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Equinox GTK Engine


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 76%
Equinox GTK Engine

Equinox GTK Engine

Equinox GTK Engine

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  231191
Submitted:  Mar 20 2010
Updated:  Apr 27 2011


A heavily modified version of the beautiful Aurora engine (1.4). Thanks to his author.

IMPORTANT! Since version 1.40, the file below contains only the engine source. You can download themes (both GTK and Metacity) from the second and third links :
- The five Equinox Evolution themes are new offical ones and will get some updates in the future. Only these themes are now included in the theme package available from the Launchpad PPA
- The original themes are no longer maintained (but still usable).

Engine installation

First of all, make sure you have installed the GTK+ library development files (libgtk2.0-dev on Debian/Ubuntu, gtk2-devel on Fedora) with your favourite package manager.

Then to compile the Equinox engine, extract the corresponding archive in your home folder. In the new directory, run the following commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation

On Fedora 64 bits (and perhaps other distribs), compilation don't work with the options above. You must run:
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-animation

Finally, run this command as root:
make install

Themes installation

To install the themes, extract the content of the other archive in your ~/.themes.

You can easily change the colour used for selected items or tooltips in Appearance preferences.

To fix the issue with the text of selected menu items in Firefox and Thunderbird, copy the userChrome.css in both ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/chrome/ and ~/.thunderbird/xxxxxxxx.default/chrome/

To use the Equinox Evolution theme with Chromium or Google Chrome, open the browser and drag the CRX file (provided in the themes archive) into the address bar. In applications options, don't forget to enable the display of Metacity borders.

Icon theme
A (still uncomplete) version of Faenza icon theme is now available. Follow the link a the bottom of this page.

Engine options

* curvature = 2.5
* menubarstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient
* menubaritemstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = inverse gradient, 3 = line
* menubarborders = 1 # 0 = none, 1 = bottom border, 2 = top half-border, 3 = bottom border and top half-border
* toolbarstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = flat without border, 3 = gradient without border, 4 = flat with bottom border, 5 = gradient with bottom border
* buttonstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* menuitemstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* listviewheaderstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* listviewitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient
* scrollbarstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy, 2 = normal with grip, 3 = glassy with grip, 4 = flat
* scrollbartrough = 0 # 0 = background color of the parent widget, 1 = base color of the widget itself
* scalesliderstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy, 2 = normal with bullet
* checkradiostyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* progressbarstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* separatorstyle = 1 # 0 = solid inset, 1 = gradient inset, 2 = lighter line, 3 = darker line
* textstyle = 0 # orientation of text shadow
* textshade = 1.08 # > 1.0 for light text shadow, < 1.0 for dark text shadow
* animation = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
* arrowsize = 0.1 # controls combo_arrow circle size. Diameter set by (11 + 2 * arrowsize)

Known bugs
* Strange progressbars in Firefox and Thunderbird
* Some ugly message areas

Launchpad PPA
Equinox is available to install for Ubuntu users via a PPA repository. Open a terminal and run :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-equinox equinox-theme


* New option resizegripstyle
* New value for menubaritemstyle option (return of the original style !)

* New options menubaritemstyle, scrollbartrough, textstyle and textshade
* Rendering of progressbars improved
* Better support of dark themes
* Some changes in displaying focuses
* FIX: some crashes with Evolution

* Better rendering for gradient listitems
* Windows can be dragged from menubar
* Include userChrome.css to fix Firefox/Thunderbird menu issue
* Include Chromium/Chrome theme for Equinox Evolution
* Some fixes

* Fix missing parameters in function equinox_style_copy

* New options menubarborders and listviewitemstyle
* New values for menubarstyle and scrollbarstyle options
* Some fixes
* New themes Evolution and Evolution Light
* Fix bug with Inkscape palette
* Workspace switcher and menubar items more lighter in dark panels
* Fix bugs with some applets: CPU scaling, network monitor, dictionary.
* Bottom border of all themes reduced
* New themes Evolution Rounded and Evolution Squared

