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Oxygen Blend


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 65%
Oxygen Blend

Oxygen Blend

Downloads:  8375
Submitted:  Oct 19 2009
Updated:  Dec 8 2009


This GTK theme is a combination of my two favorite themes, kde4.2-oxygen (modified) by DeeZiD and Plastic Blend by eamon63. The Metacity theme is a combination of the Plastic Blend Metacity by eamon63 and the Fusions by Midnite. I modified elemets of all of these great themes and compiled them into Oxygen Blend. Thanks to all of those listed above and below for all of their great work!

GTK - Oxygen Blend
Metacity - Oxygen Blend
Icons - Oxy Simple (a modified version of the Simple icon theme by wipeout140)
Mouse Cursor - Chameleon Perl Regular

Plastic Blend GTK and Metacity

Fusion Metacity

kde4.2-oxygen (modified) GTK

Chameleon Xcursors

*** Please leave constructive comments if you are voting the theme down so that I will be able to improve any aspect that is not up to par.


Darkened the list headers slightly to better match the rest of the theme.

Flattened the scrollbar arrows.

Changed the location bar from a rounded text entry box to a square one. If you still like the old rounded box (which was reworked to remove artifacts at the corners) just rename the old file in the Shadows folder and delete the square one.

The highlighted menu item effect was changed as was the effect for the selected buttons.

Added effects for tabbing through the buttons to designate the active button.

Removed hover effects for the buttons and combo boxes as I felt that they were a little too bright for the theme.

Reworked some text that was previously white and made it black for better readability

Known BUG: The panel background does not scale well beyond 24 pixels.

Reworked some images to make the theme more cohesive.

Fixed the background and buttons for the "Create Launcher" issue. Had to sacrifice the button style on the bottom panel to remedy this issue.

Quality control must have flown right out the window! Uploaded the correct file. My apologies.

Reworked the tabs and the spin boxes. Changed the scrollbars and the progress bars. If you prefer the original scroll bars and progress bars you can find them in their respective directories prefixed with "Original".

Added some .PNG files that eluded me previously.

Minor change - Changed the panel background for the active window.

(Oxygen Blend)
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 by ardchoille45 on: Oct 20 2009
Score 50%

Very nicely done. Clean and neat. good job!

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 gorgeous theme

 by lucast on: Oct 22 2009
Score 50%

definitely is one of the best GTK themes i've seen in a while.

Keep the good work

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 by cokidvd on: Oct 22 2009
Score 50%

could you please tell me where to download the icons?

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 Re: Icons

 by dabutorac on: Oct 22 2009
Score 50%

The icons are a version of the Simple icon theme found here:


I did not post my icon set on Gnome-Look due to their size restrictions...sorry!

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 Re: Re: Icons

 by cokidvd on: Oct 22 2009
Score 50%

Oh, ok. You can upload the icons to mediafire/megaupload/rapidshare, if you want to :P
Thanks again

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 excellent theme

 by xrfang on: Oct 23 2009
Score 50%

This is a theme that merged the best of mac and kde oxygen style, and removed the part that I don't like in mac style (specifically the round buttons) I love it!

There are a few bugs and things I think could improve:

1) in firefox, if I hover on the toolbar, button background changes to a lighter gray, which seems like unfinished artwork.

2) in firefox, if I select the url, its font color changes to blue, but the natural way, I think, is to make the background blue (or whatever color) instead of keep it white.

3) the spinbox is broken, the button is not aligned well with the edit. (a spinbox is an edit box, with a up-down arrow beside it to let you adjust numeric values)

4) the add new shortcut to toolbar dialog box has some background repeated, clearly not the intended effect.

5) Finally, the only thing I don't like in this theme is the style of tabs, which does not seem to "blend" into the page it controls nicely.

Thank you!

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 Re: excellent theme

 by dabutorac on: Oct 24 2009
Score 50%

I have fixed the tabs and the spin box issues and I am working on the "create launcher" window issue. I am sort of at a loss as to how to fix this bug so I will need to do some research (any tips are appreciated).

I did not notice the Firefox issues because I use Chromifox Extreme Carbon as my theme. The issues only seem to surface in certain themes.

Thank you for your input! I will upload the repaired theme soon.....

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 Re: excellent theme

 by dabutorac on: Oct 24 2009
Score 50%

I have fixed the tabs and the spin box issues and I am working on the "create launcher" window issue. I am sort of at a loss as to how to fix this bug so I will need to do some research (any tips are appreciated).

I did not notice the Firefox issues because I use Chromifox Extreme Carbon as my theme. The issues only seem to surface in certain themes.

Thank you for your input! I will upload the repaired theme soon.....

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 Re: Re: excellent theme

 by xrfang on: Oct 25 2009
Score 50%

1.About the addshortcut dialog background:
I have reported the exact same problem to the developer of SlicknesS theme (TheRob) and he fixed it by sacrifice some feature of the theme (which I think is not noticeable to users) I am sorry I don't know what he did as I am not a theme developer -- You might contact him directly

2. About firefox: I will retest on your latest version soon. And I also noticed that the selected background issue only occur in the url edit box of firefox, but not other edit boxes (e.g. the search box).

Finally thank you very much for swift fix!

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 VERY nice

 by ElTimo on: Oct 24 2009
Score 50%

Also, I have to applaud you on your choice of music. <3 Dream Theater ;D

\"You say \'poe-tay-toe,\' I say \'the wailing of the innocents.\'\"
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 Re: VERY nice

 by dabutorac on: Oct 25 2009
Score 50%

I've been a fan since 1993 - Images and Words had me hooked!

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 by nechus on: Oct 25 2009
Score 50%

Muy bonito! Gracias!

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 Re: Excelente!

 by dabutorac on: Oct 25 2009
Score 50%

De Nada!

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