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Broken Vista Gtk Theme


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 47%
Broken Vista Gtk Theme

Downloads:  1443
Submitted:  Mar 29 2009


Unpack the theme into /home/your_username/.themes (if you don't have it, just create it (press CTRL+h to show .name files))
I fixed the original unchangeble-color setting so you are now able to change them.
If you experience problems of visualization of the theme just change the background colors (text, background, selection) in System>Preferences>Appereance>Colors.
For a correct visualization of the theme you MUST have this theme installed to work:

To install the transparent panel:
Right click on the panel(s)> Settings> Second Tab (background)> Background image> Select the "Brokent-Vista.png" image in:
That panel is taken from:

It's possible that in Jaunty the theme won't be recognized the first time, so you have to customize it from:
to set it to it's default settings:
First tab: Broken Vista
Second tab: colors you wish, remeber that the first row has to be "white, white, color you wish".
Third tab: Broken Vista

If you want them:
Wallpaper (there are a lot of different resolutions for this wallpaper):
Gnomenu theme (you have to install it first, from launchpad):
Broken Vista Emerald Theme:
It works fine with my (Mheltin CC) broken vista icon theme:

(Broken Vista Gtk Theme)
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 by naaamo2004 on: Mar 29 2009
Score 50%

kewl idea, voted good!

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 by cmost on: Mar 29 2009
Score 50%
PCWorks, Inc.

I understand where you're going with the "broken" effect but it's too much. The theme is gaudy and too busy for daily use. Sorry.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
4096 MB DDR 400MHz RAM
nVidia GeForce 9400 GT w 512 MB DDR2
Parsix Linux (built from Debian Testing)

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 Doesn't look broken to me

 by SpecKtacle on: Mar 30 2009
Score 50%

It looks more like it was gnawed on by a gerbil.

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 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 30 2009
Score 50%

Well I needed a gtk2-theme to complete the "broken vista" stuff, so, here it is.
You can like it or not =)

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 by ipmagician on: Apr 1 2009
Score 50%

this is mad cool. thanks for the upload.

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 Re: awesome

 by TheWiseDj on: Apr 1 2009
Score 50%

Thanks for commenting ;)

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 by XeiaieX on: Apr 19 2009
Score 50%

i agree that it is a good idea, but wayyyy over-done.. TOO much "broken"...

XeiaieX - - XL
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