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elementary EM GTK


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 66%
elementary EM GTK

elementary EM GTK

elementary EM GTK

Downloads:  12652
Submitted:  Apr 5 2010
Updated:  May 23 2010


Required engines:
- Murrine-git (or from Lucid Lynx)
- Equinox 1.1

IPORTANT NOTE: I've dumped styles for official Nautilus and focused on Nautilus-elementary 2.30 instead. It's recommended to have it installed. If you don't like Nautilus-elementary, there's a solution for it in included README.

Be sure to read included README!


0.4 (2010.05.23):
- retouched Nautilus-elementary (including breadcrumbs)
- retouched Thunar
- changed statusbar
- new, smaller progressbar
- scrollbar has been slightly changed
- new panel buttons
- tabs, entry and spin are now handled by Murrine
- treeview items recolored
- menu item color recolored
- added some small fixes for GIMP

0.3 (2010.04.20):
- text and combo entries are now rendered by Equinox
- retouched progressbar
- buttons are brighter
- new panel buttons and background
- changed treeview background for selected item
- toolbar is now rendered by Murrine (this will work as a fix for globalmenu users)
- statusbar is now rendered by Murrine
- Nautilus look is completely remade
- Thunar also got new look (similar to Nautilus's)
- Included various fixed for Eye Of Gnome, Midori and Epiphany.

0.2 (2010.04.08):
- removed orb from scrollbar
- created additional versions for Nautilus 2.30
- created tweaked version for Pidgin IM
- other subtle changes

(elementary EM GTK)
(elementary Emerald)
(elementary Icons by DanRabbit)
(original elementary GTK & Metacity by DanRabbit)
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 by hilex on: Apr 6 2010
Score 50%

Well done, friend!

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 by nenelinux on: Apr 6 2010
Score 50%

sorry but how can install it?

I have the theme elementary gtk and now?

sorry for my english
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 Re: hi

 by weakhead on: Apr 6 2010
Score 50%

Just follow my instructions in included README.

After you install this theme, simply choose it in theme-chooser of your choice.

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 Equinox Engine

 by BobCFC on: Apr 6 2010
Score 50%


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 by emtorres on: Apr 7 2010
Score 50%

really liked this theme!

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 Almost Perfect

 by SorinN on: Apr 7 2010
Score 50%
- home -

Well balanced gray tones, smooth widget elements, readability, a good contrast for fonts over backgrounds and button states, nothing too extreme, nothing too soft - all those reasons make me to consider Elementary EM as one of the best Gnome themes on our days.

Good work man.

- 2 beers or not too beer ? - ..this is ..the question ?
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 by mtax on: Apr 21 2010
Score 50%

Another mod... Please do your own theme, elementary is very good, but we get bored with it !

Ubuntu is an old African word, it means "I am a stupid shit, I don't know how to netinstall Debian"
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 Re: Another...

 by weakhead on: Apr 21 2010
Score 50%

I know what you mean. There's way too many elementary mods out there.

But I have no regrets in making this one - I've learned some important things during it's creation.

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