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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%


Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  2897
Submitted:  Jan 15 2010
Updated:  Feb 4 2010


Finestly Yin-Yang are two complete Murrine-Themes with some nice effects on buttons. I created those themes as a propose for a bright- and a dark-theme in Lucid. - enjoy -

- Humanity-Icons (form the Branch)

*** You can change the signal-color "you want" in the gtkrc-file ...

gtk-color-scheme = nhuman_color:#******


19-01-2010: Levelup with the kindly help from "usseldridge" (Wasp).
- better Metacity
- many bugs fixed

20-01-2010: Metacity-Buttons changed

21-01-2010: "humanizited"
21-01-2010: alt+f2 -bug

24-01-2010: found the right color-play
24-01-2010: Metacity without title for more EyeCandy

26-01-2010: Yin Yang-Concept. Many changes ... maybe some more adaptions are necessary ...

27-01-2010: Yang was too bright. Slightly darker ...

28-01-2010: Yin and Yang ready to use ...

04-02-2010: cleaned up the code and adujsted parameters

(Finestly 0.9 - Yin Yang)
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 by cb2k on: Jan 15 2010
Score 50%

Scholli This theme is very nice and potentially a great candidate for Lucid.

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 Re: Great

 by MikeDK on: Jan 15 2010
Score 50%

am i the only one with no interfacetab in gnome-appearance-properties, under lucid?

btw looks nice for at dark lucid theme.

kind regards mikedk

microsoft gives u windows, Linux gives u da whole House :-P
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 Re: Re: Great

 by MikeDK on: Jan 15 2010
Score 50%

btw did a clean install of alpha1

microsoft gives u windows, Linux gives u da whole House :-P
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 Re: Great

 by schollidesign on: Jan 15 2010
Score 50%

Thank u cb2k :)

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 by LuxieRayku on: Jan 19 2010
Score 50%
QDark Project

How could I do a theme for Murrine?

QDark - The dark side of elegance
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 Re: ??

 by schollidesign on: Jan 19 2010
Score 50%

There are many gtk-eninges out like murrine, aurora, nodoka, ...
Murrine is fast and quite good-looking. Murrine-Themes are f.example: Wasp, the Gtk-Themes form Shiki-Colors and I think the orig. Human-Theme ... Gotham is special, because it uses the newest murrine-engine (development). I can't help u really, because I am a quite amateur in that stuffs. But take the sources and study it a little bit... A mix of murrine and pixpuf is possible and give u the power to make some nice themes... ;-)

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 Re: Re: ??

 by LuxieRayku on: Jan 19 2010
Score 50%
QDark Project

I want a theme that can change colors like murrine themes

QDark - The dark side of elegance
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 Re: ??

 by schollidesign on: Jan 19 2010
Score 50%

There are many gtk-eninges out like murrine, aurora, nodoka, ...
Murrine is fast and quite good-looking. Murrine-Themes are f.example: Wasp, the Gtk-Themes
form Shiki-Colors and I think the orig. Human-Theme ... Gotham is special, because it uses the newest murrine-engine (development). I can't help u really, because I am a quite amateur in that stuffs. But take the sources and study it a little bit... A mix of murrine and pixpuf is possible and give u the power to make some nice themes... ;-)

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 Good job!!

 by 0rAX0 on: Jan 22 2010
Score 50%

The only dark theme I like so far!

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 Re: Good job!!

 by schollidesign on: Jan 22 2010
Score 50%

hope u come always back to my theme if u put a darker wallpaper and u need the right decoration around... ^^

Thank u for your words...

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 by naaamo2004 on: Jan 22 2010
Score 50%

well, you´ve done a great job :)
a really nice and eye pleasing dark theme
i just would change the yellow highlight to a more orange one, so it would look warmer and more humanized ;)

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 Re: hehe

 by schollidesign on: Jan 22 2010
Score 50%

hehe thank u my friend :)
the color is right... no warm-tones, but signal-... attention-color was my goal in that theme. The Humanity-Set isn't warm-orange, too and I think it was a good decision. That theme fits very well with Humanity-Dark and was my concept if I did that dark-theme... ^^

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 Nice Theme!

 by Brutus180 on: Jan 25 2010
Score 50%

This is just what I'd been looking for! I have been using the "Inhuman" theme because I liked the gray, problem was, everything turned gray! Yours lightens the viewing area while toning it down from the bright white. Perfect!

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 Re: Nice Theme!

 by schollidesign on: Jan 25 2010
Score 50%

There are so much nice themes out which haves a superficial beauty. But I generally I always missed the beauty in functional and realistic effects. So if I do a theme... it was a must for me to insert that what I missed always in the most of the themes I used and tried... ;)

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 by 0rAX0 on: Jan 25 2010
Score 50%

Have you made the windows' titles invisible on purpose or is there a problem?

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 Re: Question?

 by schollidesign on: Jan 25 2010
Score 50%

No, any problem, it's a wished effect. I think it's more EyeCandy without a title in the Metacity and it's o double information, because u have the name of those windows in the panel. Of course, if u use gnomebarX or a dock, u can rename the .xml-files in the Metacity-folder and u will have the titels on the Windowsdecorations. ;)

metacity-theme-1.xml -> metacity-theme-1_copy.xml

metacity-theme-1_copie_with_title.xml -> metacity-theme-1.xml

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