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Victory (Strikes Again)

   2012.03.16 | c  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 74%
Victory (Strikes Again)

Victory (Strikes Again)

Victory (Strikes Again)

Downloads:  49298
Submitted:  Apr 29 2010
Updated:  Mar 17 2012


This theme was an attempt to allow everyone to pick a wide variety of colors and window borders. You can change the sidebar colors to any color you prefer, or if you prefer another window border, you can change the menubar color to make it blend together. This is my first time doing something like this, so there may be a lot of problems - Let me know. Thanks so much to everyone for help, feedback, comments, messages, voting, and fannage(?). Also, negative/critical feedback is just as (and sometimes more) important as any other. I don't know what down votes mean without it! Hope everyone enjoys. Thanks again!

- Darin


How to Use

++ Colors ++

Several Gtk desktops have an Appearance Manager (see below), usually under the System menu, that allow you to customize a themes colors. If not, try this:

1. Open the file /home/yournamehere/.themes/Victory/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
2. Open the file /home/yournamehere/.themes/Victory/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
3. Open the file /home/yournamehere/.themes/Victory/gtk-3.0/settings.ini

Each of these files contain the color settings in the top of the files. The important parts are:



Here's what each one of those changes:

selected_fg_color = Sidebar Text Color
selected_bg_color = Sidebar Background Color

tooltip_fg_color = File Menu Text Color
tooltip_bg_color = File Menu Background Color

Just change the #xxxxxx to a color you like! Save, and log out and back in to see the changes!

++ Options ++

This theme offers options for light panels, light menus, Nautilus elementary, the ability to try old Victory styles, and more.

At the bottom of the gtkrc or gtk.css file (mentioned in Steps 1 and 2 of the color section), you will find a section called Options. Comment or Uncomment lines (add or remove a # at the beginning of the line or the /* at the beginning and */ at the end) to try different options. After making changes, save the file. You will have to change to another theme for a moment. Go back to the Victory theme, and your changes should appear.

++ Installing ++

To install, extract the downloaded tar.gz. Put the folders (Victory, Victory for Top Panels) in your themes directory. Then open your desktops Appearance Manager to select the theme.

Log out and back in to make sure all changes take effect (especially in Gnome 3)

If you would like root apps (Synaptic/Package Manager/GParted) to use your theme, try the following. Step 2 may give an error that there was no such folder. If so, ignore it and move on to Step 4.

1.) Open terminal and type:
2.) sudo mv /root/.themes /root/.themesbackup
3.) Hit enter, then type:
4.) sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root
5.) Hit enter

++ Important Things For The Above ++

+ Appearance Managers
- XFCE: xfce4-settings-manager
- LXDE: lxappearance (for Controls)
- LXDE: obconf (for Window Border)
- Gnome 2: gnome-appearance-properties
- Gnome 3: gnome-tweak-tool

+ Theme Directory
- /home/yournamehere/.themes

+ gtkrc theme file
- /home/yourname/.themes/Victory/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

+ gtk.css file
- /home/yourname/.themes/Victory/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

+ Terminal
- Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal

Other Victory Themes

+ Victory Icon Collection
- http://newhoa.deviantart.com/art/Victory-Icon-Collection-188206119
-- A collection containing many icons from, and modified icons of several icon packs.

+ Victory Theme for Chromium and Google Chrome
- http://newhoa.deviantart.com/#/d3h2991

+ Victory Light Skin for the Opera Web Browser
- http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/info/?id=11102
-- Almost matches New Wave theme

+ Victory Dark Skin for the Opera Web Browser
- http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/info/?id=11092
-- Also matches default Ubuntu theme (Ambiance)
-- Also matches Divergence IV theme window border

More Screenshots



If upgrading! Be sure to move (or delete) the original Victory folders from your themes folder before installing this. File names and folder structures have changed.

+ New: Gnome-Shell Theme
+ New: Gtk3/Gnome3 Theming (Beta)
+ New: Cinnamon Theme
+ New: Support for Mate Desktop Environment
+ New: Victory for Top Panels
-- Altered panel backgrounds and metacity window border
-- Window border becomes flat when maximized, blending Top Panel and Window Border
-- Works with Gnome 3, Gnome 2, Ubuntu, Cinnamon, Mate by default
-- Works with LXDE, XFCE when using Compiz
-- Remember to log out and back in after selecting this theme to see the changes
+ New: Marlin File Browser themed
+ New: GMusicBrowser themed
+ New: Support for Overlay Scrollbars
+ Updated: Latest apps in Gnome (Rhythmbox, Totem), LXDE (PCManFM, Parole), and XFCE
+ Updated: Unity Panel for Ubuntu 11.10
+ Option Added: Ambiance-like toolbars for Gtk3/Gnome3 (Ubuntu 11.10+)
-- This makes the toolbar dark, blending with the File Menu bar and/or the Title bar of the window border
-- Scroll to the bottom of the file: Victory > gtk-3.0 > gtk.css
-- Under "Options" and uncomment the ambiance-toolbars line.
-- Should look like this: @import url("styles/ambiance-toolbars.css");
-- Save, then log out and back in.
+ Changed: To avoid clutter, additional Window Borders (Dark and Variants) not added to .themes folder by default
-- All borders can befound in Victory > OptionsExtras > Extra Window Borders
-- Just drag them to your home/yournamehere/.themes folder, and select them in your window manager (may require restart)

2012.03.16b - Repackaged and reuploaded. Was having a problem with compression, causing the files for Cinnamon, Gnome-Shell, and a lot of other updates not to work. If you had any problems using this update, delete it, try it again, and let me know if anyone else is still having problems. Sorry!

