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Equinox GTK Engine


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 76%
Equinox GTK Engine

Equinox GTK Engine

Equinox GTK Engine

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  231191
Submitted:  Mar 20 2010
Updated:  Apr 27 2011


A heavily modified version of the beautiful Aurora engine (1.4). Thanks to his author.

IMPORTANT! Since version 1.40, the file below contains only the engine source. You can download themes (both GTK and Metacity) from the second and third links :
- The five Equinox Evolution themes are new offical ones and will get some updates in the future. Only these themes are now included in the theme package available from the Launchpad PPA
- The original themes are no longer maintained (but still usable).

Engine installation

First of all, make sure you have installed the GTK+ library development files (libgtk2.0-dev on Debian/Ubuntu, gtk2-devel on Fedora) with your favourite package manager.

Then to compile the Equinox engine, extract the corresponding archive in your home folder. In the new directory, run the following commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation

On Fedora 64 bits (and perhaps other distribs), compilation don't work with the options above. You must run:
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-animation

Finally, run this command as root:
make install

Themes installation

To install the themes, extract the content of the other archive in your ~/.themes.

You can easily change the colour used for selected items or tooltips in Appearance preferences.

To fix the issue with the text of selected menu items in Firefox and Thunderbird, copy the userChrome.css in both ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default/chrome/ and ~/.thunderbird/xxxxxxxx.default/chrome/

To use the Equinox Evolution theme with Chromium or Google Chrome, open the browser and drag the CRX file (provided in the themes archive) into the address bar. In applications options, don't forget to enable the display of Metacity borders.

Icon theme
A (still uncomplete) version of Faenza icon theme is now available. Follow the link a the bottom of this page.

Engine options

* curvature = 2.5
* menubarstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient
* menubaritemstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = inverse gradient, 3 = line
* menubarborders = 1 # 0 = none, 1 = bottom border, 2 = top half-border, 3 = bottom border and top half-border
* toolbarstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = flat without border, 3 = gradient without border, 4 = flat with bottom border, 5 = gradient with bottom border
* buttonstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* menuitemstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* listviewheaderstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* listviewitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient
* scrollbarstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy, 2 = normal with grip, 3 = glassy with grip, 4 = flat
* scrollbartrough = 0 # 0 = background color of the parent widget, 1 = base color of the widget itself
* scalesliderstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy, 2 = normal with bullet
* checkradiostyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* progressbarstyle = 0 # 0 = normal, 1 = glassy
* separatorstyle = 1 # 0 = solid inset, 1 = gradient inset, 2 = lighter line, 3 = darker line
* textstyle = 0 # orientation of text shadow
* textshade = 1.08 # > 1.0 for light text shadow, < 1.0 for dark text shadow
* animation = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
* arrowsize = 0.1 # controls combo_arrow circle size. Diameter set by (11 + 2 * arrowsize)

Known bugs
* Strange progressbars in Firefox and Thunderbird
* Some ugly message areas

Launchpad PPA
Equinox is available to install for Ubuntu users via a PPA repository. Open a terminal and run :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-equinox equinox-theme


* New option resizegripstyle
* New value for menubaritemstyle option (return of the original style !)

* New options menubaritemstyle, scrollbartrough, textstyle and textshade
* Rendering of progressbars improved
* Better support of dark themes
* Some changes in displaying focuses
* FIX: some crashes with Evolution

* Better rendering for gradient listitems
* Windows can be dragged from menubar
* Include userChrome.css to fix Firefox/Thunderbird menu issue
* Include Chromium/Chrome theme for Equinox Evolution
* Some fixes

* Fix missing parameters in function equinox_style_copy

* New options menubarborders and listviewitemstyle
* New values for menubarstyle and scrollbarstyle options
* Some fixes
* New themes Evolution and Evolution Light
* Fix bug with Inkscape palette
* Workspace switcher and menubar items more lighter in dark panels
* Fix bugs with some applets: CPU scaling, network monitor, dictionary.
* Bottom border of all themes reduced
* New themes Evolution Rounded and Evolution Squared

* New options progressbarstyle and separatorstyle
* New values for options menubarstyle and toolbarstyle to hide borders of menubar and toolbar controls
* Overall performance improved
* Some fixes
* Better integration in gnome 2.30 (specially for Nautilus)
* New light theme
* New themes Light and Light Glass in which window controls used the selected background color
* New themes Classic and Classic Glass with a red close button and others in the selected background color

