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Victory (Strikes Again)

   2012.03.16 | c  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 74%
Victory (Strikes Again)

Victory (Strikes Again)

Victory (Strikes Again)

Downloads:  49298
Submitted:  Apr 29 2010
Updated:  Mar 17 2012


This theme was an attempt to allow everyone to pick a wide variety of colors and window borders. You can change the sidebar colors to any color you prefer, or if you prefer another window border, you can change the menubar color to make it blend together. This is my first time doing something like this, so there may be a lot of problems - Let me know. Thanks so much to everyone for help, feedback, comments, messages, voting, and fannage(?). Also, negative/critical feedback is just as (and sometimes more) important as any other. I don't know what down votes mean without it! Hope everyone enjoys. Thanks again!

- Darin


How to Use

++ Colors ++

Several Gtk desktops have an Appearance Manager (see below), usually under the System menu, that allow you to customize a themes colors. If not, try this:

1. Open the file /home/yournamehere/.themes/Victory/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
2. Open the file /home/yournamehere/.themes/Victory/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
3. Open the file /home/yournamehere/.themes/Victory/gtk-3.0/settings.ini

Each of these files contain the color settings in the top of the files. The important parts are:



Here's what each one of those changes:

selected_fg_color = Sidebar Text Color
selected_bg_color = Sidebar Background Color

tooltip_fg_color = File Menu Text Color
tooltip_bg_color = File Menu Background Color

Just change the #xxxxxx to a color you like! Save, and log out and back in to see the changes!

++ Options ++

This theme offers options for light panels, light menus, Nautilus elementary, the ability to try old Victory styles, and more.

At the bottom of the gtkrc or gtk.css file (mentioned in Steps 1 and 2 of the color section), you will find a section called Options. Comment or Uncomment lines (add or remove a # at the beginning of the line or the /* at the beginning and */ at the end) to try different options. After making changes, save the file. You will have to change to another theme for a moment. Go back to the Victory theme, and your changes should appear.

++ Installing ++

To install, extract the downloaded tar.gz. Put the folders (Victory, Victory for Top Panels) in your themes directory. Then open your desktops Appearance Manager to select the theme.

Log out and back in to make sure all changes take effect (especially in Gnome 3)

If you would like root apps (Synaptic/Package Manager/GParted) to use your theme, try the following. Step 2 may give an error that there was no such folder. If so, ignore it and move on to Step 4.

1.) Open terminal and type:
2.) sudo mv /root/.themes /root/.themesbackup
3.) Hit enter, then type:
4.) sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root
5.) Hit enter

++ Important Things For The Above ++

+ Appearance Managers
- XFCE: xfce4-settings-manager
- LXDE: lxappearance (for Controls)
- LXDE: obconf (for Window Border)
- Gnome 2: gnome-appearance-properties
- Gnome 3: gnome-tweak-tool

+ Theme Directory
- /home/yournamehere/.themes

+ gtkrc theme file
- /home/yourname/.themes/Victory/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

+ gtk.css file
- /home/yourname/.themes/Victory/gtk-3.0/gtk.css

+ Terminal
- Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal

Other Victory Themes

+ Victory Icon Collection
- http://newhoa.deviantart.com/art/Victory-Icon-Collection-188206119
-- A collection containing many icons from, and modified icons of several icon packs.

+ Victory Theme for Chromium and Google Chrome
- http://newhoa.deviantart.com/#/d3h2991

+ Victory Light Skin for the Opera Web Browser
- http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/info/?id=11102
-- Almost matches New Wave theme

+ Victory Dark Skin for the Opera Web Browser
- http://my.opera.com/community/customize/skins/info/?id=11092
-- Also matches default Ubuntu theme (Ambiance)
-- Also matches Divergence IV theme window border

More Screenshots



If upgrading! Be sure to move (or delete) the original Victory folders from your themes folder before installing this. File names and folder structures have changed.