2012.03.16 | c
Updated again on 2012-05-13.
This theme was created using Gtk3.2. They made some theme changes in Gtk3.4, so it doesn't look as intended. This update is a temporary fix for the biggest problem in Gtk3.4 - white text. Hopefully I can update the theme in the next month or so to address the rest of the problems.

Anyway, let me know what's good or bad, or if any apps aren't theming right or anything. Thanks again everyone... I really appreciate all the feedback and comments!

(Victory Strikes Again Gtk Theme)
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 min max close buttons?

 by svg1234 on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

Thank you very much for this beautiful theme. One question. My min/max/close buttons appear as arrow up/arrow down/ red 'x'. None of your screenshots show those buttons that way (+ - etc). I downloaded the elementary icons (not sure if that matters or not). Everything else seems to be working fine. Nautilus-elementary looks as it should.

Did you change the min/max/close buttons or is something wrong on my system, i.e. it's displaying the wrong graphics for those 3 items? Thank you.

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 Re: min max close buttons?

 by newhoa on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

Thanks! Glad you like it.

Nothing is wrong - that is the way it's supposed to look. I didn't mean for the pictures to be misleading... if you go to the DeviantArt page or the other Victory theme page, linked under More Screenshots, it will show that border.

One of the reasons I made this theme is so that people could pick their own window border, so the pictures were meant to reflect that idea, and to show the theme in different colors with different borders.

The colors and border can be changed through Appearance Preferences (Preferences > Appearance > Theme > Customize). If you change the window border, you will probably need to change the 'tooltip color' under Colors (this controls the menubar color as well).

I can't remember all the borders in the pictures off the top of my head - but if you either check the archive that you download from here, or check your themes directory (/home/yourname/.themes/Victory) you will find an Options folder. In that folder is a text file where I list all the icons, borders, etc I've used in screenshots.

Anyway, hope this helps! Sorry for the confusion. Let me know if you have any other questions or anything and thanks again!

- Darin

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 Re: Re: min max close buttons?

 by svg1234 on: Aug 3 2010
Score 50%

Thanks for the reply. Now I understand re: the min/max/close buttons.


There's a line in the gtkrc that is generating an error when I open/close nautilus-elementary and appears frequently in the .xsession-errors log.

The problem is: gtk-alternative-sort-arrows = TRUE

It generates the following error:
Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve property `gtk-alternative-sort-arrows' of type `gboolean' from rc file value "((GString*) 0x9df6ea0)" of type `gboolean'

Do you know why this is or what to do about it? I simply commented the offending line in the gtkrc for now.

Also getting this:
(nautilus:2273): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
When I do a nautilus -q and at other times too. Not sure if the two problems are related.

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 Re: Re: Re: min max close buttons?

 by newhoa on: Aug 4 2010
Score 50%

That line was meant to change the direction of the sort arrows in list view, but almost everything I use simply ignores it with that error. That line is safe to delete, and I'll probably take it out for the next update.

I don't think the second error is theme related. I tried it using several different themes, including the default, and it still happens.

Thanks for testing all this out! I miss a lot of problems myself, so it's good if others can help out. Let me know if you find any errors or have any problems in the future!

- Darin

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: min max close buttons?

 by svg1234 on: Aug 4 2010
Score 50%

Yeah, I was wondering why it wasn't working (anti-sort).

I looked at the other window borders from the credits file you mentioned, but I really do like YOURS best. Only one tiny little thing that I don't like...it's the RED in the close button. It just bugs me for some reason.

Could I trouble you for a close.png and close_prelight.png that are the same color/weight as the min and max buttons? If it's too much trouble or a hassle for you, then forget it, I really don't want to impose. I'd do it myself, but I don't have gimp installed on this Lucid system and I'd prefer not installing it because I don't need it for anything else. (SSD-based system - trying to keep it lean & clean).

I don't see another program to edit graphics/colors on the default Lucid install. F-spot doesn't look like it'll do it. Is there one? (Hmmm...maybe I'll just copy them over to the win7 side and use paint?). Thanks.

IMHO, the sidebar background is what really makes this theme stand out. Beautiful!

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: min max close buttons?

 by newhoa on: Aug 4 2010
Score 50%

Thanks, I really appreciate it!

I'll send you a PM about the buttons.