* New options progressbarstyle and separatorstyle
* New values for options menubarstyle and toolbarstyle to hide borders of menubar and toolbar controls
* Overall performance improved
* Some fixes
* Better integration in gnome 2.30 (specially for Nautilus)
* New light theme
* New themes Light and Light Glass in which window controls used the selected background color
* New themes Classic and Classic Glass with a red close button and others in the selected background color

* Progressbars and tabs now accept curvature option
* New engine option for menuitems style
* New focus rendering for tabs[/li]
* New Gtkrc theme with wider controls
* Gnome panel with gradient pixmap
* Correct search bar color in Nautilus
* Title bar reduced
* Space between title and buttons (if needed)
* Various corrections on windows controls

Source(Equinox engine and GTK themes)
Source(Equinox Evolution themes)
Source(Equinox original themes)
Source(Faenza Icons)
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 Karmic dependecies

 by Brain-free on: Sep 3 2010
Score 50%

Hi, just registered to tell you that is a really great theme. I'm having just one problem with it.

I have Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm using the Karmic PPA to install the theme. The problem is that the newest version of "gtk2-engines-equinox" cannot be installed in Karmic because two packages (libatk1.0-0 and libfontconfig1) are inferior versions of the ones needed. I suppose one can download these packages from lucid but this is not a "clean" solution and libatk is a core package for a lot of programs, so you can't really play with it.

So, is it possible to either include these two packages in your Karmic repo, or downgrade the repo to 1.20 so that others don't end up with a broken theme?

And again, thanks for the theme...

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 Re: Karmic dependecies

 by berck on: Sep 4 2010
Score 50%

I found the same thing. I'm not sure I understand why they can't fix it. According to my repositories, its set for karmic release. Hence, they should have used the proper libraries to link against. I posted a bug on this over at lauchpad, and it appears to be getting ignored.

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 Re: Karmic dependecies

 by tiheum on: Sep 4 2010
Score 50%

I have uploaded in the PPA a new version compiled for Karmic. Could you tried it ?

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 Re: Re: Karmic dependecies

 by Brain-free on: Sep 4 2010
Score 50%

Yes. Updated to 1.30 and it works great.
Nice work.

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 Slow as all hell!

 by nitroflow on: Sep 10 2010
Score 50%

This engine really needs some performance optimizing. It manages to even beat the aurora engine in slowness!

Check http://pastebin.com/6CMcPk7Y for the results of gtkperf.

I'm all for eye-candy and this is probably the best looking theme around for now but seriously the performance issues really kill its usability.

Here are some concrete examples:

In firefox the time elapsed from when clicking a tab and the tab actually changing is around 2 seconds.

Installing a big software package can take about an hour as opposed to a few minutes with almost any other engine(this particular case has happened before with murrineSVN but is now fixed) and is related to the progress bar poor performance.

I would really love to see this performance issues resolved as I really like this theme but for now I can't really use it.

My configuration is the following:

Intel Core2Duo 2GHz
Nvidia GeForce 8600M GS

running metacity with compositing enabled and the latest nvidia proprietary drivers.

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 Re: Slow as all hell!

 by jenkinbr on: Sep 11 2010
Score 50%

Are you sure you don't have anything in the background bogging things down? I'm having no lag issues with this theme at all compared to other engines, and the only piece of hardware I have that's better then yours is my Nvidia GeForce 9600 GS. Other than that, I've got composting and emerald running on an old AMD Sempron 3200+ (1 core, 1.8GHz) with 1.25 gigs of ram.

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 Re: Re: Slow as all hell!

 by nitroflow on: Sep 12 2010
Score 50%

I'm positive. Maybe it's this specific GPU model idk. Compiz doesn't handle animations very smoothly and Gnome Shell is even worse.

