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QDark Studio


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 59%
QDark Project
QDark Studio

QDark Studio

QDark Studio

Link:  Link
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  30737
Submitted:  Jul 28 2009
Updated:  Dec 22 2009


An elegant theme for Linux

GTK, Metacity and two Emerald theme
The pack contains 3 previews, 2 Emerald Themes, 11 wallpapers and the GTK+ and Metacity Themes
Font: Zero Threes
Background: Black Aqua
Icons: QDark Glassy
Cursor: Oxygen white (of KDE)

Preview 1 - The Widget Factory
Preview 2 - Nautilus and Calc
Preview 3 - Exaile and hidden bottom panel

Thanks to MK64 and Padster for all the help.
Please rate and comment.


0.2 New Black Menus and Metacity
0.3 New buttons
0.3.1 New Progress Bar
0.4 New Progress Bar and Buttons
0.5 Some small changes
1.0 New buttons, new panel bar and some small changes
QDark Studio
2.0 New panel, progress bar, toolbar and tranparency if you want
2.1 New buttons, new metacity, new tabs ans new toolbar
2.2 New toolbar, sone small changes at panel
3.0 New toolbar, new buttons, new emerald, slim menus, new scrollbar and some small changes
3.1 New scrollbar, progressbar changed
3.2 Scrollbar changed, range changed, and other small changes
3.3 New scrollbar and new metacity
3.5 QDark X Metacity, better tabs, better scrollbar, better range and fixed some problems
3.6 Transparent buttons, metacity fixed, panel edited to use with other sizes and other changes
3.7 OpenOffice fix, menu bg edited, panel bg edited and some small changes
3.8 Tabs changed, shadow fixed, new buttons, new listheaders
3.9 Small modification on the tabs, new menubar, new menu item pixmap, new menubg, new progressbar and other small changes and fixes

LicenseCreative Commons by-nc-sa
Ubuntu(QDark Studio 3.9)
Ubuntu(QDark Studio 3.0 pack)
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Other  Artwork  from LuxieRayku
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 by jlslegalize on: Nov 25 2009
Score 50%

** (ROX-Filer:12220): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:
borders don't fit within the image

legalize cannabis, coke, ero
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 Re: bug

 by LuxieRayku on: Nov 26 2009
Score 50%
QDark Project

I don't know how can fix it, but isn't a big error

It's going down, nobody in the world scapes
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 Very good work!

 by sakasa on: Dec 8 2009
Score 50%

Keep it up a very nice work from your side.

Best Regards,

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 Re: Very good work!

 by LuxieRayku on: Dec 8 2009
Score 50%
QDark Project

Thanks :D

QDark - The dark side of elegance
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 by jlslegalize on: Dec 9 2009
Score 50%

/home/tc/.themes/QDarkStudio3.7/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:993: Impossibile trovare il file di immagine in pixmap_path: "/menubar/menubar-prelight.png"
/home/tc/.themes/QDarkStudio3.7/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:996: Background image options specified without filename

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 Re: bug

 by LuxieRayku on: Dec 9 2009
Score 50%
QDark Project

Fixed ^^ thanks for showing bugs

QDark - The dark side of elegance
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 by amilauduwerella on: Dec 9 2009
Score 50%


Amila Uduwerella

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 Re: B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L

 by LuxieRayku on: Dec 9 2009
Score 50%
QDark Project

Thanks for comment

QDark - The dark side of elegance
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 Only theme I use

 by sbeaber4 on: Dec 30 2009
Score 50%

Thank you for creating it. Only problem I have is sometimes I cant see what I am typing in text boxes. Usually its when the text boxes are white and the font is white. Thanks again!

Keep up the Great Work!

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 Re: Only theme I use

 by LuxieRayku on: Dec 31 2009
Score 50%
QDark Project

I am delighted to know that, and with the text boxes I select the text to view it

QDark - The dark side of elegance
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