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Rezlooks GTK Engine


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 73%
Rezlooks GTK Engine

Rezlooks GTK Engine

Rezlooks GTK Engine

Link:  Link
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  80362
Submitted:  May 13 2006
Updated:  Jun 21 2006


Rezlooks is a gtk theme engine based on the cairo-enabled CVS clearlooks engine code.

It basically strips all the stuff from clearlooks that I don't like. The lack of rounded corners is probably the most obvious change, but there are various other smaller changes too. It should also be faster than clearlooks from cvs because in order to make my changes I stripped down the code somewhat.

This engine can happily be installed alongside clearlooks, or any other engine as far as I know.

The themes are basically the same as clearlooks themes, just change the engine from clearlooks to rezlooks in the gtkrc file of the theme you want to convert. I've also included a couple of themes ready for this engine for you to download if you like. These are Rezlooks-Gilouche, based on the Suse Gilouche gtk theme, and Rezlooks-graphite, based on Clearlooks-graphite which was made by lokheed.

Thanks to the clearlooks authors, especially Remenic - sorry for ruining your beautiful theme engine again :P

Thanks also to David Barr for help and testing.

Thanks to Michael Magua for packaging up a Fedora Core 5 RPM.

Thanks to "Mandrake" for the Ubuntu deb.

Finally, thanks to whoever wrote the Gilouche theme for the Suse folks, and to lokheed for his Clearlooks-graphite theme which I pretty much stole.

**NOTE: If you've installed it fine but when you try to use one of the themes you get the old default gtk engine, try installing again after running "./configure --prefix=/usr"

**NOTE: There seems to be some (understandable) confusion between the Rezlooks gtk engine and the rezlooks set of themes that I uploaded to gnome-look (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=35077) back in february. To clarify, those themes were basically the precursor to this theme engine, they came with a small patch to the clearlooks source which got rid of the rounded corners. This theme engine is the logical continuation of that, in that it continues the process of making clearlooks more in tune with my tastes. I won't be updating those themes to use this engine, I'll leave them in case someone wants to use the colours without installing this theme engine.


PS That's NOT metacity, that's OPENBOX in the screenshots. Stop asking about the metacity theme please!

PPS RPM re-added, thanks again Michael.


* More code cleanup
* Added new style grips
* menubarstyle changes: 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = striped gradient

* Simplified slider troughs
* Made slider buttons look more like other buttons
* Lightened the border of scrollbars (I might change this back)
* Added new rc option “menubaritemstyle”: 0 = flat, 1 = button-ish style
* changed the “inner border” of buttons to be less contrasting

* Started reading the "menubarstyle" theme item: 1 = gradient, 0 = flat
* Changed the look of the progressbar to fit better with the theme
* Made range slider buttons less fancy

* Fixed omp's bug of giant fat borders on default buttons
* Implemented mulberry's suggestion of using a lightened button colour to
draw the button's inside border

* Initial public release

Source(Rezlooks 0.6 source)
other(Rezlooks-Gilouche theme)
other(Rezlooks-graphite theme)
Ubuntu(rezlooks 0.6 deb)
Fedora(rezlooks 0.6 FC5 rpm)
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 deb source

 by deviled on: Feb 7 2007
Score 50%

Here is the Debian / Ubuntu Source uploaded on Rapidshare .COM!


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 Broken Links?

 by Hawk on: Nov 22 2009
Score 50%

Hi, I really Rezlooks,
I was looking for Rezlooks-graphite theme but it seems that the links do not work or lead to a wrong site. Could you correct this ? Can you provide a valid link to the theme ?

Thanks ;-)

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 Link broken??

 by Karmicbastler on: Mar 8 2010
Score 50%

I also look for your valid Link to this gtk-engine, because this Link here does not work.

Please fix the upload-Link.


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