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Oversword Dark


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 58%
Oversword Dark

Oversword Dark

Oversword Dark

Link:  http://oversword.co.uk/
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  9294
Submitted:  May 24 2009
Updated:  Oct 28 2009


I think this makes a perfect glossy black theme that's sleek and powerful.
This theme, like most other dark themes, goes best with a vibrant and colourful background which makes everything stand out all the more.
If you want a copy of my background or backgrounds I've made like that one leave a comment, and if I get enough comments about it I may upload them to gnome-look.
Hope you enjoy, feel free to post me ideas or changes you would like made to the theme as it is still a work in progress.
If you prefered an older version of the theme which has features that no longer exist I may be able to send you a legacy version.

Note: The toolbar I'm using is a modified version of the one that comes with the theme, it is tailored to my screen size and needs which is why I didn't include it, if anybody wants a version don't hesitate to ask.

Once downloaded extract the .zip file and install the .tar.gz file as you usually would a theme.

How to get transparency:

1) Open Compiz Config under System> Preferences> CompizConfig Settings Manager
2) Click "Opacity, Brightness and Saturation" to open it.
3) Under the "Window specific settings" add these three rules and values.

Tooltip | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu 80

(name=gimmie_applet) | (type=Dialog | ModalDialog) 85

utility | dialog 95

you may want to play arround with the settings to get them exactly as you like.

Big thanks to all the creators of the themes listed below for letting me use their graphics and coding, if not by actively giving me permission by giving their work a GPL license (woo, go freedom)

This theme was originally based on the coding and graphics of BlueSpcae II:

The buttons for the Metacity and Emerald themes is from this emerald theme:

The rest of the graphics for the Metacity and Emerald themes were slightly modified from these:

And of course not forgeting my favourite icon theme (so far :P) Azenis Icons:

I used the code for the text boxes from the UE 2.2 theme:

A FireFox theme which suits this style very well:

I used to use this icon theme but I've found a better one since then:


Fixed a bug that was brought to my attention.

now comes with a matching emerald theme with the close buttons as LaGaDesk intended.
moved hosting to my site.
changed the tooltip image
that's all, it's a pretty minor update.

Re-done the buttons
Changed the nautilus icons (backwards, forwards, stop, refresh)
Changed some of the code to darken the nautilus panel background
Made handles graphics.
changed the range throughs and sliders.
changed menu items.
a few other minor things too.

Changed the buttons of the metacity theme.
Slightly altered the tab BG images.
Changed the panel buttons, now slightly more friendly to small panels.
Started using Azenis Icons as the default theme.

A few minor changes to the progress bars and scrollbar ends.
Urm that's pretty much it.

Made some vast improvements to the shadows and frames
Changed the notebook_xXxX_flat.png images
Chnaged the slider things slightly
Although the changes are few they still make massive improvements to the theme.

Added a Metacity theme! (although i still recommend you use emerald)
cleaned up and changed the tool and menu bars

Changes from here on have been left out but can be found in full in the description and changelog in the zip.

Source(Link to item on my site (.zip))
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 Yea :)

 by kai100 on: Jul 6 2009
Score 50%

i love this style too :))

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 Re: Yea :)

 by MK64 on: Jul 6 2009
Score 50%

YES,is good

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 Re: Re: Yea :)

 by Padster on: Jul 7 2009
Score 50%


There is no spoon.
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 by johnnyg on: Jul 10 2009
Score 50%

Very very nice ! One of the best ! goes great with ULTIMATE EDITION 2.2 ! IT'S A KEEPER !

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 Very good!

 by LaGaDesk on: Jul 10 2009
Score 50%

It looks very good. I like it. Keep it up! Thanks for credit. :)

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 by Oversword on: Jul 13 2009
Score 50%

hi everyone!
new version today, I put a lot of things in it that I've been meaning to for a long time. the new range graphics were partially taken and partially inspired by the azenis theme. I un-rounded the corners of the buttons which makes them much cleaner aud easier on the eyes. hope you like it - and vote good!:p

Now I'd hate to conform to stereotypes here, but, as a geek in a community of geeks i feel there is only one question i can ask you in confidence. That question is fellow geeks: Kirk or Picard?
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 Re: 4.4

 by kai100 on: Jul 14 2009
Score 50%

:) :))

so nice!!!

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 by sekter7 on: Jul 14 2009
Score 50%

Yeah! Right on, brother! With this new version your theme is now my all-time favorite! You must be psychic, too. I was just about to write a comment that I loved your theme but there was one thing I wanted to change. You took care of it, however, before I got the chance. What that was, in case you're interested, was the light blue text on white background in Nautilus and elsewhere that I could hardly read. I was just about to go back to the Ultimate Edition 2.2 theme but that won't be necessary now. Thanks!

By the way, I'm not getting the gorgeous transparent menus and windows such as displayed in your screen captures above. How can I enable this?

And thanks for your previous response to my interest in your customized toolbars. I would love to add these to my system if there is an easy way to do this. Perhaps in some future edition...?

Thanks again for giving me the coolest looking linux distro in my neigherhood!

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 by Oversword on: Jul 14 2009
Score 50%

hey, thanks
that pale panel was getting on my nerves too, that's why I tried really hard to change it, and I'm glad I did. as for the transparency, I found the tut on the page of a different theme... hmm
ahh, it was on the bluespace theme

a) Transparency:

1) compizconfig-settings-manager -> General Options -> Opacity Settings

2) Add: (name=gimmie_applet) | (name=gnome-panel) | (type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog) -18621

b) Blur:

1) compizconfig-settings-manager ->Blur windows -> Alpha blur windows

2) Add: (name=gimmie_applet) | (name=gnome-panel) | (type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog)

3) blur alpha - make sure the check box is ticked

4) gaussian blur - filter

I'll put a better version on the description soon.
as for the tool bar, it is a custom image, I couldn't put it as default in the theme because every body's screen size and icon arrangement is different.
I'm not sure I could make a 1-for-all, even a simple version with just rounded corners would be difficult.

but thanks loads for the appreciation anyway!

Now I'd hate to conform to stereotypes here, but, as a geek in a community of geeks i feel there is only one question i can ask you in confidence. That question is fellow geeks: Kirk or Picard?
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 by sekter7 on: Jul 15 2009
Score 50%


Thanks for your response! I tried to follow the instructions for enabling the transparency effects using the compizconfig instructions but my compizconfig layout is completely different that what is described here. I couldn't find any way to add or change the settings to these values. I look forward to your "better version on the description" when you have time (no hurry).

Thanks again for your great work!

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 Re: Transparency

 by Oversword on: Jul 16 2009
Score 50%

sorry about that, I completely forgot. you're right, the settings are under something different, probably version differences. I must have figured it on my own. well, working instructions are in the description now, hope this works for you.

Now I'd hate to conform to stereotypes here, but, as a geek in a community of geeks i feel there is only one question i can ask you in confidence. That question is fellow geeks: Kirk or Picard?
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