But that's beyond the point. The point is that this engine is extremely slow rendering several widgets in comparison to other engines(in certain cases an order of magnitude slower). Is there any technical reason for this? Can't this be optimized? Murrine produces widgets in a similar style as this but still manages to be fast, and Aurora, the engine in which this is based, still manages t be faster but not by much.

Also the scrollbars while a little better looking than Aurora's, still look ugly.

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 Re: Re: Re: Slow as all hell!

 by bela on: Sep 13 2010
Score 50%

>The point is that this engine is
>extremely slow rendering several
>widgets in comparison to other engines

If there are no actual issues with performance, this is, IMHO, perfectly pointless... Who cares (except you, IK).

>Is there any technical reason for this?
>Can't this be optimized?


But, as already mentioned, why wasting time into something, which does not actually affect anybody? I'm using this engine on Nvidia (w/ Nvidia drivers) and on a pretty weak lappy with Intel 915. And I don't see any performance issues in comparison to current Ubuntu Light themes or Elementary.

But I do like Equinox much better, so thanks tiheum (and also for the excellent Faenza icons...)

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Slow as all hell!

 by nitroflow on: Sep 14 2010
Score 63%

>If there are no actual issues with performance, this is, IMHO, perfectly pointless... Who cares (except you, IK).

But THERE ARE ACTUAL ISSUES with performance as I mentioned in the first post.

>But, as already mentioned, why wasting time into something, which does not actually affect anybody? I'm using this engine
>on Nvidia (w/ Nvidia drivers) and on a pretty weak lappy with Intel 915. And I don't see any performance issues
>in comparison to current Ubuntu Light themes or Elementary.

So the world revolves around you heh? Leave the fanboi attitude at the door please. I found an issue with this engine and I am reporting it so no, it's not wasting time

>But I do like Equinox much better, so thanks tiheum (and also for the excellent Faenza icons...)

Yes I like Equinox too but if it is unusable to me, it's meaningless. That is why I am reporting this, so the next time try not to force your opinion on other people and waste everyone's time.

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Slow as all hell!

 by nitroflow on: Sep 14 2010
Score 42%

And BTW you DO know that this is gnome-look.org and not ubuntu-look.org and that this is a GTK2 theme engine and not a Ubuntu theme right?

sry just couldn't resist venting this.

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 Re: Slow as all hell!

 by nitroflow on: Sep 23 2010
Score 50%

After some testing I've confirmed that this is due to the Nvidia proprietary driver. Using the free nv driver I get completely different results with the shiki themes(murrine engine) showing a performance regression with some widgets and this engine showing a major performance improvement in the more affected widgets, with both engines now having roughly the same benchmark results.

If anyone knows any xorg settings to fix this in the proprietary drivers please PM me.

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 by ilcontegis on: Sep 17 2010
Score 50%

I would greatly appreciate an option to add some transparencies using metacity composer (if this is possible).
I would like to have the dropdown menu semi transparent (I don't want to use compiz or other heavy things).

Thank you.

Best theme, engine and icon set EVER!

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 Pixmap dependency?!

 by mcoumans on: Sep 22 2010
Score 50%
Photography & Websites

"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine 'pixmap' is not installed."

After installing your theme, I get this message.

Looking at the xorg-xsession-log, I see similar error messages related to pixmap.

I'm using an updated LinuxMint9.

Any clues?

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 Pixmap dependency?!

 by mcoumans on: Sep 22 2010
Score 50%
Photography & Websites

"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine 'pixmap' is not installed."

After installing your theme, I get this message.

Looking at the xorg-xsession-log, I see similar error messages related to pixmap.

I'm using an updated LinuxMint9.

Any clues?

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 Bug in Equinox Dark Themes

 by gonzakloperu on: Sep 22 2010
Score 50%

If a main menu list is too long, so that it does'nt fit in the screen, the border bar shows itself in a different (clear) color.

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