directory.
3. Run the command "make "(e.g. "make ubuntu").
run "make help" to see the available variants.
4. Run the command "sudo make install".
5. Go to "Applications -> Accessories -> Elegant GNOME".
6. Optional step. If you use the Nautilus Elementary:
a) Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Elegant GNOME
b) Choose "Configure Nautilus"
c) Select "Nautilus Elementary"

To remove the pack:(installed from sources)
1. Open the terminal and cd to the extracted directory.
2. Run the command "sudo make uninstall"

To install the Google Chrome theme:
1. Download and extract the "Google Chrome" archive
2. Drag and drop the *.crx files into the Google Chrome window.

- alecive : for the great icon set
- Frank Kurian : for the great help in testing
the pack on Ubuntu Linux
- Jorge Carrillo : for the help in creating
the Google Chrome theme
- Corey Buckingham: for some fixes in the Elegant GTK theme
- Istvan Szabo: for the great help in testing the pack on OpenSuse
and creating the fix for the Pidgin
- Everyone else who helped me in creating and testing this pack.

If i forgot to put you in this list, please feel free to send me a private message.

The pack has been tested on:
1. Ubuntu Lucid/Maverick
2. Archlinux
3. OpenSuse 11.3
4. Debian testing
5. Fedora 13

Please vote if you like it!
Comment what you like and dislike in this pack to make it more perfect.


For the ChangeLog of the previous versions see the ChangeLog file.

Version 0.4.0
- Added graphical installer
- Support for system-wide installation
- Fixed some keyboard flags
- Script's code optimization
Version 0.5.0
- Fixed the font color for the quick search entry in the synaptic package manager.
- Fixed a color for links
- Moved to a new version of the icon theme(now it bases on AwOken icon theme v0.9).
- Added a new menu entry for configuring emesene icon theme.
- Finished a pack of the keybord flags. Now it covers all available country codes mentioned in ISO 3166-1(296 total)
- Added a theme for the Smplayer
- Added a theme for the Docky
Version 0.6.0
- New default GTK+ theme(Elegant GTK v 2.0) based on the latest Murrine Engine
- Icon theme update. Now the pack uses the latest AwOken v 1.0 icon theme
- Added a menu entry for configuring GDM2 theme(with backup and restoring support)
- Added a configuration menu to choose the window border type
- New style for the Firefox tabs
- The default cursor theme were changed to the Neutral++
- Changed an icon for the "Delete" action in Nautilus
Version 0.7.0
- Elegant GTK v 2.1:
- Fixed the bug related to the infobar background(appeared in empathy, rhythmbox, gedit etc.)
- Changed the tabs' border width
- Fixed panel image
- Firefox style update
- Icon theme update(now based on the AwOken icon theme v 1.1):
- Fixed blurry icons on the panel
- Implemented an automatic installation for the Firefox theme
- Added a menu entry for configuring the Smplayer theme
- Added Google Chrome Theme to match the GTK+ theme
- Added Google Chrome scrollbar extension to match the GTK+ theme
- Added the icons for the experimental version of the Dropbox
- Fixed the script's code related to the GDM2.
- Fixed the scripts's code related to the Emesene.
Version 0.8.0
- Elegant GTK v 3.0:
- Bunch of changes. Almost every part of the theme were revised.
- Code cleanings. Preparations for release the stable version.
- Added Help menu entry.
- Added Pidgin buddy list theme. See Help for more information.
- Fixed the installation of the Emesene theme in OpenSuse
- Fixed the installation of the GDM2 theme in OpenSuse
- Google Chrome theme update. Google Chrome scrollbars theme update.
- Small script's code cleanings and improvements.
Version 0.9.0
- Elegant GTK v 3.1:
- Metacity theme update
- Fixed the bug related to the Shotwell's sidebar
- Other small fixes and changes
- Added an ability to choose the window buttons alignment during the installation
- Added Google Chrome extension that adjusts the text selection color to match the Elegant GTK theme
- Google Chrome scrollbars update
Version 0.9.1
- Elegant GTK v 3.2:
- Fixed the new mail notification bug in Pidgin
- Fixed the infobar background color in Rhythmbox
- Changed the tooltips' style
- Added an ability to switch the Nautilus's style. So now the installing of the Nautilus
Elementary is optional and the theme now preconfigured for the regular Nautilus by default.
- Some code improvements
- Help update
Version 0.9.2
- Elegant GTK v 3.3:
- Fixed the treeview style in the Nautilus Elementary
- Fixed the toolbar style in the Firefox
- Changed the handle style
- Changed the toolbar style
- Other slight modifications
- Backported the new icons from the AwOken icon theme v 1.3
- Fixed the critical bug related to the theme's reinstallation
- The icon theme now named as "Elegant-AwOken" to avoid the conflicts with the original AwOken icon set.
- Added support for the Beesu (Fedora users).
- Firefox theme update
Version 1.0
- Elegant GTK v 4.0:
- Fixed the style for the progressbars
- Fixed the treeview progressbars style
- Updated the tooltips' style
- Updated the metacity themes. Now the buttons got the colors on hover:
- minimize - blue
- maximize - green
- close - red
- Fixed the keyboard layout flag for the Arabic language.
- Fixed the bug with the network-manager icon.
- Backported the new icons from the AwOken icon theme v 1.4.7
- Added the Slackware logo
- Added menu entry to configure the Cpu Freq Applet theme
- Added About menu entry

