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Genoid v1.0-final


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 65%
Genoid v1.0-final

Downloads:  17532
Submitted:  Nov 4 2009
Updated:  Dec 22 2009


it's theme for android lovers who use Gnome Environment,it's called "Genoid", not much to say,i just try inherit Android Theme to used on Gnome with some modification and improvement..


this is first final release,i hope you like this release, sorry for late
no much changes from this relase,for the cursor it's still beta,i will finalize it on next update(1.1)
-reworked theme
-reworked little bit of icons
-add cursor
-add installer(need your root password,compatible with karmic/jaunty version,other version is not tested)

-reworked theme
-reworked icons
-add xsplash

-renamed to G(e)noid
-support to ubuntu-karmic/xubuntu-karmic
-add metacity
-add xfwm4
-reworked usplash
-reworked icon
-reworked theme

-add GDM
-add Usplash
-add Theme
-add Icon

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 Droid font

 by BobCFC on: Nov 23 2009
Score 50%

You should install the Droid font to complete the look

In Ubuntu you can install it with

sudo apt-get install ttf-droid

Or search for Droid Font and put it in the hidden .fonts directory in you home folder, which you may need to create (Crtl-H)

It looks good as the system font but only at small sizes because it was designed for mobiles

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 Re: Droid font

 by iruel on: Nov 24 2009
Score 50%

ow yeah..nice comment,thanks

iruel - http://iruellife.blogspot.com

scratcher is my life..

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 by matte96 on: Dec 2 2009
Score 50%

How con i installa the gdm?

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 Please Post Download Elsewhere

 by mzavada on: Dec 6 2009
Score 50%

Sorry but i can not access these files since i am behind a proxy server which denies this download site. Can you please post these files to another location, thank you. This looks awesome and i would love to get it.

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 Ubuntu Software Centre Icons

 by edier on: Dec 7 2009
Score 50%

hey man, thank you very much, its wonderful this theme, im using it right now, but i have a little problem, im using ubuntu 9.10 and when i open the ubuntu software centre the icons of accesories, games, internet etc. doesnt appear, do you know where can i find that icons and give them to the ubuntu software centre again?? thank you ;)

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 some changes

 by iruel on: Dec 7 2009
Score 50%

@matte96 you can drag it into login screen but it's on 9.04 not 9.10,because ubuntu karmic has new gdm,and you can use xsplash package on 9.10 as a gdm replace.

@edier thanks for the report,the icons has been fixed on RC version,

i was made update to Release Candidate Version,and also upload it on code.google.com as a mzavada request

if there any bugs,feel free to leave a comment

iruel - http://iruellife.blogspot.com

scratcher is my life..

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 ubuntu sw center has no icons

 by stefaca on: Dec 7 2009
Score 50%

genoid theme and ubuntu software center has no icons

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