* Progressbars and tabs now accept curvature option
* New engine option for menuitems style
* New focus rendering for tabs[/li]
* New Gtkrc theme with wider controls
* Gnome panel with gradient pixmap
* Correct search bar color in Nautilus
* Title bar reduced
* Space between title and buttons (if needed)
* Various corrections on windows controls

Source(Equinox engine and GTK themes)
Source(Equinox Evolution themes)
Source(Equinox original themes)
Source(Faenza Icons)
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 Equinox Theme + Light Panels?

 by darkbolt on: Jul 2 2010
Score 50%

First, I'd like to say I absolutely love the engine, it's some great work!

I'd like to see the plain equinox theme with gnome panel being light. As it stands, I'm using the elementary icon set, and it doesn't mesh well with a dark panel

Thanks for your work, and keep it up!

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 Re: Equinox Theme + Light Panels?

 by darkbolt on: Jul 3 2010
Score 50%

I've actually accomplished this, by switching out the panel_bg image with the one from the light theme, as well as the code from the light section under the panel comments, to the gnome specific ones. Still needed a bit of tweaking for the font colors, but I have something I'm happy enough with.

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 slackware txz and engine name

 by brainvision on: Jul 8 2010
Score 50%

hi man,
how are you?

First of all my compliments for your nice engine: even if I have not discovered all it power I'm loving it every day a little bit more: so, thank you for your engine and much of all thanks for sharing! Share means love, to me..

But go on.. Since I start using Linux I installed on my notebook the powerful Slackware Linux; and from that day IO never changed distro! Slackware is all you want in an OS.. but, anyway, I don't want to make here propaganda :)
I'm writing yo tell you that I'm packaging your Equinox GTK Engine for my beloved Slackware: something similar to deb or rpm (deb: Debian e related; rpm for Red Hat), in two words.
It would be great if you would link the package here between others..

I think that that's all, for now.. I will let you know the link as soon as you will reply to me: the package is ready, I'm uploading it here and on DA.. OK?

Uhhhh.. another question, just for my big big big curiosity: what's the origin of the Equinox name? I mean: why Equinox?
I'm very curious about that, but if you don't want to tell us tit meaning, we will understand.. ;)

OK, now that's really all!
Hoping to hear you soon,
I wish you a nice day


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 Re: slackware txz and engine name

 by brainvision on: Jul 15 2010
Score 50%

as I promised, that's the link that bring you to the slackware package for equinox, with the 4 standard themes included: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Equinox+GTK+Engine+-+Slackware+packages?content=127200

see ya!

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 Re: slackware txz and engine name

 by tiheum on: Jul 30 2010
Score 50%

Thanks for your packages: you made one of my friend happy ;)

At the beginning, i've planned to develop two GTK themes for this engine: Spring (light and fresh) and Fall (brown, like Human). For this reason, i've named my engine Equinox. But, it was a few years ago...

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 Package names

 by mainerror on: Jul 15 2010
Score 50%


Just wanted to point out that the following package names are wrong.


it should be


without the s at the end. ;)

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 Re: Package names

 by tiheum on: Jul 30 2010
Score 50%

Because each package include more than one theme ?

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 Re: Re: Package names

 by frriction on: Jul 31 2010
Score 50%

In ubuntu synaptic its without "s"

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 by nickioc on: Jul 19 2010
Score 50%

nice theme and nice gtk engine, but what's the name of the iconset in the first and second screenshot?

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 Re: iconset

 by ugluck on: Jul 22 2010
Score 50%

yes, what about icon set?¿

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 Re: Re: iconset

 by IstrikeAgain on: Jul 23 2010
Score 50%

it's currently WIP ;) the author said it will be released when it's ready

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. --aka el mariachi--
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 Change metacity button

 by Vortex0965 on: Jul 30 2010
Score 50%

Could you change the buttons layout also for the left position in metacity?

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 Re: Change metacity button

 by tiheum on: Jul 30 2010
Score 50%

For the moment, I'll keep the default layout for others distros. The Lucid layout is already available with Equinox Radient and Equinox Ambiant themes and I don't want to have too much themes to maintain (it's a lot of work). But i'll keep an eye on Maverick to see what they do with windicators...

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 by sht0rm on: Jul 30 2010
Score 50%

Icons are GREAT! Big thahx!!!

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