Source(Elegant Gnome Pack v 1.0)
other(Elegant GTK v 4.0)
other(Google Chrome)
Ubuntu(Ubuntu PPA)
Arch(Archlinux (AUR package))
other(deviantArt page)
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 by varrkan on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

nice job, welldone!

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 Which gtk engine it used?

 by hantsy on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

Which gtk engine it used? I installed it on My Fedora 13, the control is ugly.

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 Re: Which gtk engine it used?

 by arobase on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

Murrine engine 0.98.0 or the Latest from Git.

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 Uninstall scroolbar chromium

 by juliomino on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

First of all, congratulations ! It's an awesome work and I used it for some week :) but I would like to know how can I uninstall the chromium scrollbar, could you help me ?

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 Re: Uninstall scroolbar chromium

 by arobase on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

Tools - > Extensions
Uninstall the scrollbar extension.

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 Re: Re: Uninstall scroolbar chromium

 by juliomino on: Oct 2 2010
Score 50%

Ok, thank you, it was very easy :P

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 by hantsy on: Oct 3 2010
Score 50%

There is no gksu in Feodra yum repository now, so I can not execute configuration.

I think it is better use xdg-su instead of gksu...because it is part of the freedesktop.org standard.

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 Re: Suggestion....

 by arobase on: Oct 4 2010
Score 50%

Gksu is a part of the GNOME project. So i'm really surprised that Fedora doesn't have this app in the repositories. And as far as i can see this is a really old problem. On the Fedora forums, people advice to use a beesu instead of the Gksu on Fedora, so probably i'll add support for the beesu, so the Fedora users will use it instead of the gksu.

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 by thoughtful on: Oct 4 2010
Score 50%

very very nice:)

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 Problem with 10.10 Popup Menu

 by HWG on: Oct 6 2010
Score 50%

So, I do not recall if this was a problem in 10.04, but for me Elegant Gnome ( and a few other themes ) do not respond well as far as context menus go when running in tandem with Compiz. For example, on the GNOME panel, right clicking an item and mousing over the "Move to another workspace" results in the context menu never 'popping out', but you end up having to click three times or so to get it to draw. So when you first mouse over it THINKS it's being drawn, but it doesn't actually get drawn. This doesn't happen with a theme like, say Ambiance.

Any ideas? Upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 on Oct 2nd.

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 Re: Problem with 10.10 Popup Menu

 by arobase on: Oct 6 2010
Score 50%

As soon as i'll get my linux-machine, i'll check this. But at the first look, it seems like it's a Compiz or Ubuntu bug, coz If i'm not mistaken, I haven't seen such stuff on my Ubuntu Lucid or Archlinux machines.

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