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Azenis Theme Pack


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 56%
Azenis Theme Pack

Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  7125
Submitted:  Jul 22 2009
Updated:  Jul 23 2009


What is Azenis? Azenis was originally a windowblinds theme created by [link], now in its second carnation it has become one of their most prominent themes with almost 200,000 downloads. It has also been ported to KDE by Ezy where it has proved equally successful. jameshardy88 decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome, after getting permission from both [link] and Ezy.
I decided to pack it all together in a convenient deb installation file, and this is the result


After being pointed out by jameshardy88 I must clarify that the mouse cursor set was created by Kuduk so I must give the relevant credits. Thanks Kuduk and let me know if there is a problem with this

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 A full deb install !

 by johnnyg on: Jul 23 2009
Score 50%

A full deb install ! What a great idea!
I can see you been hang'n out With TheeMahn ! LOL :)

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 Re: A full deb install !

 by kahikatea on: Jul 23 2009
Score 50%

Sounds nice, in theory. But now you have just excluded all the non-debian-based Linux distros from downloading and installing your awesome theme. Seems unwise since the theme manager does have it's own installer mechanism.

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 Re: Re: A full deb install !

 by johnnyg on: Jul 23 2009
Score 50%

HELLO, just to clarify,the individual components,are still available,for those none deb users, and I believe that this was put together for ease of installation for the debain based distros,all in all still a great idea! carry on tuxsax !

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 Re: Re: Re: A full deb install !

 by kahikatea on: Jul 23 2009
Score 50%

Yes. Typically, after I made that comment I DID notice the individual parts. Duh! Apologies and well done tuxsax!

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 The Best yet

 by rdumas on: Jul 23 2009
Score 50%

I have been trying to install new themes for a couple of days but all of them seem to be missing either icons or a line of code so they don't work.
Yours is perfect I love it. It looks and works great.
Thanks, Good Job!

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 by heiserhorn on: Jul 23 2009
Score 50%

is the version without the new fonts?

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 Re: fonts

 by tuxsax on: Jul 24 2009
Score 50%

I think so, this is Azenis version 0.2 only packed all together, I posted this a day before james updated the themes to version 0.2.1 I think.
Anyway, I think I'll join him to his collective project approach and help him out with packing themes in installers, I might also consider making it "universal" I mean an executable big .bin file that will install on any linux, dependent on gnome or KDE, of course.

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 Re: Re: fonts

 by manishmahabir on: Jul 29 2009
Score 50%

when will we get the updated theme (0.2.1) packed as .deb,
will it work on karmic?

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 Re: Re: Re: fonts

 by tuxsax on: Jul 29 2009
Score 50%

I'm thinking of making a .bin installer so it can be installed in other distros, not just debian based, it will of course work only on gnome based.
I still didn't use karmic but unless they changed everything related to themes and paths it should work as well.

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 by indigoshift on: Aug 15 2009
Score 50%

This is officially my most-used theme, and the deb installer was wonderful.


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 by consiglieremedia on: Sep 10 2009
Score 50%

very nice job packing the whole theme, thumbs up for you... however, i got a question... how can i keep the openoffice writer white???, i just dont like to write on black... if you could help me to change that, thank you

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