Thanks again.

- Darin

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 bright glow

 by repsakkgn on: Aug 12 2010
Score 50%

IMO the toolbar prelight glow is too bright. Is there a way to endarken it? though the theme is the best one ever. Earlier i used to switch from theme to theme, now i switch from victory version to victory version. Thanx 4 what u do.

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 Re: bright glow

 by newhoa on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

Hey, thanks for the compliment! I really appreciate that.

I'll turn it back down as default if I hear more people chime in, but for now I may keep it about that bright.

You can turn it down in the gtkrc file (/home/yourname/.themes/Victory/gtk-2.0/gtkrc) by finding this line:

style "toolbarbutton-prelight"

And under that, changing

bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.06, @bg_color)

to any lower number (1.03, etc)


As for your other comment, you put progressbar... were you talking about the glow behind the toolbar buttons? I wasn't sure - the progress bar is square... the light behind the toolbar buttons I think is the only thing that isn't.

If so, you're right... there is kind of a disconnect with circular glow when the rest of the theme is more square. It's not really achieving the effect I wasnted in the first place either, so I'll think about reworking that. I might message you later if you want to help try it out and see what you think.


Anyway, thanks for the ideas and kind words. Let me know if you have any others or have any problems or anything.

Thanks again.

- Darin

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 Re: Re: bright glow

 by repsakkgn on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

shade (1.04, I find the variant, at least for me. As for the rounded progressbars, it seems that they are rounded in not every applications, but for example in transmission it looks like that http://itmages.ru/image/view/50043/35efaaa4

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 Re: Re: Re: bright glow

 by repsakkgn on: Aug 15 2010
Score 50%

and yes, I'd test the possible variants, so if you need my opinion, mail me.

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 square progressbars

 by repsakkgn on: Aug 14 2010
Score 50%

..and i suggest you make the progressbars square. It'll fit better.

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 change panel text color

 by repsakkgn on: Aug 18 2010
Score 50%

hey, is there a way to change the panel text color to white? thanx in advance..

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 Re: change panel text color

 by newhoa on: Aug 30 2010
Score 50%

You can do this in the gtkrc by changing the fg colors under style "panel".

Another (I think easier) solution is to use gnome-color-chooser. It lets you change all kinds of colors... it's good if you're going for a dark panel. It let's you revert all changes very easily as well. It's a pretty cool program.

- Darin

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 Re: Re: change panel text color

 by repsakkgn on: Sep 8 2010
Score 50%

and how to change panel applets text color??

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 by repsakkgn on: Sep 5 2010
Score 50%

please, link me the wallpaper..

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 Re: wallpaper

 by repsakkgn on: Sep 5 2010
Score 50%

the blue one///

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 Re: Re: wallpaper

 by newhoa on: Oct 17 2010
Score 50%

Hey, sorry I took so long to get back.

1. The Wallpaper is part of the Gnome 2.28 desktop (gnome-backgrounds). It's called flow.

2. To change the panel text color, you'll need to user gnome-color-chooser... or you can edit the gtkrc by finding the Panel entry and changing the FG colors... but you may have to do that in a couple different parts of the gtkrc. I'd recommend gnome-color-chooser.

3. Thanks for offering to try out different versions, but I tried to play around with it, and it didn't turn out right, so don't worry about it! Thanks though.

- Darin

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 customize colors

 by damaa on: Oct 16 2010
Score 50%

i like the light colors for the menubar in screenshot 3. how do i customize it like that? i don't see the options mentioned in my theme customizing menu.

thanks for you help.

Reply to this


 Re: customize colors

 by newhoa on: Oct 17 2010
Score 63%

Hey, glad you like it! Thanks!

In screenshot 3, I'm using Nautilus Elementary, and turned off the menubar. You can find that here:

But to change the menubar color, all you should have to do in the Gnome Appearance Properties (run gnome-appearance-properties OR go to System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme) is go to Customize, then the Colors tab. Changing the Tooltip colors should also change the menubar colors.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any problems or need anything else!

- Darin

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 Re: Re: customize colors

 by damaa on: Oct 18 2010
Score 50%

thanks for the quick response. As you wrote changing the tooltip colors also changed the textcolor, but not the window border. it's still black for me. where do i change that?

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 Re: Re: Re: customize colors

 by newhoa on: Oct 18 2010
Score 50%

Cool, glad you got it working.

For the window border, you'll just have to click the Window Border tab (same window as where you changed the colors), and pick a different window border.

I wanted to make my window border also change according to the Menubar/Tooltip color, but unfortunately you can't do that with window borders. It either has to be fixed one color, or mirror the Selected/Background colors. In screenshot 3, that border was just one I was playing around with a couple years ago. I never uploaded it or anything... it doesn't show buttons normally. I'm not sure if anyone would like that much.

The elementary theme border works well:

In screenshot 2, I'm using Simple eGtk:

But there are all kinds of great borders either packaged with themes, or under the Metacity section here on Gnome Look.

- Darin

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