+ New: Gnome-Shell Theme
+ New: Gtk3/Gnome3 Theming (Beta)
+ New: Cinnamon Theme
+ New: Support for Mate Desktop Environment
+ New: Victory for Top Panels
-- Altered panel backgrounds and metacity window border
-- Window border becomes flat when maximized, blending Top Panel and Window Border
-- Works with Gnome 3, Gnome 2, Ubuntu, Cinnamon, Mate by default
-- Works with LXDE, XFCE when using Compiz
-- Remember to log out and back in after selecting this theme to see the changes
+ New: Marlin File Browser themed
+ New: GMusicBrowser themed
+ New: Support for Overlay Scrollbars
+ Updated: Latest apps in Gnome (Rhythmbox, Totem), LXDE (PCManFM, Parole), and XFCE
+ Updated: Unity Panel for Ubuntu 11.10
+ Option Added: Ambiance-like toolbars for Gtk3/Gnome3 (Ubuntu 11.10+)
-- This makes the toolbar dark, blending with the File Menu bar and/or the Title bar of the window border
-- Scroll to the bottom of the file: Victory > gtk-3.0 > gtk.css
-- Under "Options" and uncomment the ambiance-toolbars line.
-- Should look like this: @import url("styles/ambiance-toolbars.css");
-- Save, then log out and back in.
+ Changed: To avoid clutter, additional Window Borders (Dark and Variants) not added to .themes folder by default
-- All borders can befound in Victory > OptionsExtras > Extra Window Borders
-- Just drag them to your home/yournamehere/.themes folder, and select them in your window manager (may require restart)

2012.03.16b - Repackaged and reuploaded. Was having a problem with compression, causing the files for Cinnamon, Gnome-Shell, and a lot of other updates not to work. If you had any problems using this update, delete it, try it again, and let me know if anyone else is still having problems. Sorry!

2012.03.16 | c
Updated again on 2012-05-13.
This theme was created using Gtk3.2. They made some theme changes in Gtk3.4, so it doesn't look as intended. This update is a temporary fix for the biggest problem in Gtk3.4 - white text. Hopefully I can update the theme in the next month or so to address the rest of the problems.

Anyway, let me know what's good or bad, or if any apps aren't theming right or anything. Thanks again everyone... I really appreciate all the feedback and comments!

(Victory Strikes Again Gtk Theme)
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 by tylerisfat on: Jun 23 2010
Score 50%

the updated version looks great, as usual. I'm curious as to whether or not you're looking into integrating DanRabbits scroll bars that he has on his Elementary theme. The new version he has are super unintrusive and really slick.

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 Re: updates

 by newhoa on: Jun 26 2010
Score 50%

Thanks man.

I don't have plans to use the elementary scrollbars, as nice as they are. I do like them - they fit that theme well. But I have been trying to move away from pixmap elements. This theme started off with several pixmap elements, and I've tried to eliminate all of them.*

The reason being that pixmap elements are fixed in color... and I'm really trying to make this theme to fit with any color. It was one of the reasons I started this.

I could emulate them without using pixmap... but I don't think they would look as nice.

Plus, I would rather not copy. I like that theme, and I like to see the originality that a lot of themes like it bring. I would feel disrespectful taking that.

Maybe it'll end up inspiring a new scrollbar for this theme, but no plans now, and none to actually use the elementary ones. Sorry.

One day I think I might do a more fixed theme with pixmap and stuff. It definitely allows for more flexibility for the author, but usually not much for the user. I wish you could combine engines, and overlay an engine with pixmap.

Anyway, thanks again. If you have any other ideas or anything, please ask. I always appreciate your comments.

- Darin

* For anyone interested... the original scrollbars in this theme were pixmap, and are still included in the download. In the Options folder is a gtkrc-old file. If you put that in place of the actual gtkrc, it will give you an idea of what the scrollbars were like. That file is kind of a mashup of the original version and one from a month or so ago.

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 by repsakkgn on: Jun 24 2010
Score 50%

well done, dude. But IMO you should change the scrollbars. elementary scrollbars look way better...

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 Re: scrollbars

 by newhoa on: Jun 26 2010
Score 50%

Yeah, the elementary scrollbars are real nice. I responded to tyler about them, so I won't post much twice.

But I don't plan on using them, sorry. I like them on that theme... but I want to try to keep this one different - I know it needs work!

Anyway, thanks for the comment, though. If you have any more suggestions or anything, let me know.

- Darin

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 fonts and icons

 by RuyJol on: Jun 25 2010
Score 50%

would you please let me know the iconset and font you are using in this theme?

looks great!


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 Re: fonts and icons

 by newhoa on: Jun 26 2010
Score 50%


The theme suggests elementary-monochrome:


In the pictures, I use the elementary icons, Moblin icons, and nuoveXT 2 icons.

For the font, I'm not using anything other than the default on Ubuntu - Sans.

