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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%


Homepage:  Link
Downloads:  6620
Submitted:  Feb 1 2010
Updated:  Feb 8 2010


Refreshed Human theme for Lucid utilizing all new murrine options. Modifcations to the Homosapien theme by zacbarton. Mouse over prelight now functional along with a more rounded feel. Left and right width added two pixels fro easier resize.


New murrine version available in Lucid. There should be no issues experience all of the great new enhancements.

Murrine Git Master:





*** Murrine git master required ***



* Metacity nearing perfection;

* consolidate buttons, bg, etc (thanks to zacbarton);

* added colored menu icon unfocused/focused prelight;

* loose bg's on unfocused windows

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 Homosapien updated

 by zacbarton on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

I've also updated Homosapien (metacity) to fix some of the issue mentioned above.


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 Nice theme!

 by giovanicascaes on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

Wow, very nice!

With the homosapiens metacity theme it looks amazing!

Good job, man!

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 Re: Nice theme!

 by giovanicascaes on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

Er... nice in Lucid...

Here in Karmic brings pain-to-head =/

The dependencies are very recent, only in sources.

Compile them it's very hard... I've give up :)

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 by dashua on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

Very nice work on the buttons. Not my strong point in theming.

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 by LuxieRayku on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%
QDark Project

It's a perfect theme for Lucid

QDark - The dark side of elegance
#qDrk - Ft@l>Err0r_drknss_n_your_5y5t3m_
Lilium - Quam amoena, oh castitatis lilium

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 Re: ;D

 by Vortex0965 on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

I'm agree with Luxie,great theme for Lucid!:)

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 by fishears on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

Works great on Karmic if you force the murrine git package (libatk1.0-0 is too old).

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 Re: Nice

 by daas88 on: Feb 3 2010
Score 50%

But it needs libatk 1.29.3 or better, where can i get it? i don't want broken packages/dependencies =/

all your base are belong to us
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 by mrmars on: Feb 2 2010
Score 50%

I installed both Human Lucid and Homosapiens.
But my icons remain the same: i don't see the new symbols (link, read only, etc)
What's wrong?
And how do i add the docks?

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