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Equinox Variance (previously Radiance)


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
Equinox Variance (previously Radiance)

Equinox Variance (previously Radiance)

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  9909
Submitted:  Mar 20 2010
Updated:  Sep 1 2010


Two GTK and Metacity themes designed for the new version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).

You must install Equinox engine to use this themes.

More informations here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Equinox+GTK+Engine?content=121881


1.30.2 :
* Windows can be dragged from menubar
* Some fixes

1.30 :
* New engine options
* Some fixes

1.20 :
* New engine options
* Use final lucid colors

(Equinox Variance themes)
(Equinox engine)
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 by harshid on: Jun 5 2010
Score 50%

Are you going to update this theme to 1.20? Equinox Radiant just isn't the same as this theme and is by no means a worthy successor to this theme.

Equinox Radiant is just too much like the original Ubuntu's radiance(fugly). Whereas this theme was perfect, what the original should have been.

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 Re: 1.20?

 by Pocio on: Jun 18 2010
Score 50%

I totally agree...This version is way too better than the equinox radient 1.20...It will be a shame if the delopment of this theme will be dropped.
I hope to see a newer version soon!
Keep it going with this awesome theme please!

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 Re: 1.20?

 by harshid on: Jun 19 2010
Score 50%

tiheum: Thanks for updating this theme and giving it its own name. Awesome.

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 by netdog on: Jun 17 2010
Score 50%


What font are you using?

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 Re: Font

 by tiheum on: Jun 19 2010
Score 50%

Aurulent Sans, you can find it on dafont.com.

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 by Ahmose on: Jul 22 2010
Score 50%

this is my most favorite , ever.

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 some help

 by dzon65 on: Aug 31 2010
Score 50%

Didn't know who to ask so....
I did some color modifications to the equinox light theme.Somehow the colors don't apply to the sidepanel.The selected item's background and text remain unchanged.Any ideas how I can make them apply?
There's a screenshot here:

Thanks in advance.

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 Re: some help

 by dzon65 on: Aug 31 2010
Score 50%

Yeeeeh!!Found it.Problem solved.

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 Very Nice

 by gservetas on: Sep 3 2010
Score 50%

Very nice themes. Hope the developers in Ubuntu start placing the window title in the centre and the buttons on the right like you do in these equinox based themes. And again, great work.

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