Glad you like the theme - let me know if you need anything else!

- Darin

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 by lekegf on: Jun 25 2010
Score 50%


Its theme is cool, but OpenOffice does not work! (Even using the terminal)

Please, see this theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ambiance+Elementary+Fusion?content=125990

1. You can use this scrollbar, it works in OpenOffice and it's very nice! More beautiful even than the elementary scrollbar.

2. You can make two versions of your theme, a "Light" (with the white panel) and "Dark" (with the black panel, like the Ambience theme).

3. Join the 3 buttons in the corner of the window only (preferably the left :P)

Oh yeah and you know when you go to Applications> Internet> Firefox and stayed with the mouse on it? It appears the program description. So now do this using the theme from the link above and see the difference, is far more beautiful. You can do the same in your theme.

I really liked how the name of the icons appear on desktop using your theme, it was really cool. If you do what I suggested I'm sure your theme will come close to perfection. I joined this site just to comment on. :)

I hope the next update.

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 Re: Ideas

 by newhoa on: Jun 26 2010
Score 50%

Hey, thanks a lot for the ideas.


1. For OpenOffice:

Do you mean it doesn't start at all, or the scrollbars don't work? If you mean it doesn't start... I'm not sure why that would be. You would have to list the terminal output or something here. I'm not sure that I would be much help.

If you mean the scrollbars, there is a fix for it in the description above. That's the best I can do for now. I'm working on it, though.

2. The Panels:

A lot of people have asked for Light and Dark panel versions. I might do something about it in the future, but not right now. The best I can do is point people to Gnome Color Chooser.


With this, you can make any theme with a dark panel.

3. The Buttons

I'm not sure why I left the buttons as they are. I hate when themes take over your buttons! So for the next update, this will change back to 3 buttons on one side!

4. Tooltip

I tried this before, and didn't really like it. It made the text hard to see. If you want to try it, you can open the gtkrc file and change this line (line 14):

GtkWidget ::new-tooltip-style = 0

Change the 0 to 1, and reapply the theme. I might play around more with this in the future, though.


Anyway, I'm glad you like it, and I appreciate the ideas - they're all good. Thanks for taking the time to sign up and comment! I really appreciate it. I'm glad you like the Desktop icons, too. I wasn't sure if people would like those, and almost turned that off.

Thanks again, and hopefully I can keep making it better, and maybe a lot of these things will help.

- Darin

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 Change buttons

 by moskito on: Jun 25 2010
Score 50%


How can i change the inactive buttons?

I mean this: http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/6742/seleccin004u.png

I prefer normal icons

Thank u for the theme and sorry for my english

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 Re: Change buttons

 by newhoa on: Jun 26 2010
Score 50%

Hey, your English is fine!

But sorry, I don't get that problem with the icons. I'm not sure why it is doing that. Mine look like this:


Does it only happen with this theme - or with others?

- Darin

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 Re: Re: Change buttons

 by moskito on: Jun 26 2010
Score 50%

Yes, as far i know, only with this. But i dont know if it depends, or have any relation, on compiz, because actually im not usin compiz.

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 Re: Re: Re: Change buttons

 by newhoa on: Jun 27 2010
Score 50%

I'm sorry, I'm not sure why it's doing that. I haven't had that problem using Compiz or Metacity or anything.

Sorry I can't be of more help right now - I'm not sure why that would happen. Maybe if you list some specs (murrine version, distro, graphics, etc), someone else may have a similar issue or a solution.

- Darin

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 Problems with Thunderbird

 by amiroff on: Jul 2 2010
Score 50%

Hello! Nice theme!

I'd like to report a bug, using this theme, menus in Thunderbird are invisible. Clicking reveals the clicked menu though, but only until mouse leaves menubar again. Here's the screenshot:


Thanks for a great theme!

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 Re: Problems with Thunderbird

 by newhoa on: Jul 2 2010
Score 50%

Hey, thanks!

Someone (tseligkas) on the first page of the comments also asked about the Thunderbird menu. It's a Mozilla bug (Firefox also used to have this problem), but they've fixed it for Thunderbird 3.1.

WebUpd8 posted a DEB for it on their site:

Or if you would feel better downloading it from the official website, it's on there as an archive:

Sorry about the problem, but hope this helps. Let me know if it does, and let me know if you have any other problems, questions, ideas, or whatever.

Thanks again!

- Darin

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