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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 56%



Downloads:  300
Submitted:  Oct 14 2009
Updated:  Oct 19 2009


Classic theme using Pixbuf engine.
There is some other old stuff into the .bz2 package.
Color change is supported via gnome-appearance-properties command (see preview 2).
The theme supports keyboard focus for those who don't use the mouse... he,he,he :D

I don't care about rating, but better say the things how they are, it doesn't matter what you vote...
I'm waiting for feedback, impressions, bla, bla, bla :)


* Public release ()
* look and feel improvements (Oct 19 2009)

(GTK2 + Metacity themes)
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Other  Artwork  from krig
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 something is missing

 by mauricechavez on: Oct 14 2009
Score 50%

theme looks great, but attached file do not contain any themes - only screenshots.
Can you fix this?

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 Re: something is missing

 by krig on: Oct 15 2009
Score 50%

Yeah, thanks for observation...
I haven't selected the file when I created the pack file... now it's okay :)


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 by DnS on: Oct 15 2009
Score 50%

The theme is clean and "serious work" oriented , so i voted good ;)

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 Re: clean

 by krig on: Oct 15 2009
Score 50%

Really thanks for appreciating my work :) You're welcome :D

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 Takes me back :)

 by marcaemus on: Oct 17 2009
Score 50%

With a solaris fluxbox theme, this takes me back. Nice one and thanks. Any suggestions for suitable 'antique' icons?

...when all the worlds collide.
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 Re: Takes me back :)

 by krig on: Oct 17 2009
Score 50%

Glad to hear it, really :)
Actually I'm searching for a 'antique' icon theme me too; for now I can point you here:


I'll put a link to when I'll find some others :)
Enjoy !

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 So cool! :)

 by steviant on: Oct 19 2009
Score 50%

Not exactly a state-of-the-art the art theme but it really does a good job of reminding me of using old SGI and DEC machines.

In my opinion you really hit the mark with this theme and deserve a pat on the back, no matter what the votes say.

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 On the subject of 'old' styles

 by marcaemus on: Oct 19 2009
Score 50%

This reminded me to go looking for the old lfp fonts. I added a link here on box-look:


and the g-flat icons do seem to suit quite well.

Might need to go trolling around art.gnome.org and see what's left in there...

...when all the worlds collide.
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