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Hybrid Theory 3Pack

   ver 1.1.6  

GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 69%
Hybrid Theory 3Pack

Hybrid Theory 3Pack

Hybrid Theory 3Pack

Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  5806
Submitted:  Aug 21 2009
Updated:  Sep 23 2009


A Hybrid themes using both Clearlooks and the Pixbuf theme engines. Hybrid Theory attempts to blend light and dark themes to create a elegant and useful theme.

As of version 1.1.5, two new colors have been added. Users can download the entire theme pack from one single package and enjoy all three color schemes; Storm (Dark Teal), Ruby (Deep Red) and Pink Ice (Deep Pink). Just simply drop the theme file into the Gnome theme manager and it will install all 3 themes at one time. Enjoy!

- Includes a slick GKrellM2 theme that also matches.

Recommended Icon Theme for Storm: LaGaDesk-BlueNight

Recommended Mouse Theme for Storm: Vienna3 Ubuntu Logo


I am looking for input from individuals on how to improve this theme or ideas that could spawn a new theme. Its a huge goal of mine to get this theme above the 66% user rating as that is 2 out of 3 people who approve the theme. So if you vote good or bad, please take the time to explain so I may work improve this theme and others.


Link to my Google Picasa page for Hi Resolution images of all 3 themes. = http://picasaweb.google.com/exodist2009

Please Enjoy!

- Exodist


ver 1.1.6 - Bug Fixes.
- Fixed bug where text wouldnt change to white when progressbar overlaped progressbar text.
- Fixed bug where some error and tooltip messages where shown with black text on dark background.

ver 1.1.5 - Many Updates!
- Storm, Ruby Red and Pink Ice color themes are now uploaded. Users can download the 3Pack and drop it in the theme manager window and enjoy all 3 color variations.
- Many hours went into refining the code base and the graphics of all 3 themes.
- No new screenshots will be uploaded to Gnomelook but you may view my picasa page link above to see much higher resolution images of all 3 themes or click the easy link below.

ver 1.1.4 - Color Update
- Ever got a new monitor and just then realized your color was shot on your old monitor? I did today! Theme color seemed to yellowish and was not supposed to be. Double check with a few friends and also on my slower eMac and noticed theme color scheme was way off from what I had intended. I set all the color to follow a more modern greyish scheme and this monitor is set at 6500k color.
- New screenshots are being posted so users may have to reload the webpage for updates to show.

ver 1.1.3 - Minor Update
- Corrected issue where GtkComboBox list box color was shown as black on black background. Changed to White.

ver 1.1.2 - Minor Updates.
- Fixed issue where horizontal line (menu separator style) wouldn't show on some drop down menus.
- Few minor adjustments to button insensitive state colors so they don't appear as bland.
- Uploading a screen shot of TWF to show minor adjustments only.

ver 1.1.1 - Minor Updates.
- Small Adjustment to background color.
- Worked on the clarity of the task bar application buttons.
- Corrected Drop-Down-Menu overlay stretch border distortion on large stretch.
- New screenshots :-)

ver 1.1.0 - Big Update!
- Theme now includes a complimentary GTK1 theme, in addition I have also put together a slick GKrell Monitor theme that is also included in the theme file.
- Metacity theme was totally reworked into a more refined look that should look more professional as well as elegant to the user.
- Radio and Check buttons contrast has also been adjusted for more clarity.
- New screenys being posted as well.

ver 1.0.8 - Many new changes!
- New drop-down-menu Check and Radio buttons have been added to help with contrasting to the dark menus.
- Added a shiny new menu selection box for the drop-down-menus.
- Reverted back to the original title/menu bars style. They fit better with the new additions.
- Fixed handle active/prelight where the handle went white and the user was unable to see it.
- New Screenys to show changes.

ver 1.0.7 - Slightly changed the Title and Menubar images. Old files are still included for those who prefer the old style. In addition new screenshots have been uploaded.

ver 1.0.6 - Dropdown Menus now updated with same design but now using higher resolution graphic. 64px --> 256px. Original lower resolution graphic still included for those have slower systems and possible slower render problems.

ver 1.0.5 - Changed menu backdrop. The blue was to over whelming. XCF files are included for those who may wish to customize the theme to their on personal prefs.

ver 1.0.4 - Initial Release

(Hybrid Theory 3Pack v1.1.5)
(View Picasa for Hi Res Images)
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 Many Thanks,

 by Exodist on: Sep 16 2009
Score 50%

Many thanks to everyone for your positive feedback.

