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Sense Gtk theme


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 69%
Sense Gtk theme

Sense Gtk theme

Sense Gtk theme

Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  3942
Submitted:  Apr 7 2010
Updated:  May 6 2010


A Gtk theme that makes more sense to me. I mostly hacked it together for my own use, but decided to release it. Maybe someone will find it enjoyable as well :P.

It is low contrast and 100% gloss free. It has reduced padding and small icons to ease the strain on your screen estate.

- Gnome 2.30 with the new nautilus. It works fine with older versions of nautilus but doesn\'t look as nice
- the latest murrine engine (i.e. from git. ships with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx now)
- the Equinox theme engine. It is only used for textboxes, so the theme will look fine without, but you will receive a warning

- the theme is based (but heavily modified) on Human-Lucid: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Human-Lucid?content=119546
- inspiration and code snippets from the great elementary gtk theme: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/elementary-gtk-theme-83104033

Feel free to modify and share!


** Much improved nautilus
** improved toolbar buttons

LicenseCreative Commons by-nc
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Other  Artwork  from FelixH
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 Gray panel?

 by cropin on: Apr 9 2010
Score 50%

Nice theme... Any quick way of getting rid of the black panel? (I'd really like it to be gray, say like the windows border, but unchecking "use system theme" in the panel properties makes it look really ba).

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 Re: Gray panel?

 by FelixH on: Apr 12 2010
Score 50%

ok, if I have some time I will make a grey version as well

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 Sense is working..

 by monthscrapped on: Apr 11 2010
Score 50%

Alright, Sense is now working. :D
But in order to get the same look (icons etc.), i need to know the names of your icons and window border. Because i get this stupid "e" to the left of "applications", if i choose "elementary" as my iconset and the maximizie/minimize/close buttons of my windows are at the right top of the frame and on your pictures they are on the left top.

Btw: great job! :)

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 Re: Sense is working..

 by FelixH on: Apr 12 2010
Score 50%

Great :).

The icon set I'm using is called Ubuntu Mono Dark, which is one of the default icon sets for the new Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx). Check this forum entry on how to change the window buttons to the left side: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=322739

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 by sousuke on: May 6 2010
Score 50%
New York, NY

is it just me or is the metacity missing from your theme? I get everything except that :(

what am i missing?

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 Re: metacity

 by sousuke on: May 6 2010
Score 50%
New York, NY

disregard... found out you get it from this theme: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/elementary-gtk-theme-83104033

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 by sousuke on: May 6 2010
Score 50%
New York, NY

what font(s) does this theme require?

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 Re: font

 by FelixH on: May 6 2010
Score 50%

The fonts used in the screen shots are:

* standard font: Bitstream Vera Sans
* window title: http://www.dafont.com/champagne-limousines.font
* fixed width: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono

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 Re: Re: font

 by sousuke on: May 7 2010
Score 50%
New York, NY

Are the Bitstream Vera Sans fonts installed by default in ubuntu lucid?

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