I planned from the start to release a few color variations. I am almost done with testing the first color variation "Storm". I will then take that code and make other variations of the same theme.

Current color variations planned are:
Ruby Red, Emerald Green, Sapphire Blue and Pink Ice.

- Exo
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 Continually Improving

 by cb2k on: Sep 16 2009
Score 50%

The graphics have always been first class but this version has an improved gtk color scheme which I think has been a good decision.

one to watch...

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 Re: Continually Improving

 by Exodist on: Sep 16 2009
Score 50%

My other monitor colors where way off. I guess it is getting old. Hopefully the color shows a little better with this monitor from here on out. :-)

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 New Colors.

 by Exodist on: Sep 19 2009
Score 50%

Just a little shout out about up coming color variations.

I have decided to go only with Storm, Ruby Red and Pink Ice color themes. Blue and Green themes have been well over done and the green theme color didn't show as vibrant as I hoped it would. In addition the blue wasn't looking much different then the dark teal from the Storm color scheme.

I already have the red theme completed and out to a few friends for evaluation as well I am already working on the Pink Ice theme for the ladies. :-)

- Exo
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 Here's some input...

 by sekter7 on: Sep 21 2009
Score 50%

Here's my two cents worth based on my own personal preferences. I like your theme very much and so far, according to my tastes, is the best usable light-dark theme I've seen. Previously, I tried the gorgeous BlueSpace II theme but it is not usable. There are problems in certain areas with black text on a black background or white text on a white background (e.g., Sun VirtualBox window is unreadable). Your theme works fine. I love the glossy back and teal in the dark part of the theme. The light part, however, is a little too plain for me. I would like to spruce it up and make it mesh better with the dark part. What I would like to see is a colorful toolbar such as in BlueSpace II or some of the Linsta themes instead of boring grey, Also it would be great to use your teal on the scrollbar as well instead of white on the same boring grey. In short, I prefer dark themes over light because they are much cooler looking. The theme you have created is a major step towards creating a cool-looking theme that is also usable. Now if we could keep going in this direction and make it even more beautiful or at least make it easier for us to customize your theme to our tastes.This could be done, for example, by adding more of the usual theme png folders where we can easily replace toolbar and scrollbar images, etc., according to our whims. I am relatively new to Linux and don't yet have the skills to edit the gtkrc file to get the customized look I want.

All in all you have created an excellent theme. Thank you for sharing it with us!

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 Re: Here's some input...

 by sekter7 on: Sep 21 2009
Score 50%

P.S. I just voted and put you over 66%!

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 Re: Re: Here's some input...

 by Exodist on: Sep 21 2009
Score 50%

Many thanks for the comments I will defently see what I can tinker with and try a few of the ideas out. Also many thanks for the positive vote :-)

- Exo
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 Re: Re: Re: Here's some input...

 by sekter7 on: Sep 21 2009
Score 50%

Thanks, I look forward to your next version.

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 Minor bugs.

 by Exodist on: Sep 22 2009
Score 50%

I have fixed the error msg/tool tip bug. But before I went to upload the corrections I noticed today that I removed the progress bar style that changes the color of the fonts contrast based on the progress bars defined color workaround... So check back tomorrow morning for those corrections to be uploaded.

Also if anyone else notices any other bugs please feel free to send me pics of them and what you was doing when it happened that way I can correct them.


- Exo

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 Sorry :)

 by kai100 on: Sep 23 2009
Score 50%

for the late comment!

your theme is realy nice...good job!!!


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 Re: Sorry :)

 by Exodist on: Sep 23 2009
Score 50%

Many thanks. :-) I am happy you like them.

- Exo
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